I just saw the weirdest thing on Yahoo

It was a story about the State Department asking for permission to hold off on the Clinton e-mail requests for 28 months. When I went back to Yahoo, the story was no longer on the front page.

Has anyone else here heard of this?

If true, it sure raises stink-test alarms in relation to the meeting between our AG and Bubba.

Maybe this was not a legitimate story, however, nothing would surprise me. I no longer know what to think about the levels and layers of corruption surrounding this whole thing!

(Sorry, not much of an essay. Just looking for info.)

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darkmatter's picture

nothing to see here...move along, move along....

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Ruscle's picture

If you take millions of dollars from Goldman Sachs, apparently you see it a different way.

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Another Refugee from the Great Orange Purity Troll

WindDancer13's picture

After I saw it reported in the Daily Caller, I started looking for a more reliable source. I found this in Politico:

State Department seeks 2-year-plus delay in suit for Clinton aides’ emails

Here is the Daily Caller piece: EXCLUSIVE: State Department Won’t Release Clinton Foundation Emails for 27 Months

I think the Lynch/Clinton meeting serves two purposes. It takes everyone's eyes off of something else more important that is happening or will happen soon (such as this delay). Earlier Google had three search pages full of just this story. Second, it gets people riled up and demanding a special prosecutor further delaying any action on an indictment until after the elections.

As the synapses in my brain seem to make strange connections, this news directed me to this:


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We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass

dance you monster's picture

Justice Department lawyers notified U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras on Wednesday that State will be unable to meet the court-ordered deadline of July 21 in the lawsuit the conservative group Citizens United brought earlier this year seeking emails ex-State Department officials Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin, Melanne Verveer and Michael Fuchs exchanged with individuals at the Clinton Foundation or a firm with ties to the Clintons, Teneo Consulting.

The government lawyers asked Contreras to give State an additional 27 months— until October 2018—to finish work on the request, processing documents at a rate of about 500 pages a month.

So (A), the e-mails would not be seen until just before the next midterm elections, and

(B) the State Department, with 69,000 employees, takes a month to go over 500 pages of text, a pace that even the laziest individual college student -- not an entire governmental agency -- would have difficulty arguing was sufficient to pass his/her courses.

No wonder the State Department earns such a high ranking in "Best Places to Work": http://bestplacestowork.org/BPTW/rankings/detail/st00

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WindDancer13's picture

To advance freedom for the benefit of the American people and the international community by helping to build and sustain a more democratic, secure and prosperous world composed of well-governed states that respond to the needs of their people, reduce widespread poverty and act responsibly within the international system.

Who is the last SOS who actually worked within that statement? Hasn't the mission of the last x number of SOS's been war?

I am far from my student days and still manage to get through way more than 500 pages a week, and I actually have to digest that material rather than just put it in the Oops pile.

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We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass

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Shahryar's picture

lunachickie's picture

that's what is called a Trial Balloon that has been pulled back in, to be re-tweaked.

Check for cached pages through Google or the Wayback Machine Internet Archives.

I am so sick of these criminals playing us. We clearly need to get in Obama's face about this, it's BULLSHIT.

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shaharazade's picture

It seems to me that maybe big dogs meeting with Sweet Loretta was to work the details squelching the SOS email investigation until after her majesties coronation. The fix is getting some official coordinated glue to hold it in place. Once she's the queen whose going to risk losing their head with a real investigation. It will be just another vast RW conspiracy (Bengazi!) trying to dethrone poor Hillary. Anybody or agency who wants to know what's in those e-mails is a security threat, an enemy of the state and a traitor. Off with their heads, or send them to Russia where they belong.

Whatever there is no way that the Clinton's dirty deeds are going to be released or the DoJ will prosecute. In other words the Clinton's are above the law just like the banks were. Hey they are savvy business people so don't get sanctimonious about their war crimes or their bankster bribery crimes. The FBI or any spook agency will back off or they will have endless congressional internecine kabuki investigations where all the pols get up and posture and vamp about nothing ad nasuem.

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They do take a long time because they are considered a low priority, and because they have to be screened very carefully. I don't find this delay at all hard to believe. An agency would estimate how many documents each employee assigned to this task could process each day and then add some more time for vacations & sick days, etc., and I guess they came up with 28 months. Also, they were probably annoyed by the sheer volume of this request and decided they don't want to be pressured. I don't know if they have employees dedicated to just processing FOIA requests all day, they might, but my agency is certainly one of the largest in my state, and we get A LOT of FOIL requests, and we don't.

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Steven D's picture

Which agency? What's your real name?

Don't want to post it publicly? Ok, follow me on twitter, I'll follow you back and we can private message each other. Or email. Just check my profile at Daily Kos.

I just want a little proof before I decide whether your statements are possibly credible.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

Alligator Ed's picture

Please see the Emailgate depositions I have posted here to obtain those facts. Believe it not, they have huge amounts of FOIA requests yearly--but their is no doubt at that they are obstructing justice and have in Federal Court and before Congressional Committees. Sources: c99 Emailgate depositions and Judicial Watch.

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riverlover's picture

Also (?) that means she is still AG, but will accept the findings of the FBI. Adds a whole new level of intrigue here, folks.

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