Important Site Announcement
As of last night an "Add New Comment" editor was added to the bottom of every essay page. This gives two ways to make a new comment in the essay thread, either by clicking the "Add New Comment" link under the essay body and also by using the "Add New Comment" editor at the bottom of the page. This change should make it much easier to add comments to the essay. This is also the system DK5 uses, so if you're used to it there it should be no problem here.
This is important: Don't be confused by the new editor at the bottom of the page, it is for adding comments to the essay. To reply to a specific comment you must use the "reply" link below the comment. I've already noticed some confusion with this as folks are putting their comments in the wrong place. A couple of months ago I added this feature to c99p and it caused confusion so I removed it. This announcement is an effort to alleviate that confusion.
To recap:
To add new comments to the essay: Use the "Add New Comment" link at the top, OR, the "Add New Comment" editor at the bottom.
To reply to a specific comment: Use the "reply" link under the comment.
About last night's primary results: Onward!

Nice. Thanks. n/t
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
I have already failed the instructions
on several occasions. Learning new stuff is not my strength, apparently.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I screwed it up too...
I think It was replying to you....
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Oh wow
I'm replying to dmw. Will this go to the bottom or come up right under his? Testing
That's why I removed it last time...
I had it up, because of the confusion. Hopefully this reminder will help.
Leave it up!
If we are smart enough to be here at CC99, we are certainly smart enough to learn how to use this tool.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I intend to gg...
by the "last time" I meant a couple of months ago when I added the editor for a couple of days and folks got confused and the comment threads got skewed. It's there for good now, folks will adjust.
Note to self
Get un-dumb quickly!
I would hate to see everyone else has mastered this gizmo and I am still screwing up.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
test: this should be a reply
Confusing since this is the same Add a New Comment at the bottom ...I shall double check after posting. Edit: didn't indent and doesn't look like a was put in as a reply to JtC
When wealth rules, democracy dies.
As a cell phone user
I would prefer an "Add a new comment" link
rather than the whole shebang now appearing -
which is just more stuff to have to scroll down
through to get to the Community content link
so I can get back to the top of the page.
My two cents.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
The "Add a new comment" link is still there,
same place as it always was. If you mean in the link array with the edit and reply links, yeah I'd like that too, it's on the To Do list
No, I mean
an "Add a new comment" *link* at the bottom
as well as at the top.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
It is both places.
To open a comment link when you are at the top of the thread, click on "add new comment" in the diary.
Read more caucus99percent blog [#] comments Add new comment
Assuming it isn't already open, to open a comment linkwhen you are at the bottom of the thread, click on Add new comment in the last comment.
Read more caucus99percent blog [#] comments [#] new comments Add new comment
As a sometimes phone user, I appreciate having it in both places.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
on long threads, you don't have to scroll all the way back to the top.
Let me try to clarify.
I would prefer an "Add a comment" LINK at the
bottom rather than already having the EDITOR
open at the bottom of the page.
Having the Editor already open means I just
have more stuff to scroll past to get to the links
I want below it at the bottom of the page.
It also seems to be confusing people, both new
and long-time frequent commentators, about
whether they're adding a new comment or are
replying to the last comment at the end of the
thread - see the kerfuffle that played out in
gjohnsit's vision of c99p essay today.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
They'll get used to it...
there is no way to just add an "Add New Comment" link at the bottom, I've tried and tried to do that since I built the site and it can't be done. That would be my preference also, maybe that will be a feature with the new Drupal software upgrade. This is the best that can be offered at the moment.
Missed this, JtC.
Yeah, what's on your To Do list is what I'm
talking about (I think).
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Thanks, I was wondeing what I was doing wrong to make
that editor keep popping up.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
But If I want to Reply to a Comment, but not the OP,
does it turn into a Comply?
Or Remment?
More impotently, can we haz a Poll Function? (which would be quite longer than Trump's pole if and wen it functions.
To answer your questions...
Not easy to implement but I'll look into it.
I did it myself!! This was meant as a reply to PastorAgnostic.
hee hee
Since I have been the worst offender of screwing up, I get to laugh at JtC!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Hey gg...
hrumpf to you!
Thanks for your hard work JtC
it is appreciated.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Thanks kharma...
thanks for the kind words, my friend.
I concur
Thank you for all your hard work and making this place real.
Thank you
Newbie here, thank you, really get the sense you are always looking for ways to welcome and improve.
Appreciate the "onward"- tho not feeling good about anything yet. Published the Tim Black video, maybe it will help others too.
Just can't wrap what's let of my mind, the Clintons might get back into the White House. But then, I never have like horror movies either.
Thanks Caerus...
it's OK to look inward, but the sooner we look outward and onward the better. We have work to do.
Thanks JtC
Your work on the site is greatly appreciated!
prog - weirdo | dog - woof
You're welcome progdog...
great to see you about, my friend.
Thanks, JtC. Now... some further improvement suggestions...
... if I may be so bold.
Can the left side of the front pages -- the Recent Comments -- be detached from the rest of the page(s) so they could be scrollable separately? Trying to keep up with the comments in a diary and trying to keep up with the comments on the front page makes for a lot of scrolling.
Can the comments within a diary be listed in chronological order? And if a comment is a reply, have an "in reply to" link within the comment? It would again allow new comments to be read without re-scrolling back through the previously read comments, or only seeing new comments by reloading the front page, or reloading the diary.
Improve the Resilience Resource Library by adding your links.
Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
Hi Bill...
we have several ways to monitor comments, see the FAQ.
The "Content Stream" and "The Comment Stream" in the left sidebar menu, when used in tandem does a pretty good job of monitoring both comments and content in real time. There are links in the top of each to quickly jump back and forth between the two.
In your user profile page (My Account), you'll find listings for both your comments and content in chronological order.
You can use the "Recent comments" readout in the left sidebar and the "New Comments" link beneath the essay teasers.
Personally I use the streams more than anything, although the "My Comments" in your user profile is handy for finding replies to your comments.
is there a way
you can make the really good comments glow in the dark?
Only yours, hecate...
glow in the dark and blinking!
TY, JtC. I'll try all of those.
Improve the Resilience Resource Library by adding your links.
Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
If you build it they will come.
Just checked the members list and it's over 1000 now! And growing daily.........
Congratulations Johnny, well done!
All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon
Thank you bo...
old partner, how's life treating you?