The huge risks of confronting Iran

Being best bud's with right-wing Israel means Trump must play hard ball with Iran.

Flynn cites two justifications for bringing the US on war footing against Iran. Both are dubious. First, he blames Iran for a recent attack on a Saudi naval vessel carried out by Houthi forces in Yemen. According to Flynn, because the Houthis are backed by Iran – itself a specious claim – it is Iran that is actually responsible for the attack.
Even if it were true that the Houthis are Iranian proxies, this kind of guilt-by-association reasoning gets quite awkward when considering what some US-backed rebels in Syria have done with US-provided weapons and training. Like beheading young boys...
The second reason for putting Iran at the top of Flynn’s hit list: Over the weekend Iran tested a medium-range ballistic missile which Flynn claims violates the P5+1 negotiated and UN-backed Iran nuclear deal. UN Security Council Resolution 2231 “calls on” Iran to not undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons, but this section has been interpreted as a request rather than a prohibition. There are no specific provisions in the nuclear deal that explicitly prevent Iran from testing a missile.
In fact, Iran has tested several ballistic missiles since the nuclear agreement was signed but this time the US reaction is far different.

Unlike Saddam's Iraq, Iran is not helpless and isolated.
What's more, the U.S. can't just stand back and throw punches from a distance.

Confronting Iran carries risks for the US, Exum warns. In particular, he highlights the vulnerability of US personnel in Iraq in a piece in The Atlantic.
“The US has about 5,000 troops in Iraq, mostly focused on countering the Islamic State,” Exum explains...
“Unfortunately,” Exum cautions, “I think that a lot of Americans still feel that you can start a war at low cost — that, you know, you can punch Iran and Iran’s not going to punch back.”

Trump seems to be aware of this fact.
Iran hasn't had so much influence in Baghdad since the Persian Empire.

In the eyes of most Iraqis, their country's best ally in the war against the Islamic State group is not the United States and the coalition air campaign against the militants. It's Iran, which is credited with stopping the extremists' march on Baghdad.
Shiite, non-Arab Iran has effectively taken charge of Iraq's defense against the Sunni radical group, meeting the Iraqi government's need for immediate help on the ground.

What's more, army casualties in Iraq's Mosul offensive are so steep that Baghdad may be unable to provide security in Iraq without Iran's help.
It isn't just Iraq. Iran exercises huge influence in Syria too.

Victory in Aleppo matters enormously for both sides, but when the dust finally settles in Aleppo, it counts for more in Iran. Securing Syria’s second city and industrial heart is much less to do with re-establishing state sovereignty than about asserting its own influence and agenda in the strategic heart of the region.
Aleppo is a crossroads in Iran’s project to build a land corridor to the Mediterranean coast. It is also likely to be a new centre of Tehran’s geopolitical projection, which has been on open display elsewhere in the conflict.

"Open display elsewhere" means ethnic cleansing by its proxies.
Interestingly, Iran is doubling-down with their defiance.

Following President Donald Trump’s ban on travelers from seven predominantly Muslim countries, the Iranian government announced it would stop using the U.S. dollar “as its currency of choice in its financial and foreign exchange reports,” the local Financial Tribune reported.
Iran governor Valiollah Seif’s central bank announced the decision in a television interview on January 29. The change will take effect on March 21, and it will impact all official financial and foreign exchange reports.
“Iran’s difficulties [in dealing] with the dollar,” Seif said, “were in place from the time of the primary sanctions and this trend is continuing,” but when it comes to other currencies, he added, “we face no limitations.”
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I have a feeling that the situation in the ME will slowly careen out of control given Trump's unpredictability, his advisers, his cabinet choices, and siding with Israeli right wingers. I was hoping he might actually follow up on some of his isolationist tendencies and just back off. The Israelis also want to take out Assad. Today Halley did a "Samantha Power" on the Russians at the UN accusing them of escalating the fighting in the Ukraine. But from the sources I read, it was apparent that Kiev is the once escalating which over time is very typical of them--with the western press going along with it as an evil Putin ploy.

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Azazello's picture


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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

edg's picture

@MrWebster Israel just needs to do what it's done successfully in the past -- start a war, be in danger of losing, and big brother America will rush in to save their bacon.

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CB's picture

Keeping Muslims killing Muslims in internecine fighting that is mutually destructive gives Israel the catbird seat and Israel intends to remain in this seat. The US military and political actions in these Muslim countries in the last two decades speak to the truth of this and show they support that very same policy.

GEN. WESLEY CLARK: "Well, starting with Iraq, then Syria and Lebanon, then Libya, then Somalia and Sudan, and back to Iran. So when you look at Iran, you say, 'Is it a replay?' It’s not exactly a replay. But here’s the truth: that Iran, from the beginning, has seen that the presence of the United States in Iraq was a threat — a blessing, because we took out Saddam Hussein and the Baathists. They couldn’t handle them. We took care of it for them. But also a threat, because they knew that they were next on the hit list."

Besides financially compromised western backed Egypt and the GCC countries, there is no longer any Arab Muslim country that can project power outside its borders. The only country left is Persian Muslim Iran. Fortunately for Syria and Iran, Russia has begun to flex its might in the region to prevent their utter destruction.

The impetus for the destruction and balkanization of this region did not come from within. It was carefully and purposefully engineered and nurtured over several decades by outside powers, the greatest of which was the United States and its main ally in the region.

The entry of Russia as a new player in the game was not expected. Neither was its strength as a military power. Before the US can 'deal' with Iran, it now has to deal with Russia. This will not be an easy thing to do. Putin has remade Russia into a formidable opponent. I expect the US to attempt to continue to exacerbate the tensions in Ukraine, possibly with a false flag event in an attempt to keep Russia occupied in its back yard.

America has to be knocked off its 'exceptional' perch for the geopolitical health of the world. 10 to 14 million dead since WWII due to US interventionist policies needs to come to an end. The US has to learn to become an 'equal among equals'.

We live in interesting times.

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... America has to be knocked off its 'exceptional' perch for the geopolitical health of the world. 10 to 14 million dead since WWII due to US interventionist policies needs to come to an end. The US has to learn to become an 'equal among equals'. ...

Couldn't agree more, but would add in that this is required also for the global survival of life on the planet.

From the OP:

... GEN. WESLEY CLARK: "Well, starting with Iraq, then Syria and Lebanon, then Libya, then Somalia and Sudan, and back to Iran. So when you look at Iran, you say, 'Is it a replay?' It’s not exactly a replay. But here’s the truth: that Iran, from the beginning, has seen that the presence of the United States in Iraq was a threat — a blessing, because we took out Saddam Hussein and the Baathists. They couldn’t handle them. We took care of it for them. But also a threat, because they knew that they were next on the hit list." ...

Sounds like the Mafia expanding, doesn't it? Not what America's most enlightened Founders planned at all - quite the opposite, in fact, and outright unconstitutional.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Big Al's picture

@MrWebster Except for a whole bunch of us saying it during Trump's campaign of lies.

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Pricknick's picture

is how many are praying for the ultimate war so as to be lifted into their dogs loving arms.
I really wonder how long it's going to take for countries around the world to start isolating this country. Iran is smart to change their primary financial currency. The dollar could well be worth little in a short time if certain countries follow suit.
Thanks gjohn.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

CB's picture

end of the American Empire which would drag the rest of the world down with it if done rapidly.

Iran's sudden drop of the US$ for oil sales is going to put it squarely in the cross hairs of American military might.

What is the common denominator of the following:

2000 Iran talked about switching to Euro
2000 Saddam switched to the Euro for oil sales
2006 Assad switched to the Euro for government business
2009 Qaddafi talked about switching to gold w/ parts of other African nations

Fuck with US monetary hegemony and you WILL pay, in blood and tears.

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Pricknick's picture


Fuck with US monetary hegemony and you WILL pay, in blood and tears.

Do you think they already haven't?

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

CB's picture

Fortunately for the world, Russia and China are too powerful for the US to attack frontally. Historically, both of these nations were much less inclined to rule the world. Expansion under USSR was a reaction to foreign attacks (some historical) from Turkey, Austria, Hungary, France, Germany, England, USA, Japan, Ottoman Empire (to name a few).

Even now both of these countries are being encircled and squeezed by the US war machine.

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The US PTB's War Against The World will logically cause any countries having any leadership with the instinct of self-preservation to band together in self-defense against being invaded/attacked/economically captured/nuked one by one or several at a time - some of these delusional idiots apparently think they can leave North America to be vaporized in nuclear attacks against multiple countries and somehow themselves escape not only radiation but global dimming, perhaps On The Beach, in New Zealand. Others believe they can achieve immortality and somehow escape the hell they plan to create in Virtual Reality. At least as long as power supplies hold out...

I see no reason why the rest of us should let them go any further unopposed.

Hopefully the spread will continue of people protesting in whatever pacific manner they can, increasing boycotts and divestment, en masse - not supporting corporate abusers either tacitly or with purchase of any avoidable products or services. But it may yet come down to our own militaries having to come home to fight for their own people in their own home country against corporate mercenaries, corrupted civil forces and what currently passes for our own governments... I used to laugh at the right wing for such concerns and the irony lies heavy on my toes.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Not Henry Kissinger's picture

Maybe somebody should ask General Van Riper what he thinks about the risks:

Van Riper decided that as soon as a U.S. Navy carrier battle group steamed into the Gulf, he would “preempt the preemptors” and strike first. Once U.S. forces were within range, Van Riper’s forces unleashed a barrage of missiles from ground-based launchers, commercial ships, and planes flying low and without radio communications to reduce their radar signature. Simultaneously, swarms of speedboats loaded with explosives launched kamikaze attacks. The carrier battle group’s Aegis radar system — which tracks and attempts to intercept incoming missiles — was quickly overwhelmed, and 19 U.S. ships were sunk, including the carrier, several cruisers, and five amphibious ships. “The whole thing was over in five, maybe ten minutes,” Van Riper said.

The red team had struck a devastating blow against the blue team. The impact of the OPFOR’s ability to render a U.S. carrier battle group — the centerpiece of the U.S. Navy — militarily worthless stunned most of the MC ’02 participants. Van Riper described the mood as “an eerie silence. Like people didn’t really know what to do next.” Blue team leader Bell admitted that the OPFOR had “sunk my damn navy,” and had inflicted “an extremely high rate of attrition, and a disaster, from which we all learned a great lesson.”

Luckily, that time it was only a war game.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

@Not Henry Kissinger

but oil and war profits I guess.

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Beware the bullshit factories.


Exactly. The attacked people and people in the American/Allied military will suffer the injuries, maiming and death and pay the fiscal costs of TPTB gaining even greater profits from 'armed-robbery' stolen petrochemical toxins destroying what remains of life on the planet. It's a win-win for Those Who Matter, right?

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Alligator Ed's picture

@Not Henry Kissinger about our military's hubris and stacking the deck. When Iran participates as the real "Red Team", they will definitely not be compelled to follow the Pentagon's self-delusional script. To paraphrase a much later military thinker: "the first victim of war is sanity".

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Not Henry Kissinger's picture

@Alligator Ed The Iranians have a lot better toys now too.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

Song of the lark's picture

How long until Trump says to Bibi go ahead and attack Assad I have other fish to my new wall. I think the IDF went at Syria recently in any case. I lose track in this war of all against all in the collapsing MENA district.

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"extermination" are repugnant to me.

These are terms designed to make genocide sound like simply basic hygiene and the victims of genocide seem like an infestation of bugs or germs. They are heinous, hideous terms for slaughter of human beings on a massive scale for ugly reasons that should not be acceptable to any decent person or nation.

As far as Iran, thank you for great insights. In reality, if we are going to be true, true buddies with Israel, we must be against any nation that Israel perceives as a threat, which could be any nation at all, certainly any nation in the Middle East, including those that don't do their own fighting, but that fund fighters.

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..that take advantage of us", he'd start with Israel. I remember a time when lefties were saying things like at least Trump isn't as bad as Hillary on foreign policy, yeah how is that working out ?

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Trump is not incline to invade Syria, unlike Hillary, so he's still a bit better on foreign far.

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@gjohnsit all bets are off and all options on.

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no one else. Just like Obama.

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Cleverly disguised as women and children and innocuous men, same old, same old. s/

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

CB's picture

Russia is there. He believes that working with Putin would be financially beneficial to both countries - which is true. Unfortunately there are a lot of neocons and Russophobes inside the beltway that also think Russia could be financially rewarding as Cold War enemy redux. Without an outright 'War onof Terror', there is little profit for the ever rapacious MIC. Russia makes a worthy opponent for escalation of military might.

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ZimInSeattle's picture

That's what got Libya attacked by the US. Bibi the Butcher and the Saudis control what the US does in the ME.

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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020

ZimInSeattle's picture

Add to that statement the upsurge of violence in eastern Ukraine, most probably intentionally provoked by Kiev, and a botched U.S. military operation in Yemen that killed a Navy Seal, 8-year-old Nawar al-Awlaki and “numerous” civilians, and one might conclude that the combination of events are just too much of a coincidence.

Paul Craig Roberts further suggests that “the military/security complex is using its puppets-on-a-string in the House and Senate to generate renewed conflict with Iran, and to continue threats against China” to put a spoke in Trump’s wheel:

“Trump cannot simultaneously make peace with Russia and make war on Iran and China. The Russian government is not stupid. It will not sell out China and Iran for a deal with the West. Iran is a buffer against jihadism spilling into Muslim populations in the Russian Federation. China is Russia’s most important military and economic strategic ally against a renewal of US hostility toward Russia by Trump’s successor, assuming Trump succeeds in reducing US/Russian tensions. The neoconservatives with their agenda of US world hegemony and their alliance with the military-security complex, will outlast the Trump administration” [… and Russia knows this].


The question rather is whether Trump – in his choice of certain senior posts (i.e. that of General Flynn) – inadvertently, has laid himself open himself to manipulation by his Deep State enemies who are determined to torpedo détente with Russia.

Professor Walter Russell Mead in a recent Foreign Affairs article underlines just how deeply contrarian is Trump’s foreign policy. It runs directly counter to the two principal schools of U.S. policy thinking since WW2 (the Hamiltonians and the Wilsonians), who “both focused on achieving a stable international system with the United States as “the gyroscope of world order.” It is, as Walter Russell Mead describes it, a cultural legacy that is deeply embedded in the American psyche. It is doubtful whether Generals Mattis and Flynn, or others in the team, fully appreciate or endorse the full scope of Trump’s intended revolution. True belief, perhaps, is confined to a small circle around the President, led by Steve Bannon.

In any event, whether by external design or “inadvertent” happenstance, President Trump has two key members of his team, Flynn and Mattis, who are explicit belligerents towards Iran (see here on Mattis on Iran. It is however, less extreme, than the explicit manicheanism of Flynn).

Paul Craig Roberts says that “Trump cannot simultaneously make peace with Russia and make war on Iran and China.” That is true. But neither can Trump pursue his war on Islamic radicalism – the principal plank of his foreign policy platform – and in parallel, pursue a Flynn-esque antagonism towards Iran.

Trump will not co-opt Russia as an “aerial bombing” partner in such a regional war, while America is simultaneously attacking the only “boots-on-the-ground” security architecture that now exists in the Middle East capable of confronting Takfiri jihadism: the Syrian, Iranian, Hashad al-Shaabi and Hezbullah armed forces. There is none other.

More here:

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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020

as he usually is. Trump seems to be setting mutually contradictory goals for his FP team. But he's such a blabbermouth and braggart that it's hard to take him at his word. How much of his shtick is bluff, and how much is actual threat? Attacking Iran would be an utter disaster - for all involved, including Trump himself. Could he really be that blindly stupid?

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Alligator Ed's picture

@native could make Trump a great poker player, because no one will know when he's bluffing. But just because nobody, friend or ally of enemy, can read him, because he is too much of a wild card, also means that nobody can successfully combat his schemes piecemeal. So far in his few weeks of office the only consistency has been his inconsistency.

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The United States has sent a Navy destroyer to patrol off the coast of Yemen to protect waterways from Houthi militia aligned with Iran, two U.S. officials told Reuters on Friday, amid heightened tension between Washington and Tehran.

The USS Cole arrived in the vicinity of the Bab al-Mandab Strait off southwestern Yemen where it will carry out patrols, including escorting vessels, the officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

In 2000, the USS Cole was attacked when al Qaeda bombers steered a boat full of explosives into the side of the American warship while it refueled in the Yemini port of Aden, killing 17 U.S. sailors and wounding about three dozen others.

While U.S. military vessels have carried out routine operations in the region in the past, this movement, first reported by Reuters, is part of an increased presence there aimed at protecting shipping from the Houthis, the officials said.

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The Yemeni officials say that warships off the coast, believed to be American ships, fired a salvo of missiles at the al-Maraqisha Mountains, noting that the mountains are a key stronghold of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).

The Pentagon has been playing up their naval presence in the region lately, saying the US Navy is prepared to assist Saudi warships off the coast of Yemen in the ongoing civil war. This likely added to the assumption that the ships doing the firing were American ships, along with the fact that no one else in the area has much in the way of advanced ships capable of such strikes.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@gjohnsit anonymous individuals have allegedly confirmed leaked information by highly placed sources that Yemeni troops landed in Alabama. They thus pose a clear and present danger to Amurikkka. We must protect out women and children and defend our national honor by slaughtering as many Yemenis as we can.

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Sometimes seems almost as though the PTB just likes to send military around the world, barging into other people's countries to kill people here and there - but then again, that's what terrorists do, isn't it?

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.


But after sifting through databases, media reports, court documents, and other sources, Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration expert at the libertarian Cato Institute, has arrived at a striking finding: Nationals of the seven countries singled out by Trump have killed zero people in terrorist attacks on U.S. soil between 1975 and 2015.


Six Iranians, six Sudanese, two Somalis, two Iraqis, and one Yemeni have been convicted of attempting or executing terrorist attacks on U.S. soil during that time period, according to Nowrasteh’s research. (Nowrasteh focused on plots against the U.S. homeland, which presumably Trump cares most about, rather than other terrorism-related offenses, like supporting a foreign terrorist group or trying to join a jihadist organization overseas.) Zero Libyans and zero Syrians have been convicted of doing the same. “Foreign-born terrorism is a hazard,” Nowrasteh argues, “but it is manageable given the huge economic benefits of immigration and the small costs of terrorism.”

As for refugees, Nowrasteh writes, Trump’s action “is a response to a phantom menace.” Over the last four decades, 20 out of 3.25 million refugees welcomed to the United States have been convicted of attempting or committing terrorism on U.S. soil, and only three Americans have been killed in attacks committed by refugees—all by Cuban refugees in the 1970s.

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Big Al's picture

@gjohnsit crash with a garbage truck. And of course that tells the story, that's why the war OF terror is fake and why Trump is all in on the lies.

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Amanda Matthews's picture

his depths he couldn't even watch the events of his own failed military operation that even the Pentagon was carried out without adequate intelligence and backup. The scorn he's garnering the past few days has got to be making him crazy.

Reminds me of...

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

CB's picture

Trump's National Security Adviser Puts Iran "On Notice;" Foreshadowing Of War
Cartalucci writes, “Meanwhile, the political climate in the West has been so expertly manipulated that the public is either so distracted with identity politics that they are unaware and unconcerned with the prospect of war with Iran, or so hysterical over "Islam" that any nation perceived as being Muslim is seen as justifiably a target of US military aggression - regardless of how divergent any of these alternate realities are from actual reality.”

In the past, it was assumed that, with a Republican President, the American people get a new war and an anti-war movement but, with a Democrat, Americans just get a new war. While many in the real anti-war community have expected anti-war protesters to pop up out of the blue with the election of a Republican President, this time might be different. This time, American “leftist” protesters are so concerned with continuing abortions, sex changes, and racial identity that they are less likely to find the time to protest wars overseas, even if it is an attempt to be trendy as opposed to a real moral conviction. The right-wing, however, never seeing a war it didn’t like and already so radicalized against “Islam” and Iran, will be primed to support the war effort in full.

Flynn’s warning represents two possibilities. At best, Trump has no control over his own military. At worst, the Trump administration is nothing but a clear continuation of the Obama and Bush regime’s agenda of Anglo-American world hegemony. Judging by Trump’s appointments to cabinet positions, we are not hopeful. Unfortunately, judging by today’s threats, we are also not filled with hope in our desire for peace and reason to prevail.

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Big Al's picture

@CB Brookings Institute's plan and how it relates to the Iran "deal" for quite some time now. I've written about it a few times including during Trump's campaign when he used the Iran deal in his rants, saying we should have got a better deal, etc. That showed clearly he was going to follow the same imperialist/Zionist/neocon script on Iran because the Iran "deal" has always been a fake thing. Why Iran and Russia even played is a bit perplexing.
Yes, Trump and his regime are not going to bring peace on earth, the stuff about non-intervention, no regime changes, no meddling, etc., was just bullshit lies.

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A war with Iran would be disastrous for the US any way you cut it. It would also be disastrous for Iran, but as you say Iran is better positioned to inflict serious damage on the US. Iraq was a big enough pain in the ass for the US as it was, and Iraq as you pointed out was weak and isolated after a decade of sanctions. The Iranians are a proud people. They will fight back hard if they are attacked. The only way to end this quickly would be to nuke the hell out Iran, which would make the United States an international pariah.

I don't much care what Trump's intentions are. I care about what he does. And what Trump has done so far is keep the imperial war machine turning. He has not broken with the past; at best, he is just aiming at different targets.

This foolish, needless, and destructive war with Iran must be opposed, like the rest of the terrible shit that Trump is trotting out -- but this perhaps most of all. It's bad enough that we fuck ourselves up, but it's far worse that we insist on fucking up other people too.

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Not everyone backs down to obligingly empower bullies, something not often enough experienced by the US PTB.

If everyone stands up to bullies, they tend to melt, having been taught through productive experience that bullying doesn't work and may back-fire badly; otherwise, when allowed to bully successfully and to escape consequences, they may eventually destroy their victims, mentally, emotionally, physically, or in all ways.

In that sense, bullying is a learnt behaviour which must be discouraged - especially in those having the financial power to buy additional bullies to back them and keep themselves safely protected. I believe that the people of countries around the world are beginning to realize that such powers must be resisted now, before there's nothing left to salvage.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.