Hillary's Email - So How Did That Work Exactly?

In my perusing of the latest articles concerning the great email debate, I happened upon 2 that seem to provide a cumulative insight into some portions of the issue that haven't really adequately been covered.

First, let's look at this supremely succinct commentary/opinion from Investor's Business Daily:
The Open and Shut Case of Hillary Clinton

The authors Alan Scholnick and Bart Teush begin with a point that has been made by many - gee, I can't do that at my job and if I did that I would be fired, which they call the "gut-level" understanding that so many of us have that what Hillary Clinton did with her email was simply not kosher in the vast majority of business and professional settings. They make a very strong metaphor when they compare her substitution of her private system for the official one as being akin to "cutting off security cameras" with the observation that in most companies the internal controls and security of the entity would expose the violation and result most likely in job termination. They also make the point that the swapping out of the standard protocol for one of her own was calculated and premeditated, since the server and domain were set up prior to her being sworn in.

But the authors go further in probing how exactly did this happen?:

Who abetted Secretary Clinton in denying others access to something so fundamental to the integrity of the workplace — all the while risking national security — merely to accommodate her personal agenda?

How did people at State and across the entire administration know not to use a “state.gov” address when communicating with the secretary?

What kind of error message did they get if they tried, or had Clinton’s personal IT specialist, Bryan Pagliano, arranged automatic forwarding to her private “clintonemail.com” server?

Intriguing questions, which boil down to - how exactly could this/did this work in real life? Most companies have an internal protocol as to how an individual's company email is structured, usually first initial and last name at corporatename. com . I don't know if that is the DOS standard, but it doesn't really matter. What matters is that there is one and HRC, as pointed out in the article, hypocritically stated that the one method she did use to store her email officially was to respond to others at their state.gov address - as though she had an alternative when they were correctly using their professional addresses! They were meeting certain minimum expectations of conduct while she wasn't. So hooray to her for having some emails in the government system when she had no other alternative. No one in the media has called out how incredibly shallow and borderline insulting this campaign defense is, with the exception of this article that I have seen.

Now onto the question about the mechanics of it all - how would anyone know how to get in touch with HRC in her official capacity as Secretary of State? Imagine working in a company where the CEO uses as their official email their dog's name at an outside domain and
there is no email roster? This is the exact situation that Hillary set up at State. The deposition of Cheryl Mills showed that the Judicial Watch lawyers were onto the same conundrum since they asked several times how anyone would know how to get in touch with HRC at State. Mills' responses seemed to boil down to they could ask the front office.

This Investor's Business Daily posits another possibility when it asks an intriguing "what-if" which seems to be - what if people were guessing that HRC's address was along the lines of HClinton at state.gov or something similar and were sending stuff to that address? Did it exist? If it did exist they ask if an auto-forward function was used to essentially get it out of the government system and onto the private one. I have no idea if this is possible and the only ones who likely know the answer to this question are Pagliano ,HRC herself and the DOS techies. (To be clear, I have read previously that no official state.gov address was ever created for her. Can a non-existant email address be auto-forwarded? I have no idea.)

Now, back to the idea of collusion at the State Department among the career professionals in permitting this bizarre set-up in the first place. HRC said repeatedly that her email set-up was "allowed". I think another better choice of word may be that it was "accommodated". Remember when someone at State (can't remember who) during the "can't we get Hill a secure Blackberry discussion" cautioned Huma that while the email address on the device would be masked (another clue!) it would be subject to FOIA requests. One has to ask oneself why any State employee would be making this warning since the general assumption would be that ALL of her official communication was subject to FOIA and yet this exchange seems to make the opposite assumption. Things that make you go hmmm. . . . .

All right, onto the other article that ties into this one. The Investor's Business Daily article discussed above basically asked How did this happen? This other article answers the question - because HRC surrounds herself with sycophants and yes-men/women who are unable to tell her that she is not able to do something she wants to do. This article is by Jonathan Turley in USA Today.

Nixonian Palace Guard Now Protects Hillary

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Lookout's picture

Boy they nailed it...Heilery is like Nixon!

GreyWolf sent this link awhile back. More than you want to know probably:
[edit] that link won't stay together try this:

Let's hope people in CA and NJ are paying attention!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Phoebe Loosinhouse's picture

the Big Picture and providing the framework in which to understand the slow roll out of the various puzzle pieces. In that way, this does kind of remind me Watergate, lots of time building the snowball and getting it up the hill before it just started rolling downhill of its own accord, getting bigger and bigger and bigger.

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" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "

Have you seen this Clinton timeline group?

Bob Woodward keeps comparing her to Nixon too. Hard to believe they are going to shove her into office with the help of partisan Democrats who can't find their asses with both hands.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

He earlier led an effort published in a book The Terror Timeline. From the wikipedia page


The book and its online counterpart were perhaps most notable for their use by the Jersey Girls in their attempts to influence the work of the 9/11 Commission. Kristen Breitweiser has personally endorsed the book, stating, "If you want to know everything about 9/11, you must read this book ... Our intelligence agencies should be recruiting people like Paul Thompson, because he's brilliant".[2] The 9/11 Truth Movement film "9/11: Press for Truth" documents the journey of the Jersey Girls and it uses the book and website as its primary reference.[3]
Thompson's work was cited as a key piece of research in a Complaint and Petition, which seeks a criminal inquiry and/or grand jury investigation into "the many still unsolved crimes of September 11, 2001," that was filed with and accepted by the New York Attorney General's Office.[4]
His work is also cited in the books Bad News by Tom Fenton[5] and Fog Facts by Larry Beinhart.[6] Richard Clarke has put it on his reading list for his course on "Terrorism, Security, and Intelligence" at Harvard University.[7]
which was used by the

Gotta run

Author - Paul Thompson[edit]
Paul Thompson is the author of The Terror Timeline, a compilation of over 5,000 reports and articles concerning the September 11, 2001 attacks.[10][11] The book was based on research conducted by himself and other contributors to the History Commons website. Thompson's research in the field has garnered over 100 radio interviews, along with TV interviews on Fox News and Air America and interviews in print, such as for Buzz Magazine. Articles about himself, his research and its reception by the 9/11 Truth Movement have appeared in The Village Voice and Esquire Magazine's "Genius Issue".[12][13][14] and recognition as "an authority on terrorism", even though, "He never studied, trained", as noted by Esquire.[12] In 2005, Thompson was asked to speak at a congressional briefing on the 9/11 Commission’s final report, he addressed what he defined as failures by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD).[10][15]
Paul Thompson was born in Pacific Beach, California and currently holds a psychology degree from Stanford University obtained in 1990.[10][16] He now spends time there and in New Zealand. He is a freelance researcher and has worked in the past as an environmental activist at an environmental-protection firm.[10][16][11]
Mr. Thompson has made numerous appearances on Link TV and Free Speech TV. He helps these independent channels raise money.

And he has a must read article that summarizes the issues


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reflectionsv37's picture

I've uttered that phrase more times today that I probably have in the entire rest of my life! And I'm an atheist!

I have literally spent all day reading Thompson's timeline. Being the glutton for punishment that I am, I opted for the long version. If you choose to read that one, don't make any plans for the rest of the day!

I've always believed that this email story had legs, and even though I would say I've been a close follower of the story, I really had no idea! I was literally stunned by the hubris of Clinton and everyone of her staff. The blind negligence alone is reason enough why Hillary should never get anywhere near the presidency. But after reading this timeline it become obvious, she should have never gotten any near the Secretary of State position.

After reading that timeline, word for word, I'm convinced more than ever, that Hillary will face indictment. The question is, on how many counts and how long might she end up serving in prison. It may be that Hillary is "too powerful to fail and jail", or Obama may once again put his fingers on the scales of justice and make a decision that we once again, need to look forward.

But if there truly is law, order and justice for all in this country, Hillary Clinton will be indicted on multiple counts. The evidence presented indicates that the FBI investigation is coming to a close. Thompson believes the recommendation from the FBI to the justice department is only a few weeks away. Lets hope this comes to a close before the Democratic party and our country make a terrible, terrible mistake.

Thanks so much Lookout for posting this! It should be required reading for everyone. There is also a short and medium version of the timeline for those that don't want to spend an entire day reading the long version.

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“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush

Lookout's picture

GreyWolf first posted it. I'm glad to pass it along. Best reference on the scandal I've found.

It all seems a matter of timing. This will come out, but when? Sure would be great before the DNConvention! If it is during the GE plan on Pres. T-rump, after the GE plan on impeachment.

Super-delegates wake up!

PS Reflections, I hope you're having great sailing adventures!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

reflectionsv37's picture

This really needs to come out before the convention so we have an opportunity to go down another path. I really don't want to fathom what might ha[[en if this comes out post convention, or even worse, post election in November. The consequences could be truly devastating!

Thanks again for the post and also on the sailing adventures. We haven't been doing much sailing since we arrived here in SE Asia a couple years ago, but the land travel has been fantastic. It's so cheap to travel in this area by air, that you feel almost compelled to hop on a $25 flight and go somewhere. We're headed off to Indonesia in a few days to visit the Buddhist temple of Borobudur. Due to a nasty staff infection, common in the tropics, we had to bypass it as we sailed through Indonesia a couple years ago. But for about $50 round trip, we can hop on a plane for a 2 1/2 hour flight and really enjoy it without having to leave the boat unattended at anchor. We're getting a little spoiled here!!

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“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush

Bisbonian's picture

asking them. This is so obviously wrong.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Alphalop's picture

about this Re: the EO on this very subject.


Sec. 4.1General Restrictions on Access.
(a) A person is eligible for access to classified information provided that a determination of trustworthiness has been made by agency heads or designated officials and provided that such access is essential to the accomplishment of lawful and authorized Government purposes.
(b) Controls shall be established by each agency to ensure that classified information is used, processed, stored, reproduced, transmitted, and destroyed only under conditions that will provide adequate protection and prevent access by unauthorized persons.
(c) Classified information shall not be disseminated outside the executive branch except under conditions that ensure that the information will be given protection equivalent to that afforded within the executive branch.
(d) Except as provided by directives issued by the President through the National Security Council, classified information originating in one agency may not be disseminated outside any other agency to which it has been made available without the consent of the originating agency. For purposes of this Section, the Department of Defense shall be considered one agency.

- See more at: http://caucus99percent.com/content/why-clintons-email-indeed-big-deal-an...

She appears to be in clear violation of pretty much every single subsection and I have yet to hear a peep about it in the media.

This seems like a PBFD to me, am I misinterpreting it's significance?

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

I watched Bill Maher last night and listened to his bullshit about how good a week it had been for Hillary..." How Stella got her Groove Back". Her speech demeaning Trump was all the rage; but never once was there mention of any foreign policy...which was what the speech was trotted out to be. Why are we subject to this tripe from the MSM?? I want a candidate with policy... not the one who is the best at bashing the personal characteristics of the opponent. I thought we were supposed to rise above that somewhere around middle school, right?

Hillary is toast, and she set the toaster at Bern all by herself

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This whole email thing is so bizarre because in any normal circumstance that was not Clinton this would never be allowed.

Now for reality, this email obfuscation BS had one primary purpose and one alone, to hide the pay for play activities with the Clinton Foundation, an act of Treason against the USA

the crime of betraying one's country

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(say, Condi Rice got some help from her friends in the Gates Computer Science building over at Stanford), we'd be seeing front page articles about it at TOP and other sites.

We have to police our own even more stringently than we police the other side.

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People in the Democratic leadership seem not to have given a thought as to how events might well transpire if Clinton is nominated. We would be looking at a continual barrage of new and damaging information leaking almost daily as details of the ties between State Department and Clinton Foundation emerged.

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SiriusMoonLight's picture

If they get HRC as the nominee, then anything the Repubs say can be spun as "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy tm" bullcrap. There's nothing to see, Poor Put Upon Hillary (PPUH), spin, spin, spin. They will use this meme to convince the public that PPUH is a victim of yet another Repub witch-hunt and we just need to move on. Never mind the evidence because PPUH.

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riverlover's picture

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

she's already been fully vetted.

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mjsmeme's picture

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PriceRip's picture

          For my entire career I was a Nebraska state employee. I used a variety of e-mail servers (when they finally became accessible: One in Colorado, then one in Florida, then my own Rogue Server, then (finally) The Official UNK server, and now some Commercial servers out there. After a tumultuous knock-down drag-out with some intransigence UNK administrators, I forced them to firewall my official account. During that (several decades of) time I never once even came close to exchanging official information involving student records via any other channel than through the official server. Nope, don't even think of going that route!
          I think it is absurd that there is even a "debate" with respect to a highly placed official of the US govenment that violated such an obvious principle: Official Business is to be conducted via Official Channels. Even I knew that and I am an irrational curmudgeon. {Rant Mode Off}
          Very nice summary, thanks for the information and interpretation.

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Obvious that she wanted to avoid FOIA

And your experience shows that NO WAY put secret info in any place but official channels

Unless, I just had a thought

Could it be that "official channels" means whatever the Clintons want to do?

It is an Official Channel because I said so? (To quote Nixon & more people comparing her with Nixon)

And as a Clinton and an Oligarch, the law is what we make of it

Thompson who is doing the incredible work on the time line

I looked up his Clinton Foundation Time Line - in 2 parts. Incredible. The investigations can go on for ever.

And found an interview of Thompson by Mike Malloy - worth listening to if you have time


She did the dumbest things on her email server relative to security. Hubris?

And the Clinton foundation .....

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Wink's picture

they want Bernie gone and the Convention in the rear view mirror. Just get Her Highness elected, baby, and this all goes away.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

WindDancer13's picture

From What happens if Hillary Clinton gets indicted?

And if as president she is found guilty of mishandling classified information, she would be able to pardon herself. As complicated and unwieldy as the US Constitution is, there is no caveat that prevents a president using their pardoning powers on themselves, unless in cases of impeachment. Curiously, this issue last arose in 1998 when Bill Clinton was in trouble for the Lewinsky scandal.

This is a really good article as it goes into the many ways a Sanders' nomination can be thwarted. For example, if HRC were to drop out before the convention:

Instead, the delegates Clinton has received in the primary process become unbound and are free to support whoever they choose. And just because Sanders is the only other candidate currently in the race, doesn't mean they'll pick him.

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We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass

Phoebe Loosinhouse's picture

themselves would be immediately impeached. Talk about an abuse of power!

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" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "

WindDancer13's picture

comment would be absolutely correct, but we are talking about the privileged elite. Would they really impeach her for that when they will probably figure that it may come in handy for themselves someday?

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We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass

polkageist's picture

Even our corporate masters would consider a self-pardon a bridge too far. The complete arrogance of such an action is almost beyond comprehension. Even for a Clinton. The Republicans would be in open hue and cry as would most of the public. Remember that the Democratic Party isn't what it used to be in rank and file numbers and is the minority party in Congress. With a little luck and no interference from Obama, she looks to be in big trouble. If the major news sources step up to the plate before the convention, she is finished.

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-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962

WindDancer13's picture

Really? Wall St would object to HRC getting away with breaking the law? Only if they can find a way to get a refund for the payments they have made to her and had someone else with their interests at heart in the wings.

Obama has greatly expanded the War Powers Act setting precedents that I am sure Republicans will be glad to use. Notice how very little or weak, if any, blow back he has received over this particular action. They might see that a self-pardon could be useful also. I think we all know how very little the elite think of what the public has to say.

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We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass

polkageist's picture

I have faith only in their ability to take care of themselves. The problem for them is that a self-pardoning politician would make one of their pawns virtually invulnerable to their manipulation. The ultimate teflon. The elites have spent a lot of money on the Clintons but they have made more than they "invested". That, after all, is the point of investing. Thus, a wise investor knows when to cut their losses and take a lesser profit. The Clintons were merely very good tools, but they have probably lost their edge and the elites will see it. Rather than create an uncontrollable monster they would be willing to kill it off.

I agree that the corporatists don't really care what the rest of us think or feel. They prove that every day. Their blind spot has always been their greed. They cannot control its extent. All through history we see elites that keep taking and taking and taking until the little people have nothing. If our masters succeed in finally killing food stamps, health care, unemployment benefits, and social security as they are trying to do, then the elites may see a real revolution red in fang and claw. When people have nothing left to lose they take drastic action. I'm old so I probably won't see it, but I would rather not have it happen. The Jacquerie can rise up here too.

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-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962

Big Al's picture

"risking national security" part. To me that feeds into the scare tactics we're pounded with our entire lives that we have enemies that want to kill us so we NEED secrets, we need to spy, we need to have the largest military in the history of the universe. What national security? The national security of the corporations and banks and the ruling class, not we the serfs.

Most government secrets shouldn't be secret at all, most are secret not because it's for "our own good" but so we can't see what the hell our government is up to.

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PriceRip's picture

          Most government secrets shouldn't be secret at all, most are secret not because it's for "our own good" but so we can't see what the hell our government is up to.

          I collaborated with the Agape Community for a time in the 80s as they tracked the movement of Nuclear Components and Fully Functional Nuclear Weapons about the USA. I all so reported to my students the details of the "secret" shipments through central Nebraska.
          I caught such grief: Obviously I was a traitor for revealing classified information. An duped idealist giving aid to the Evil Empire. The entire Political Science Department went ballistic and tried to get me fired (Yea!, like that was going to work!) or at least get me reprimanded (the dean actual tried that, he did not like the WTF results).
          You see these idiots actually thought these shipments were subject to high lever "national security" secrecy rules. They didn't know that every detail was comunicated to the Soviet Union well in advance of each and every shipment. The only attempt at secrecy was to prevent anyone living in the USA from knowing routing details ahead of time. That was the only concern, as the transport trains themselves were quite conspicuous. Oh, and everyone knew the points of origin and points of destination.

Oh, when will they ever learn.
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Big Al's picture

It's a veritable cottage industry. I've worked for the fed govt for 30 years plus in the Navy and have had two secret and one top secret clearances. None were necessary imo. I've read there are around a million people in our government and contractors for the govt that have security clearances. The process is completely out of control.
In a way, this email scandal serves to institutionalize this process/program by subliminally suggesting the secrets are for national security and that Clinton endangered people with her actions. I've found that most people simply accept that part and focus in on Clinton's actions instead of questioning why the hell we have so many secrets. For the security industrial complex, it couldn't have worked out better if they'd planned it (?).

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PriceRip's picture

          You and I know there was no plan: It's just inertia (once set in motion it tends to stay in motion) and the good ol' peter principle at work. I cannot count the number of times I have tilted at this windmill. And, as you point out, security has become a major industry: It used to be, back in the day, a mom & pop corner store kind of thing. But, back then computers were not ubiquitous and we all knew each other. This last forty-odd years have zipped by and so much has changed (for the worse, IMHO).

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Sandino's picture

is counterproductive at best, unless one is hoping to convince republicans and strengthen their memes. It would probably be best to cast it as endangering the lives of people who are trying to help us, for example, the source in Libya that Sydney Blumenthal outed by name.

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Big Al's picture

I think that's the bigger story, the fact that she (and they) did and do this to hide things they should not be doing. Naturally we'll still not see that because it's "secret".

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Sandino's picture

Private server? Refuses interview from State IG? Still no speech transcripts?

Tha ad writes itself.
She's Jim Jones and the democrats are fighting for kool-aid.

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polkageist's picture

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-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962

It thought the article was very well written. What surprises me is the "liberal" media is barely covering this.

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they are a fully bought and paid for subsidiary of the Oligarchs and corporate America. What you see and don't see in the media is basically scripted in the corporate suits and designed to keep everyone in America focused on BS fights over nothing so they don't pay attention to being made into surfs

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WindDancer13's picture

example of Kissinger. I guess I am not surprised that no one else in the media has made this connection.

From On Clinton’s Emails and Kissinger’s Vault

“There’s a parallel here, in that Clinton had personal control over what well may be official records,” he said. “These are public records, right? Historical records of major decisions in government that help to create the world we’re living in. There’s no question Kissinger would have preferred his stuff stay under lock and key.”

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We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass

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So it is really no surprise that the corporate news world has a control on what gets reported.

When only half a dozen (or fewer) corps control 90 percent of the media, this is what we get.

Legal monopolies have been around for years. The people who are supposed to regulate those things are the same people allowing them. Just another nail in the coffin that those in government can't be trusted to regulate a damn thing anymore.

Business regulates the government now - not the other way around. Been that way for a long time. No one wanted to admit to, or discuss it, because change was just around the corner.

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If you wanted to get hold of HRC, you had to go through her aides. People emailed them, and they filtered and forwarded things to HRC. Seemingly perfect way to screen her from any culpability. As came out in the Benghazi hearings, most people at State, even most ambassadors, did not have HRC's email address. They had to go through Mills or Abedin.

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terriertribe's picture

That means, of course, that Mills/Abedin saw almost everything the Secretary saw. They both have clearances at the same level as the SoS?

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Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.

and let's see of both are willing g to spend the rest of their lives in jail to cover up for Clinton. Make a deal with one to get the truth and throw the other in jail, along with Hillary and Bill

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On the surface it looks like Mills and Abedin did their jobs -- but what if you had an assistant with an axe to grind and they decide not to forward you certain requests? At the very least, your ambassadors should have direct access to you as SoS.

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jamess's picture

for the links, and insightful analysis.

You raise some very significant "How" Questions.

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You may have heard of "spoofing" - falsifying email header information? It is very simple to do. It is possible her private email was set up to look like a response from a state.gov account. I doubt that's the case (since we haven't heard about it), but it could explain why no one paid attention to what she was doing.

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Phoebe Loosinhouse's picture

in the printed versions of some emails was "H" and the email address itself did not appear or was redacted.

One of the things I found most telling from the very beginning of this whole brouhaha is that for years while HRC was in office, the FOIA requests and the Congressional requests had been coming up empty with no results. It was only after she and her gatekeepers were out that the Kerry administration from the looks of it was making an actual sincere effort to be compliant and found some of the emails and revealed her non-government address to the Benghazi committee which then triggered the whole effort to reclaim her official emails as the government property they rightly were.

If someone wants to start discussing the complicity of the State Department in general, I would start with why it/they provided the whole cover story of them sitting around one day and coming up with the idea of "Say, why don't we contact all the former SOS's and make sure no one is holding onto any emails we should have?" when in fact they had already been in negotiations with Hillary and her lawyers to claw back the emails. (I believe that is correct, will have to doublecheck the timeline.)

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" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "

MsGrin's picture

Seems to me that I read she spent time doing that extremely early in her legal career...

Wow interesting stories when googling Rodham Watergate:


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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

kharma's picture

not only shady but freaking illegal. Fuck Hillary and her and Bill's hubris. Let them fall as Icarus.

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There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams

riverlover's picture

You cursed brat! Look what you've done! [melts] I'm melting! Melting! Oh, what a world! What a world! Who would have thought a good little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness?! Ohhh! Look out! Look out! I'm going! Ohhhh – Ohhhhhhhhhh!

My little Toto is named Skya and is now 4 months old and threw up in the back seat of the car. Oh my.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

jwa13's picture

who set up an "alias" so that at certain times of the day (or if an email came from certain individuals) anything addressed to hclinton@state.gov would automatically be forwarded to $hillary@clintonemail.com Completely opaque to the sender; completely transparent to the recipient. A knowledgeable individual also could set up a "mask", so that anything originating at $hillary@clintonemail.com would appear (without close inspection) to have been sent from hclinton@state.gov

Pretty simple, really --

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When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.

terriertribe's picture

It's a common technique. For example, my website contains an email address at the bottom of most pages. The address doesn't really exist as an inbox with storage but mail to it is auto-forwarded to my real address by the mail server for the website domain. That way I can see at a glance that the email comes from a website visitor.

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Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.

gulfgal98's picture

Nice analysis of this important article. I continue to wonder why no one in the MSM is asking questions like these. Yes, they are part of the establishment, but can they not see how the way Clinton operates could have a very negative impact upon them too?

Turley's analysis of Clinton's royal and loyal guard is chilling in that I believe she may be worse than Nixon in this regard.

Thank you for this insightful essay and for the links.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

bebimbob's picture

repeatedly reveals that Sid Blumenthal had access to highly classified information and shared it with HRC. Blumenthal had no security clearance whatsoever, but apparently knew of the NSA's surreptitious interception of Angela Merkel's electronic correspondence.

Blumenthal is the same guy that showed up on cable TV recently saying that what the FBI was doing was "just a security review."

Makes you wonder why he isn't being interviewed. Or he has or will be, but we haven't heard about it. Time for someone in the press to start asking him some hard questions. He should go down too.

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"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." de Saint-Exupery

....to carry two different phones was a bullshit excuse. loads of business people do it every day to keep personal separated from business.

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ThoughtfulVoter's picture

Cutting off access to the government’s system — like disconnecting security cameras — enabled Clinton to work off the government grid, undetected and unrecorded.

Her suggestion that her actions were only an improvised matter of “convenience,” rather than part of a premeditated strategy, should have been dispelled upon discovery that the foundation of her plan was laid when she registered the “clintonemail.com” domain eight days before she was sworn in as secretary of state.

Clinton’s manipulations in the halls of power have evidenced her contempt for — indeed, sabotage of — the very system meant to protect us. Who in our government will step forward to make this case and assure us that government officials are held to the same standards as those they govern?

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