The exact price of a life is $2,500

I was reading the article Why American lives matter most, about our long history of racism and narcissism in wars, when I got pissed off and googled "price of life paid compensation".
I was surprised by how well documented this idea is.

To be fair, not all lives are worth the same.

Seven million dollars per U.S. citizen is the number the EPA uses.

In fact, $7 million is roughly the "statistical value of life" used by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in formulating regulatory policy. Other U.S. agencies use similar numbers.

The families of 9/11 victims were paid $38 Billion. That means several million dollars per victim.

The lives of our soldiers killed overseas are worth a lot less, but is still a significant amount.

Yet compensation payments for those who die tend to be much lower in the United States and elsewhere. Especially elsewhere. U.S. soldiers killed in battle merit a "death benefit" of $500,000

That's a $100k payout, plus the standard $400k life insurance for soldiers that are increasingly brown of color.

But that's only people with American passports.
When it comes to racism, America reserves it's worst prejudice for those people with the wrong color of passport.
If you thought dropping from $7 million to $500k was a big drop, look at how cheaply we price lives of poor people in muslim nations.

In March 2014, the U.S. military paid an Afghan man just over $1,000 to compensate for killing his civilian son in an operation near the border with Iran, according to U.S. military records released to Reuters.

I paid twice as much for my first car. Not all payments are so small.

According to U.S. military documents obtained by Reuters under a Freedom of Information Act request, American forces have paid Afghan families about $1.2 million for the deaths of at least 101 Afghans and injuries to 270 others from the end of 2013 to 2016.

There's no standardized method for putting a price on the life of an innocent child that we murdered, and who is Afghani, but let's just say they are in the "moving into a studio apartment" range.
It's disgusting.

The United States frequently paid $2,500 in response to the death of a civilian in Iraq, and continues make payouts around this amount in Afghanistan...
Yet even these payments can throw up striking contrasts. Leaked spreadsheets show the United States in one case paid as much for the loss of a cow "caught in crossfire and razor wire" as it routinely pays following the death of an Afghan civilian.

One cow = one Afghan civilian
That has got to be the most unintentionally racist sh*t I know.

Just think about all of those years of deafening screams of "Racist Wars!" by liberals!
Listen how liberals go on and on about how we've got to stop murdering brown-skinned children all around the world because of the racist foreign policies of President Obama, and how those racist policies continue under Trump.

[chirp, chirp]

Sorry, I meant deafening silence by liberals when faced with this obvious racism.
That is, when they aren't demanding an escalation of our racist wars.
Because liberal outrage at racism doesn't extend beyond our borders, even when our troops do.

We may not have a standardized system for compensation, but the British do.

British forces, who serve in Afghanistan as part of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), use a table of standard injury and death payments to guide them. It includes suggested awards of $200 for minor injuries, $240 for the loss of a toe, $1,000 for the loss of an eye and $7,000 for the amputation of both feet.

The table, released by the ministry, shows the severity of an injury and the number of a victim’s dependants play a big role in determining how much to pay. The document advises troops also to consider the “sex of the injured party in relation to their earnings capacity and family responsibilities”.

It recommends payouts for the death of an Afghan child of between $2,000 and $5,000, and between $5,000 and $8,000 for the death of an adult, defined as someone aged 12 or older. Deaths of working men with large families are likely to result in the biggest payouts, it says.

You got to give it to the British. All that colonial experience at delivering atrocities onto innocent populations have made this systematic for them.
Meanwhile, we are all over the map.

The average payment following the loss of an Afghan life was $2,500 while the most frequent was $2,000, according to the Foundation's analysis of the files uploaded to the website

The highest recorded payment for the death of a single civilian in the files appears to be $4,700, to the family of an interpreter killed on a military base in Khost province in September 2008. The lowest was the $1,000 for the killing of a woman’s son paid in Kabul in October 2007.

In one case, U.S. forces paid $4,500 to two men for the lives of seven relatives killed in an air strike in Helmand in August 2010.

You would think that with a bloated $700 Billion defense budget that we wouldn't be so damn cheap when it comes to paying compensation for murdering innocent children.
It must be their fault for having the wrong passport.

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snoopydawg's picture

Ditto. I can't tell you how many times I've read something like this.

"We [the US military] should've turned the whole place [the Middle East] into a nice sheet of glass!" the young man said with glee.

"Nuke em, turn the Middle East into glass, killl them all and let gawd sort it out.

700,000 Rohingya now in Banglades, hundreds of thousands in Yemen, blacks and others being sold as slaves in Libya, the last group of Syrians that were killed by whoever, the many others who we aren't aware of whose lives are affected by our country's actions.

Yeah, I'm pretty pissed about the worth of lives who aren't white Americans. Even those in this country.

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Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

Voting is like driving with a toy steering wheel.

The Aspie Corner's picture

@snoopydawg railing about stupid shit like 'White Genocide', 'Stealth Jihad', 'Creeping Sharia', 'Immigrant Caravans' and, 'The Jews' to even consider that most of the shit we've seen is a direct result of the 'Murican Empire's Big Stick foreign policy perpetuated by capitalist forces.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

I had a confrontation with an ex-Marine in a bar.
He was talking about "turning Baghdad into glass" when I stepped up and said, "So you want to commit genocide."
I could see his eyes turn angry, and he was a big guy too, but I didn't back off.
"There are five million people in Baghdad. That's as many as the Nazis killed."

I'm not sure if I made sense to him or not, but he turned away. I never heard him speak that way again. At least not around me.

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Bisbonian's picture

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

CB's picture

We are the very best in what we do. No other country in the world has surpassed us.

“Why, This Isn’t Cuba”
April 10, 2018 by David Swanson
In exceptionalist nationalism, as perhaps in all nationalism, “we” are to adopt a first-person plural identity alive for centuries, so that “we fought the British” and “we won the Cold War.” This self-identification, especially when combined with the belief in exceptional superiority, inclines the believer toward focusing on noble things “we” did, and away from shameful things “we” did, even though personally he or she deserves neither credit for the former nor blame for the latter. “The nationalist,” wrote George Orwell, “not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them.”[i]
Since World War II, during what some U.S. academics think of as a golden age of peace, the U.S. military has killed or helped kill some 20 million people, overthrown at least 36 governments, interfered in at least 84 foreign elections, attempted to assassinate over 50 foreign leaders, and dropped bombs on people in over 30 countries.[v]
Of the United Nations’ 18 major human rights treaties, the United States is party to 5, fewer than any other nation on earth, except Bhutan (4), and tied with Malaya, Myanmar, and South Sudan, a country torn by warfare since its creation in 2011.[ix] Is the United States functioning as the world’s law enforcer from a location outside the world’s laws? Or is something else going on?

- plus lots of other "exceptionals".

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Is the United States functioning as the world’s law enforcer from a location outside the world’s laws?

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It's the same thinking that lets people die because they can't afford medical care. We end up valuing ourselves the same way those who dole out compensation to us when it's required. It's always "what's it cost, what's it worth, what do I have to pay". Hell, the bomb that blew up the kids probably cost a thousand times what they pay the parents, and the brass is more likely pissed about the cost of wasting the missile than anything.

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mimi's picture

all the rest of the people seem to be cheap.

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