Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Found at Home in the Hearts of the American People.
It travels with me.
I abide where there is a fight against wrong.
-Mother Jones
Tuesday May 16, 1916
From The Arizona Republican: A Letter Forwarded For Mother Jones

From The Arizona Republican of May 16th:
-----Noted Labor Worker is Expected to Arrive
Here Within the Next Few Days
to Look things Over.
------Mary Jones, better known as "Mother Jones," is expected to visit Phoenix within a few days. It has been known for several days that she was expected, but the exact date of her arrival has not been ascertained. The word received here was to the effect that she would be in Phoenix on or about the 15th of May.
Governor Hunt is possessed of an example of how well she is known all over the United States. A letter came to his office yesterday addressed in the following manner:
To Mother Jones (Mary Jones)
-and then underneath that is the following:
Postmaster-Please find her, for I know not where her home may be, lest it be in the hearts of the American people.
There was no town, county or state named on the letter, simply the above description. The letter was mailed in Lincoln, Neb. the authorities there were probably aware that she was coming west, and sent the letter to Phoenix. The local postoffice, thinking that she would probably call on the governor, sent it out to him.
The governor has not been informed of her visit, other than that she is expected soon. In fact he frankly admitted yesterday that he was not very well acquainted with the lady and was entirely ignorant of the purpose of her projected visit.
The Arizona Republican
(Phoenix, Arizona)
-May 16, 1916
Mother Mary Harris Jones, Please Find Her, AZ Rpb, May 16, 1916
& ISR Dec 1915
See also:
C99 Tag: George WP Hunt
The Death of Mother Jones - Gene Autry