Catastrophe Theory
A few weeks back there was a lot of talk about how the DNC and the Clinton campaign were still campaigning like it's 1999. This is a common human tendency, and it reminded me of a branch of mathematics called "catastrophe theory." I was hoping that I would get some further insight into how the math might apply to the election, but nothing has come up, so I'm just going to describe the mathematics and see if anyone has a good idea how to apply it.
The ideas here are actually not that complicated, and I think I can explain it all with a single picture:
Imagine that you have some "system" (like the voters) and it has some properties (like income distribution). In the picture, these properties are the X and Y axes. The system is only stable for certain combinations of these properties, and the stable combinations are all on the line in the middle of the graph.
If you look at the graph, you can see that sometimes there is more than one Y value for a given X value. This is because - unlike it was in algebra class - Y is not completely determined by X . Instead, there are several possible values of Y, but at any given point in time, the system only has one particular value (labelled S).
Now most systems try not to change too abruptly. So if the system's value for X moves a bit to the right, the point S will move along the curve to the new value of X. Where things get interesting is at the u-turn in the curve where it starts to head back. If the value of X is pushed past the end of this turn, the system suddenly can't become stable again by changing Y by a small amount. It has to jump down to the lower line at the point labelled C. This jump is called a catastrophe.
Most people assume that dynamic, real world systems are not like this because they often aren't. Even the toy one in the picture usually doesn't jump around, and this makes people complacent. But when it does happen, everyone goes "No one expected that!". Except the mathematicians and a few prophets.
Many people have commented on how this election year seems unusual. Personally, I think they are all intuiting that we are hitting one of these catastrophic transitions. I have no idea what the nearest stable configuration will be, but my intuition is that income inequality and a general sense of powerlessness are the variables being changed.
This is not quite the revolution Bernie is talking about. He is speaking about actively creating the change, of choosing the new stable configuration for the body politic. What catastrophe theory suggests is that if we don't make this choice, one may be chosen for us. And we have no guarantee that this state of the system will be better for us than the previous one.
Transitions like this come along only every generation or two. The last one was in the 1960s, and I think it is time for the next one. This is why it is so important this year to choose what we want instead of what we fear.

excellent analysis
What really is scary is that the .01% reaction to this very real transition point is "hair of the dog that bit ya": more corporate propaganda and marketing, more brutal policing methods, more surveillance, more rigged elections, taller gates on their gated communities....
Will Rogers said it best
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Hair of the Dog... Now That Is Interesting. nt
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
I wish they were only drunk
Unfortunately, that was just the first step...
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
I am amused . . .
Actually they are, always, but we don't notice this because . . . (well that is a long story). Catastrophe and Chaos are all about us and anytime I try to talk about it I get blasted by internet experts. so mostly I keep my mouth shut (metaphorically speaking (writing? (typing?))). Consider, for example: "Classical" catastrophe theory is just a pre-modern "philosophy" version of Quantum "Tunneling".
Tunnelling as Catastrophe
That's an interesting idea... which I am completely unqualified to comment on. But as this is the internet, I'll babble on anyway!
I think what you suggest would presume some sort of hidden variable where something moves under the hood and the macro version looks like a state jump. I've never been fond of hidden variable theories (I think Lee Smolin's evolving universe makes a lot more sense of everyday experience than superdeterminism), so I'd have to say I wouldn't put it that way. But who knows!
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
NO! not that!
No, "hidden variables" are a holdover from the early days of classical thinkers trying to wrap their heads around the new physics. "hidden variables" are repugnant in the extreme. I am not a classical physicist by any measure. I started learning physics from the other end of the spectrum.
Edit: And just to catch another conundrum before it gets loose, "Wavefunction Collapse" is not a real thing, it is a hold over from pre-modern "philosophy" as well.
If it makes you feel better
just say, "there are no hidden variables, just variables we incorrectly have assumed do not apply."
This goes back to my college days arguing against Skinner. I argued that people are so complex and circumstances so unpredictable that any attempt to determine an outcome is doomed to failure. This does not mean that determinism is incorrect, just that what Skinner assumed was its goal is impossible. If Comey's daughter (I don't know if he has one, but that's not the point) had gotten in trouble at school for taking a principled stand Hillary could be the one in a hospital instead of Chelsea Manning.
On to Biden since 1973
Deception Versus Reality
The dependencies of comments are obscure . . . so I do not know if your comment was in response to my comment . . . but I will address this snippet:
We have a rule: If you say you understand Quantum Mechanics, you have just proved you do not understand Quantum Mechanic. This rule is a truism because our Perception of Reality is not an accurate representation of Reality:
can be best described as a "classical" understanding of
our internal (as well as our external) environment.
and may never have the ability to understand quantum mechanical processes.
The point being: What you see is not necessarily what you get. When I write "Everything" I am referring to the stuff mediated by the trilogy of forces known as Electromagnetic, Weak, and Strong interactions. The case of Gravitational, Dark Matter, and Dark Energy is still a bit of a mystery.
Within this realm (that which we know is governed by the mysterious QM) we actually know some things to be true. One of those truths is that the notion of "hidden variables" is wrong. It is important to understand that "hidden variables" is a technical term for an attempt to make QM comfortable by letting us pretend that Reality is really deterministic. Reality (as in what is really "out there") is not deterministic and "hidden variables" is a sham.
I am certain that most caucus99percent readers don't care about what I have said here, but I prefer reality to deception, and I hope this community of free thinkers would agree.
I was thinking that we are witnessing the birth of
the 7th party system in the USA. We think that the party system we have today is a permanent feature. It isn't! I was going to comment elsewhere that the Republican Party was once a third or fourth party. The US political arrangement doesn't have as much flexibility as a parliamentary arrangement, but changes do occur, in response to crises (catastrophes?).
I'm terrible at advanced mathematics, but I am glad you posted this, Hawkfish!
"All Life is Problem Solving" - Karl Popper
Albion's Seed talk about this a bit
and I'm glad you brought it up. I wrote about this very topic last month, but I posted it right after the Great Down Time of Early June, so I think it got lost.
Or maybe it just sucked and I can't let it go
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Rene Thom resurrected
long go we used catastrophe theory for social dynamics like this. At best it is a metaphor. Complex interacting systems never can be reduced to a two variable manifold like you use here.
However your point is well taken. There seem to be instabilities developing in the system.
An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.
In fluid dynamics there is a similar phenomena
The idea is that the flow rate of a compressible fluid is a function of the density. The curve looks like an inverted parabola.
Now I'm recalling this from about 40 years ago but we applied it to traffic flow and this model explains some traffic jams. The idea is that there are 2 solutions for a given flow rate of cars. One with the cars at a low density going fast and another with the cars at a high density going slow. Sound familiar?
The transition is called a shock wave. It comes from a fairly simple nonlinear model that I can't recall right now.
The shock wave forms when the density reaches the peak flow rate at the top of the curve and where ever that occurred, the traffic jam starts.
An interesting experiment.
There are a few of us "out there" that like to "eliminate" those shockwaves. It turns out that if you "look ahead" a bit more than most and react at the right time one driver in the stream is able to"flip the switch" and smooth out the flow without the "mindless" particles being any the wiser.
I do this often when I pass through Denver and Seattle.