The False Piety of the Media

So, if you haven't seen the news, it seems that there's a really big issue with ICE separating families, and then... losing the kids.


I'm honestly not surprised in the slightest. Considering I've dealt with the foster care system, I can with no hesitation state that anybody shocked by their incompetence and cruelty has just remained blissfully ignorant.

Let's start with the disclaimer:

I was NOT without my problems as a parent. Prior to getting experience with it, my children were not doing well. Much of that had to do with my inability to see problems where they were clearly visible in hindsight. I have accepted and moved on from my failures as a parent, in spite of the "Help" of CPS. Recollections of events change from time to time, and I've told this story quite a bit. At times in the past I've left out things, like the help of my parents, or my lies to the court. This is the truth as far as anything can really be called truth.

My first suicidal moment was when I was patiently waiting for an appointment with a CPS worker halfway across town. I had just dropped my children off at their school for the day, and was confident that things were on track for success. I was just about to join the Army (Approx.. 1 week till my enlistment date) and had been assured by CPS that my children were in Zero danger of being removed.

They were late. They continued to be late. I went to a pay phone and called my now-ex, who was sobbing. Apparently the Police Department had gone to my children's school with the social worker, during a scheduled appointment with me, and had removed my children. This was from the people I had done everything I could to build a rapport with. Who I shared my hopes, my dreams, my fears and my failings, as they requested, because it was the only way that I could keep children, or so they claimed.

I ran 3 miles. Right to my son's daycare. I could not believe it. The teacher explained that they had taken my son, and they would be contacting my wife. Nothing about me. I was superfluous to the discussion. I felt some of the darkest black I have ever felt in my life at that point. I wanted to die, and I was half tempted to attack the nearest police station with my bare hands to make it so.

What was the reason my kids were taken? My ex couldn't handle the children on her own. With me there, she could barely do it, especially considering that my kids were runners. Of course, the local "Family Shelter" didn't take men, so the end result was predictable.

I kept to my end of the bargain I made with the devil, even when they cheated. I gave my freedom and a good chunk of my soul to the Army, and I know it. Even today some of that training still sticks in my head, and I'm just glad that I came out of it as good as I did. My ex chose not to deal with them, and I don't blame her one bit. After the lies, the deception and the outright hostility towards us they exhibited, only a damn fool would try to fight back.


So what did I do? I harnessed the Might of the MIC. While I was in the Service I did EVERYTHING to be the absolute best soldier I could be. I did the counselings, I did the recommended classes on parenting (Even though they proved to be ultimately useless), Anything I was told to do, I did it.

I followed the CPS workers orders to the letter. I enlisted my folks to help with getting the kids out of their horrible foster care situation. (Which caused my mother to eventually lose her job due to the damage the kids had suffered in foster care. Caring for abused kids is a full time job, and the kids still talk about the horrible times they spent in foster care, including being separated, bullied and mocked for being who they were.)

My folks escorted me to court on the appointed day. My "Lawyer" and I use the term loosely since the guy essentially did nothing, and the excuse given was "Death in the Family" (Yes, I understand, but my ex's lawyer did Far more for me, and she was working for the "Other Side". Give the goddamn case to somebody else, if you can't handle it!) I showed up in full Dress Uniform, complete with Spurs. (I'd Joined the "Order of the Spur" in the Army, and yes there were jokes about "Where's your horse?") CPS demanded more time for the kids to be "Reunified". They brought up testimony about PTSD, and I lied that I didn't have it.

Yes, I am admitting that I lied in open court. I committed Perjury. If I had not I would never have seen my children again, and I'm well aware of it.

And the judge saw a Veteran, who showed up, stood at attention when he entered, answered all questions with "Yes, Your Honor", and had his family in support... and a CPS attorney who had to flip through her case notes to get my children's names right. He told them to accelerate the process. And of course we never heard from CPS again. My mother flew to Texas, handed the kids back to me, and we went from there.

Did it affect my children badly? Possibly. I was functionally an alcoholic and didn't seek help for almost 5 years because of it. But then my kids grew up, and told me they didn't like what I was doing.

So a year later, I started cutting down on my alcohol intake. It wasn't much, wasn't a huge thing, but it was a little at a time. Because my kids asked me to, and I want to be a better person for them. And then my mom sends me the news that my Social worker just plead guilty to child porn.

My faith in the system was irrevocably shaken that day. Not just because of the fact that the guy who helped make my life hell did what he did, but that he wasn't even punished for it. He got probation and "Counseling". He jumped through the right hoops, and the lawyers helped him walk. He also is a nice comfortable homeowner who has a good record helping children. (No, really, that was the judge's reasoning.)

So, excuse me if I don't believe social workers words any more. Excuse me if I don't trust people who give me their word. Excuse me if my first thought when a politician says they have my interest at heart is to immediately check my wallet. Excuse me if this false piety about how Foster Care suddenly got evil under Trump strikes me as complete and utter bullshit.

They'll never bring up the rest of us, those who are "Politically acceptable" targets in the endless war on the poor. Spare me crusades "For the Children". I've seen the end results, and instead believe in helping my children prepare for the world your policies create.


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i was separated from my children while the authorities were verifying that i wasn't kidnapping them or whatever.

i spent about 20 minutes teetering on the edge of an astonishing visceral rage. i couldn't believe how immediate, complete, and almost irresistable was the urge to do violence to the people who were holding my kids.

i think it's kind of like pepper spray -- nobody should have any authority in the process of deciding whether to separate a parent and a child until they've been through that decision process themselves. only then can they understand the anxiety and anger that they are creating when they undertake that decision process for some other family.

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The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

detroitmechworks's picture

@UntimelyRippd to avoid just flying into a blind rage. It's amazing how immediate the reaction is. Yeah, I am 95% certain it's a hardwired evolutionary response and those that don't have it seem to see it as a weapon to be used against parents.

Hell, even the Mafia knew not to go after a man's family if they weren't in the business. Which is why this deliberate separation of the generations by the media strikes me as particularly insidious...

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Well Detroit, you managed the system for the benefit of your kids and you. Your full dress uniform was smart. Bet you had the judge standing for you.

Yours is just another prime example of never call a cop when you need help. The minute the "authorities" get involved, they mindlessly take over and do whatever it takes to be as bureaucratic and unhelpful as humanly possible.

Good job.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

detroitmechworks's picture

@dkmich down the memory hole. It apparently just wasn't "Newsworthy"

One Article, from 7 years ago, and nothing since. Apparently he was fired and had to register as a sex offender.

Which I hadn't known. At the time I thought he was still working for the department. Course, a quick firing of one individual does a lot to save the face of a rotten system.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.