**Dr. Jill Stein Green Party Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech!**
Green Party Convention Coverage:
As you may have noticed, there was deliberate non-existent National Media coverage of the Green Party Convention, and Dr. Jill Stein's Presidential Nomination (aside from a 1-minute blurb by Fox News of all people).
Even CSPAN deemed this not "news worthy". But we still have the numbers behind this movement anyway. There are 13 Million Bernie Sanders voters across the Country that are out there. It is time to stand up, be visible, and have your voice be counted.
Despite the lack of coverage, a great acceptance speech from Dr. Jill Stein is provided here (yes, on Caucus99Percent because this is the peoples agenda), with important messages on why and how our progressive political revolution over the last year must now be sustained and continue to march forward, and not be stifled, sidelined, drowned out, reversed (or even criminalized) by Ms. Goldman Sachs and War Profiteer: Hillary Clinton and the entire crooked and guilty DNC Establishment.
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0hpdQi6lEs width:720 height:540]
Dr. Jill Stein's Presidential Acceptance Speech
Here also another great interview with Dr. Jill Stein proving once again why it is she who deserves our hearts, our minds, our funding, and our votes. It's not because "we're with her", it's because: She's with Us!!
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcFzT70BqFc width:720 height:540]
So Let's March Forward and make this Revolution too big to ignore any longer.

There is no alternative.....
Thanks FreeSociety
It looks like the Revolution
will indeed NOT be Televised.
Go figure.
Jill Stein
Thanks for posting this. It is great to hear from the Green Party!
CNN is going to host a town hall meeting with Jill Stein on Aug 17th at 9 PM Eastern time.
Looking forward to that
even though it is the Clinton News Network.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Front Paged?
I expected Jill Stein's speech would have been Front Paged here.
Thanks for the videos! I think she's an excellent speaker.
I always feel inspired when I hear her.
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