Gotta post and run. Good story:
That’s why Movement4Bernie and I have launched a petition calling on Bernie Sanders to continue running all the way through November as an independent or on the Green Party ticket with Jill Stein. In the weeks since it was launched, we have collected over 35,000 signatures. Please sign it, share it, spread it around. The more momentum we can build for an alternative, the harder we will make it for the Clintonites to undermine our movement.
There is even discussion of a walkout of delegates from the Democratic Convention. If a big, well organized walkout were to take place against undemocratic maneuvering at the convention it could be historic, and would point in the direction of political independence of the 99%.
In the whole history of the United States, there has rarely been a moment with more potential to launch a party based explicitly on the interests of working people and the poor. What is missing are forces with enough weight which are ready to commit. If Bernie was to call a conference to discuss this in the coming months, the process could begin in earnest this year. If he does not, it will be left to our movement to continue what we started, by rejecting Hillary and the Democratic Party, and laying the foundations for a real political revolution.

Oh well, time to repost this.
Note: I am copying/pasting as I am taking out the disclaimer crap that I put in for Orange State. The Tip jar was hidden anyways. (Also you can now guess my Orange State screen name)
I just read a diary and seeing the frustration I hope they stick around.
Basically it is about how Sanders shouldn’t sell out to the corporate DNC. The feelings that Bernie caving into the corporate DNC by supporting HRC would make him a sellout are understandable. As a Bernie supporter I [am firmly] #BernieOrBust. I know this feeling doesn’t help the Democratic party or the people it represents (or purports to at least) [but then again the DNC has abandonded us].
So how to square up some of these feelings? What could be done?
I do have an idea that lets Bernie keep his integrity, would keep the Bernie crowd happy to support the DNC, but it requires a very BOLD action.
Jill Stein has reached out to Bernie Sanders. Bernie should use this AS LEVERAGE within the DNC. After the last primary and before the convention Bernie should be seen publicly a LOT with Jill Stein.
To do so requires making a huge bet and having the courage to follow through should the bluff be called by the DNC.
THE BET: At the convention, Bernie Sanders should announce that unless the DNC nominates himself as the candidate, Bernie would run as Jill Stein’s VP on the Green Party ticket and encourage his supporters to follow. By running as VP it shows that he has no problem with a woman as president, thereby deflecting the whole BernieBro BS. Yes this would be contrary to his not running as a 3rd party candidate, but as a running mate to a 3rd party that would be some wiggle room. Also as VP he wouldn’t fall under the sore loser laws many states have.
Now, the DNC could tell Bernie to take the pot and nominate him, this is the outcome I truly desire.
Before I go further, the results of this would be that HRC supporters would in a very high percentage vote for Bernie in the general as most HRC supporters are all about The Party [obviously]. They wouldn’t be happy about it, but as they keep reminding Bernie supporters, it is all about the party.
The DNC knows this, and they know many Bernie supporters are Independents,WFP,Green,etc. They aren’t as beholden to the Democratic Party as HRC supporters.
So would the DNC risk calling Bernie’s bet? If the DNC doesn’t call the bet, then Bernie and the Greens could make real gains for a progressive party. Would the DNC risk losing part of its base? Would it mind losing THAT part of its base?
I am not advocating for the Green Party, I am advocating that Bernie Sanders make one huge bet FOR America and WIN that bet and become the nominee for the Democratic Party.
[Orange state disclaimer removed] I am advocating that Bernie use the green party AS LEVERAGE to get the Democratic nomination!
This would also show that Bernie can play hardball politics, as I have seen some people [on Orange State] have doubts that Bernie could do that.
When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!