"Democratic" Convention Backlash
The so-called "Democratic" Convention (?) is the result of a political Primary process that was anything but democratic. Already Debbie Wasserman Schultz has been booed while speaking. Perhaps she should have been lynched, if there was any real justice.
The all-too-easy willing capitulation of Bernie Sanders is also both baffling and frustrating. The sense of clear principle, and boldness that had marked Sanders historic campaign has just evaporated into a whimper and pure mush, justified by a stunningly naivete -- that dare suggests that Hillary Clinton has sincerely shifted "left" from her atrocious lifelong anti-progressive, pro-Cartel, pro-Corporate, pro-War, pro-PoliceState, pro-Bankster track record.
But I hope that his own Delegates will defy Sanders cowardly instructions, and go forward and fight publicly on the Convention Floor to the very bitter end for both the candidate (Sanders), and to defeat and upend the DNC Rules that are designed to deliberately sabotage and cripple any possible challenge ever made by progressive candidates. It is time to finally wrest control away from the crooked DNC Establishment regardless of how messy that may appear, or whose feelings might get hurt.
It's called Revolution. Either you're for it, or you're against it. It is time at long last to choose.
Some reflections about the Clinton-Kaine ticket from ConsortiumNews:
By picking Sen. Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton has revealed her true preferences and shown that her move to the left on policy issues during the primaries was simply a tactical move to defeat Bernie Sanders. The two politicians to whom she gave serious consideration to choosing as her running mates were Kaine and Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack. What both men share in common is, like the Clintons, being leaders of the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC). The DLC was, on economic and foreign policy issues, a servile creature of Wall Street – funded by Wall Street.
As Tom Frank’s new book 'Listen, Liberal' documents, the DLC vilified the New Deal, financial and safety regulation, organized labor, the working class, opponents of militarism, opponents of the disastrous trade deals that were actually backdoor assaults on effective health, safety and financial regulation, and the progressive base of the Democratic Party.
The DLC leadership, which included President Bill Clinton, entered into a series of cynical bipartisan deals with the worst elements of the Republican Party, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan and Wall Street elites that:
- Destroyed Glass-Steagall (the New Deal reform that separated commercial and investment banks)
- Created a massive regulatory “black hole” in financial derivatives that Enron and later the world’s largest banks exploited to run their fraud schemes that led to the Enron-era scandals and the Great Recession
- Drove Brooksley Born from government because she warned about these derivatives and sought to protect us from the coming disaster
- Cut the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s (FDIC) staff by over three-quarters, destroying effective supervision of banks
- Cut the Office of Thrift Supervision’s (OTS) staff by over half, destroying effective supervision of savings and loans such as Countrywide, Washington Mutual (known as WaMu, the largest “bank” failure in U.S. history), and IndyMac. OTS was also supposed to regulate aspects of AIG and Lehman, but had no capacity to do so given the massive staff cuts and its deliberately useless regulatory leaders chosen by Bill Clinton and George W. Bush
Where Was Kaine? Kaine, like Hillary Clinton, has embraced for decades the DLC/’New Democrats’ agenda – meaning they are allies of Wall Street. They embrace a neo-liberal, pro-corporate outlook that has done incredible damage to the vast majority of Americans. Kaine is actively pushing to weaken already grossly inadequate financial regulation and pushing to adopt the indefensible “Trans-Pacific Partnership” (TPP).
By choosing Kaine, Hillary Clinton is signaling that her new-found support for financial regulation and opposition to TPP was a tactical ploy to win the nomination before she “pivots” back to the disastrous policies that she, Kaine and Vilsack have helped inflict on the world for decades. She is playing into Trump’s claims that she is not honest.
What’s especially noteworthy is that Hillary Clinton and Kaine are carrying Wall Street’s water while the Republican Party is repudiating some of these policies. The Republican Party platform calls for reinstating Glass-Steagall, and Donald Trump has called for the defeat of TPP.
So I will close here with my earlier statement, which is a call to action:
It is time to finally wrest control away from the crooked DNC Establishment regardless of how messy that may appear, or whose feelings might get hurt. It's called Revolution. Either you're for it, or you're against it. It is time to choose.
Fight on!
And We Still Do!

Bernie delegates should....
vote for Bernie in the roll call then walk out...state by state.
or...if Bernie releases his delegates some in each state should nominate Jill Stein.
That's the best I can think to do.
I want a Pony!
There's blood in the water.
Hillary & Co. thought they could appease Berners with a token DWS resignation, but all that did was make protesters thirsty for more.
The DWS resignation is also a tacit admission that the DNC rigged the election for Hillary, so now delegates are facing the prospect of crowning a candidate who everybody knows stole the nomination.
And it's only Monday.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
I have no idea what is wrong with Bernie
Given that we now have proof the Democrats rigged and stole this election, the #1 goal isn't Bernie winning. It is Hillary and her supporters losing. She cannot be allowed to keep what she stole. Past time progressives stood up and declared war.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
When the Democrats take back the Senate, Sanders is in line
to be chairman of the budget committee - a very powerful chair. I think he's focused on that.
He's given hints that the populist surge should continue and that it should have new leadership. I think it's time for people to step forward and see who the consensus pick is and go on from there. Sen. Sanders had led this far; a younger person - maybe someone from the under-35 cohort - will emerge.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Bernie understands where
Bernie understands where diplomatic strategy is required. Patience, grasshopper.
But The People's Movement continues regardless of all else, for if this Movement stops, we die.
Edit: vote against both evils. Bern with a clear Green frame, not Trumped by the Kochs!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I don't agree with Bernie Sanders
Bernie keeps saying the number one focus has to be on electing $hrillary.
I think the number one focus has to be on DEFEATING the Clintons. CUT THEM LOOSE. Send them back to their mansions, to their friends Henry Kissinger, David Brock,Sidney Blumenthal, and take BACK THE POWER of the Democratic party from the hands of the PTB, DLC, Third Way sycophants.
Revolution ain't over by a long shot.
Bernie is right to play it cool
Imagine the backlash if he were to lead the protests against the DNC, as justified as he may be. Remember all the whining and whinging about his endorsement? Magnify that times a hundred.
No, Bernie doesn't have to get pissed. He gets to be the appeaser. He gets to utter meaningless platitudes and make nice and happy with the establishment Dems. We don't need him to urge us on, or whip us into a frenzy. We're pissed enough already, and we'll take it from here.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
Great comment.
I totally agree.
Why protect the DNC?
They are corrupt.
They are arrogant and will not ever change (unless they are forced to, by such an uprising).
Just what whining are you worried about? The DNC whining? Let them whine! Let them feel our wrath.
You will never have change, unless you force the issue. Power never voluntarily concedes anything. Power can only be seized by those who want it (away from those who have it).
It's time for the DNC to lose its corrupt grip hold over the what was once the Party of FDR.
Now is not the time for 'playing it cool'.
Now is the time to finally stand up, and say enough is enough.
You seem to have misunderstood me
The DNC can whine all they want. And they WILL be whining, about the Demexit and the pissed off Sanders supporters.
I'm not protecting the DNC, I'm protecting Bernie. His involvement is unnecessary, and if he participated he'd end up being a lightning rod for all the criticism and hatred pointed toward the Demexit. He doesn't need to be our foil. If the DNC wants to be critical of someone, I'm right here.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
Coach Lombardi speaks for me @ the Dem Convention:
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
DWS won't even gavel in the convention now.
I'm hearing that DWS isn't even going to be gaveling in the convention because she got booed so badly this morning. I'm a little disappointed because if she had, it would have been The Boo Heard 'Round The World.
While I disagree with your characterization of Bernie
as cowardly, I totally agree with your call for a continued Revolution. And I sincerely hope it starts with his delegates.
Thanks for the post.
in 1993 bill clinton
allowed for the massive mergers of banks, setting the stage for the credit card fueled economic boom of the 1990's and the ultimate collapse of our economy beginning in 2001
If you do not understand that being part of the "establishment" is a slur in the minds of 99% of the U.S. population then you are completely out of touch and probably are one.
The Clintons Must Go ....
I can say one thing positive about Republican activists. They had the good sense to reject the idea of yet another Bush Crime Family regime.
Unfortunately, so-called 'liberals' and 'democratic' activist were not so smart. They rejected the one, true FDR candidate, and propped-up the corrupt, horrible Clinton regime, and even fixed some of the races to force that sad result to happen.
No more Clintons folks ....
Hey, Bernie won - billionaire
Hey, Bernie won - billionaire/corporate-owned Hillary, the corporate media, the billionaire/corporate-bought DNC and Hillary's also-corporate-run campaign and SuperPacs cheated at epic levels.
Don't blame liberal activists for this!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Yes, She and they did cheat, but ....
I agree that She and the DNC cheated, with Media help all the way.
But ..... the fact still remains here that millions and millions of so-called "liberals" and "democrats" (especially in the South, where cheating wasn't even necessary) decided to just fall in line behind the corrupt Clinton Crime Family regime, and root for the status-quo.
So anyway that you look at this, the cold hard fact is that the Republican activists overwhelmingly rejected Jeb Bush (the Clinton equivalent for the GOP) --- so overwhelmingly that he was not even remotely close to winning one single State. I wish the same could have been about Hillary Clinton -- but it can't be said. Far too many people fell for her very shallow, vacuous "I'm Ready For Hillary", and "I'm With Her" marketing campaign.
Democratic activists did not overwhelmingly reject Hillary Clinton. No matter who cheated where ... Clinton (unlike Jeb Bush) was not universally rejected. And they still aren't rejecting her. My gosh....even Bernie Sanders himself ,and Elizabeth Warren are not fighting to see a rejection of the corrupt Clinton, Oligarch regime, and not fighting for the forward march of a truly Progressive one.
Imagine if Sanders had refused to endorse, continued to compete for every last Delegate, and threatened to throw his weight behind Jill Stein or join forces with her. That would be a true Revolution.
But there was no Revolution here, and that is very sad and is the fault of the millions of voters who just fell in line.
I tried to convince my fellow Dems here in
Georgia, but they were already ready for Hillary, the idiots.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
How about this?
Does anyone else see the similarity between Gore giving in so easily in 2000 and Bernie now?
Neither are in Hill's "favorites" list, and she and Bill always did seem much more at ease with the Bush's than with either Gore or Bernie.
What IS it that she can evidently threaten whomever she wishes and get her way? I'm suddenly going back over all those "conspiracy" stories back when Bill was Prez and wondering if, indeed, where there was smoke, perhaps there was also fire?
I've had it. All she and the Democratic party as a whole has done is turn me against them 100% for the foreseeable future.
HOW can having two criminally inclined/indicted individuals running for President be in any way in accord with the Constitution?!
And yes, I believe Bill manipulated Trump (probably over a round or two of golf) into running and has helped him along the way. He knows the only person Hillary MIGHT beat is Trump... but only if they can make Trump seem like Stalin and the Devil Incarnate.
Damn the Democrats! I've suffered thru too many decades of Neo-Con "trickle down" to see us get thrown into the fire of the DLC's Neo-Lib version of "every man for himself." This bites. Big time.
Thanks. You've really hit the nail on the head with your observation, and comparison between Gore's meek capitulation to Bush, and Sanders unnecessary capitulation to dishonest Hillary, and the corruption of the D-Party.
Gore had the upper hand back in 2000. Widespread, unmistakable "voter irregularities", and repression & disenfranchisement of American citizens trying to vote. But he blew it: First by deciding to just count "4 counties" -- creating a narrative that then favored Bush: "Gore is trying to cherry pick for votes". He should have just made the very simple and clear argument for a full Statewide Recount and fought it through legally (like Al Franken did in 2008). Then Bush would have been seen as "the cheater", and Gore as the victim. Instead, the GOP and the Media turned it all around and had the narrative of Gore just cherry picking for votes. And Second: Right after the Supreme Court shutdown of the very late coming Statewide Recount request, Gore then just went belly up and pretended that there was no cheating going on. No reason for outrage. It is time for "acceptance" (remember that?). This was mind numbing to watch. A coup d'etat just took place.
As for Sanders, he could have very easily just marched right over to Jill Stein and created a nice 13 Million Vote Firewall against corrupt Democratic "centrism" (right-wing corporatist and totalitarian War policies actually). This would have forced Clinton's hand to have to actually win over Sanders voters back or lose the Election. But Sanders decided that Establishment economics and Establishment Election Laws and unlimited, perpetual Warfare is good enough for him.
Whatever happened to "Enough is Enough" Bernie?
You cannot have a Revolution, and just be complacent, complicit, and comfortable all at the same time (and be worried over your Senate Committee Chair position). Something's gotta give.
You have to stay standing up ..... even when you're counted out.
This is why I think Bill egged on the Donald
These DLC triangulators never make a move unless it leads to some benefit for themselves. I remember the rumors of Bill spending time golfing with Donald before Hill finally declared. And they'd attended at least one of his weddings. Money knows Money, regardless of party "politics." And Bill has been acting practically senile for this past year, and in doing so, getting away with all kinds of unethical tricks.