C99p for Sale? - No way!
Sorry, folks, JtC was so kind to reactivate my account so that I can write my response to Johnny's "House for Sale" diary.
From what I have read so far, there are several suggestions of how to prevent the "sale" to actually happen. I do not want this site to be sold. It's JtC's and Joe's baby and we are the village folks who help raising that kiddo.
The best suggestion, imo, is the suggestion by daveincleveland to build an "Ad Hoc Caucus99 Compensation Committee" to gather a peoples' ongoing-fund-guaranteeing group.
Let me explain a little bit why I think that is necessary to have such a group and committee.
Back in the days in 1995/6 I had a full time job at a wire service agency as whatever kind of office and research assistant. The building I worked in was the first to get the broadband internet access cabling, so that all news agencies (it's the National Press Building in Washington DC) got high speed internet access. That was either 1994 or 1995. So, I discovered the intertubes. And was thrilled and fascinated. I started dreaming of building my own website from scratch at my spare time at home. I did that and it was "yuuuge amount of work" (just writing html from scratch and no other skills). I paid a coder, who developed the first free shopping card to make that side functional for customers. It came to the point I wanted to switch from giving up my day-time job (a secure but lowly paid job in a nice work atmosphere with kind colleagues and stuff) from full-time to half-time, so that I actually could write code for my side alone and sell my goods and support the site administratively myself with only very minor expenses for the emergencies I wouldn't be able to fix myself. Don't forget I think that was like the stone ages of the www world.
My boss said "No". I either work full-time for him, or I don't work at all. After being "four weeks in business" I knew I would never make money with that thing. Mr. Ueber Capitalist XYZ killed that thing (the guy is a 0.1 percenter).
So, even without being in any way a techie or a writer, I kind of know how it feels to be in JtC's and/or Joe's situation. So much for the backdrop.
I have gone watching myself and others going through blog writing and commenting activism on dailykos and here. I watched people in TV news production environment and developed a sense for visual communication just by being exposed to it closer than just being a common TV watching consumer.
My conclusion is:
1.that communication among people is a basic human emotional need and reaching out to others is as important as food for your physical health. One blogger on dailykos said once that he/she thinks the most important thing is that "communication happens". That means that anything that prevents it from happening is not desirable. We do want to talk, right?
2. online communication is deeply lacking as it blocks out 80 percent or more of normal real space person to person which is transferred through body language and facial expression etc.
3. anonymity online is necessary, but imo dangerous, as most people can't control what the good Germans call your their inner "Schweinehund", meaning if nobody can catch you and you can get away with anything you say or do, your inner "Schweinehund" gets mightily seduced to do just that, being a Schweinehund (something a little more "dreckig" than a usual "jerk".)
4. that the behavior of your "inner Schweinehund" hurts the readers, listeners and watchers (visuals can hurt as a much as words).
So, there is a need to somehow get a balance in controlling the seductive powers of your anonymous blog communication with the need to communicate as freely and uncensored as possible. Here now comes in the poor guy/gal who has to "monitor" all of your communication. A horrible work, if you ask me.
So, horrible, especially if that person also has to technically keep the site going and working to the many "desires" of its spoiled users, that
and not only paid but having the security that he/she gets the salary paid on time and be certain that it's coming in.
Therefore I am all in for "Fund Guarantee Mechanism" by the users of this site.
We are used to read all stuff for free online. Everybody is just worried to have a yuuge enough group of followers. I think people deceive themselves about that being really so important. I think what is needed are a couple of good writers and enough regularly paying members.
I could imagine a mechanism to work like this:
1. You are a lurker, reader only. You have no rights to comment, write or search the sites archives (heh, I was one day a lurker and started crying that I couldn't search old EBs on this site anymore).
Ok, this lurker has not to pay anything. Not that this is really fair either. You wouldn't get any print newspaper for free, would you? But apparently that's what it is. If you "print" in digits it's expected to be free. Basically that is unsustainable.
2. You are a member, but know you never would want to write a diary, but would like to engage in communication with other members in the comment thread. I think that's a privilege (considering that you can really talk a lot without repercussions, even if it's bs) to have and somehow, something you should pay for it. Very little, but something. Freedom of Speech in a kind and safe environment cant' be totally for free.
3. You are a member and you want to have the right to post your diaries as well as to comment and use all the bells and whistles the site has to offer. Oh yes, I think you should pay for that privilege a little bit more, but still not too much.
Most seem to be scared to not have too many interesting writers to post diaries. I think that fear is not really justified. Most people want to write and post. And hopefully not be bullied or put down for whatever they write as long as it is at a basic level of civility.
It's a privilege imo to post several diaries a day. So, that member, imo, should pay a little fee for that privilege.
I am sure you hate my opinion, right? But you wouldn't expect to ride the bus without paying for a ticket, so why do you think you can ride the internet highway's most fun sites for free?
It seems to be that the lowest amount people will be able to afford is $3.00 a month. The next level would be something around $5.00 a month. I myself am on a $10.00 monthly schedule with some extras, if I feel like it's needed. Others indicate they could afford $20.00 to $25.00 a month.
Let's say we want to give JtC a salary of $ 4000.00 a month (Sir, that is still an acceptable salary, right?), it would mean we need
800 people to give $5.00 a month
400 people to give $ 10.00 a month
200 people to give $ 20.00 a month
160 people to give $ 25.00 a month
100 people to give $ 40.00 a month
So, for those who can't afford $5.00 a month, they need to ask for a sponsor so that they can participate on the site. People who can afford to make a monthly minimum contribution of $5.00 for someone else, should shout out.
I don't think the salary for JtC should be dependent exclusively on "fundraiser drives". It's not secure enough for a man to depend on that kind of non guaranteed income for a full-time job for a longer time period.
Basically people who can't afford to pay $ 3.00 also could not afford to park their car or buy a bus ticket. They need our help and not being excluded. Paying a monthly fee for the privilege to throw any comment or diary on the site might help some to not overdo their participation.
Well, I know, JtC had told me before that any sort of mandatory fee would be out of the question. To which I say, basically your project to provide a site with so much free (and funny) conversation as we have seen here before, will be out of the question to maintain, unless you want not only take C99p to the funeral in a casket but JtC as well.
I think it's an exploitation of a do-gooder volunteer skilled person to allow that person to work for free for you 24h/7d.
And I haven't even talked about Joe's EB and some other regular wonderful OT and series writers here. Of course I wouldn't ask those writers to pay anything, as long as they committed to go on writing in a series. They should be at least tipped with some dough.
But I don't know about a mechanism technically to accomplish that.
Personally, I really, really come here for the collection of news in the EB and the many links to articles and books, mentioned in other diaries or comments. That's for me the real value. If it's even funny and comes with great musical offerings, ha, I would pay for that too.
So, I think there is a diary from dallasdoc for a fundraiser etc. I am on a 10.00 per month schedule on three or four sites. That was easy for me to do as long as I worked and up til last year. It gets tighter now. But I now consider to stop to donate to one site and use it to increase my monthly C99p payment to 20.00 a month.
I use payal with direct withdrawal from my bank account. I wished there would be an extra bank account for C99p for just transferring money from bank to bank.
People, who can afford to pay something in a lump sum quarterly, annually might help give JtC a more safe feeling as well.
So, I hope you can set up something like the group of guaranteed fund raising people through that committee daveincleveland suggested.

mimi, I have no problem with a fundraising committee
that's cool, and does not have to be overt (in your face). I don't like categorizing who can read/comment/essay by what they pay. Sounds too class-related or country club like. It's humid here, thunderstorms are skirting my drought-stricken area.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
hi riverlover, you mentioned before
that you consider some kind of grading system of contribution as class-related. (Color coding under the avatar etc). I do not think that it has to be public who donates at what level. I consider it more like a public health care system, in which people are mandated to pay a premium according to their financial capabilities (or pay their taxes according to their income so that they can use service related facilities) . As you can't control or check, who is poor and who is not, online, the only way to make some scaled contribution possible, is, imo to give out some incentives to the consumer to pay just for what they want to have, and make anything beyond that volunteer contribution as you would do in a fundraiser.
I wouldn't want to have to say publicly on what level I contribute or do not contribute, I don't like JtC (or any other community funded site) to beg publicly for money, other may be on a half-yearly fundraiser drive.
Just see that you still can read for free. Even in a library you pay a fee to use and read their books. So, considering that you can't tell the librarian for 24h/7d a week what you think about this and that and more, knowing that you are just one person out of the hundreds who do so, I think it deserves a little fee to be paid for the privilege to do so.
I don't know how exactly to design such a mechanism I imagine, but I believe daveincleveland might know about it and I am curious to read his diary tomorrow.
I don't have to pay a fee at the library to read a book.
If I'm late returning a book, yes I pay a fee. It's sad how everything always ends up being about the money --- always the money.
I'm going to pay what I can, when I can. I've already committed to $20.00 a month.
The reality of our current reality is it takes money, lots of money, to live in this world.
I do pay for a membership card for the library
that card's fee allows me to read whatever I want. I think you misunderstood me.
$20/month is fantastic!
Maybe you can think of it as an investment: Money spent here will help to elevate our voices on social issues and raise awareness of the struggles of those of us at the bottom, the urgency of saving our planet, and ending oil wars.
And, truly, no one here would want any contributor to 'suffer' because of donations. Only give what you can afford to give!
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when we are afraid of the light.
No, you don't pay a fee at the library...
You pay taxes for that.
People always forget that government-provided services are not free because the costs are hidden in their tax bill.
“We may not be able to change the system, but we can make the system irrelevant in our lives and in the lives of those around us.”—John Beckett
$20 a month is very generous of you.
But yes, it does take money to live in this world.
And since rich bastards have a lot of it, they can afford to pay for propaganda while "we the people" struggle to provide the truth, such as provided on this site.
Yeah, I agree.
It shouldn't take anywhere near $4K /mo. to run this joint. And if it does, then half of that needs to be paid by ads. There are 2,000 people here. $2 /mo. each more than covers costs. $3 each and you're talking serious profit. If ppl can't afford $2 /mo. to read and post here they prolly shouldn't be here. And, seriously, more than $10 /mo. to support this place is money badly spent. My 2¢.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
So, I'm just wondering who made you judge and jury
of people (specifically poor people) and how they spend their measly bit of money?
Everybody, anybody, should be able to read at this site for fuckin free! Please, for the love of love, DO NOT, DO NOT go down the ad path. Please, let's all pitch in to keep us from getting controlled/invaded/manipulated by commercialization --- ugh!
Sorry, I've always contributed
money to places I've posted (including TOP and this place), and I'm among "the working poor," so.... so, there are no excuses not to kick in a measley $2 /mo. to support the cause even from the least among us. "hmmm... do I toss in $2 to C-99 this month or do I buy a cup of coffee... decisions, decisions... " Well, if it comes down to that buy the cup of coffee. Sorry for being such a Capitalista. not. Just pointing out that this place can easily be had for $2 /mo. - and it really shouldn't cost any of us much more than that. It shouldn't cost a small fortune to post on a board.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
I don't like the idea that money is speech
And many of our best writers may not be able to afford a significant monthly payment. I think "from each according to his ability" is a better rule to follow.
Organizing fundraising is an extraordinarily good idea, and it shouldn't be up to JtC and Joe to do.
Please help support caucus99percent!
hmm, but that is what I try to get at, each according
to his capability. But I don't consider a monthly fee of $3.00 as significant. May be I am just out of the loop. Though I remember people being so poor to say they can't afford a stamp on a letter to send with the postal service If that is the case. I suggested to sponsor those.
I realize nobody seems to think that it is acceptable to ask for a fee for speaking freely and protectedly online on a blog. I doubt that it will be sustainable. Sites will go under and taken over by those who really don't have freedom of speech in mind. I am not sure why I seem to think so differently about it.
I will try to think about it.
Amen to that Dallas Doc
'from each according his ability' is democratic, gasp even socialist concept that I believe in. No one should be denied access to contribute essays or be excluded from full participation due to lack of money. We should only have to carry the weight we can realistically afford. I'm sure there are enough of us here who can make it so. 'He ain't heavy he's my brother'.
Dave in Cleveland's idea is a great one as JtC with all he has too do should not have to collect and keep track of the books and the hustling and at the least this would free him up to do that voodoo that he does so well. This is not a bus ride it's a site that allows people of good spirit and differing view points to communicate and share with each other their thoughts in words. Without self censoring or adhering what will make this site 'market' profitable.
Maybe there should be a free lunch or a free ride for those who are suffering under this cruel economic global system. I like the community here that's developing despite it's ongoing growing pains. It shows me that people online of good spirit need a place to read and contribute outside the online capture and control of information and the PC thought control of the designated penned left partisan endless battle.
Boot strapping it is how we built our business. No bank loan's no outside investors just creative marketing, perseverance and providing an excellent niche service. We're certainly not rich or even affluent but we seem to still be alive and kicking. So can this site continue and grow if we all do what were able to help it allow JtC to keep it alive and at the same time make a decent living from his time and skills? I think so. With a little help from our friends be they rich or poor we can fund this lifeboat to stay afloat and continue to offer a place for people to gather online and be able to look beyond the madness of politics and what we perceive as necessary to be a contender in the mad online world we see evolving.
So I agree with most of what you say but bulk at the idea of tickets to ride. Surely we can find a way that is democratic and offers equal access to all who value a site that fosters free thinking and speech. The rest of the problems we face pale under the burden of one man having to take everything on by himself. The money part can be resolved without making people have to pony up or get relegated to having their worth or status here being relegated to how much they are able to contribute.
I think a fundraising committee
is a great idea if that would actually help the site owner(s). I know that at various times I see someone post a fund drive and I get on board. I hate recurring payments of all sorts so the reminder is helpful. For me personally, I also like seeing some sort of progress/goal sort of thing. It helps me to sort out how urgently I need to free up some money -- which in our financial position is an actual decision.
I'm less sanguine about pay-to-play. Is that really why most of us are here anyway? I'd assume most people here are willing to chip in for the community good according to their ability. We are, after all, pink commie socialists, right?
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Moodle instead of Drupal
Is there a content management system that would help us?
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Thank you for such a thoughtful essay, mimi.
You make lots of sense. I do, however, agree that those that write essays should not be subjected to contributing more simply because I think if people who might be in my position. If I wrote any essays, I might have to stop because of my financial situation. I won't be in thus position forever, but it would silence me today. Make sense?
I think you are a treasure and love reading your work and comments. I would not want that to stop if you couldn't afford to contribute more.
This is a fantastic community full of people who care for each other. It us such a refuge for me. Although I've never met any of us in person, I feel like I know so many here and value the support I feel I get from each one. Look how everyone is stepping up. It chokes me up to think how privileged I am to belong to such a group. I truly love everyone here.
Together, we can make this happen! CHEERS, EVERYONE!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Ragged Ann, from what I understood, you are a long-time
writing member and one, who should be sponsored by those who can pay for that. You are also a writer of a series, which I excluded from having to pay anything for using the site to its fullest in my diary. Please, do not misunderstand me.
I think I have to revise my diary to make it clear that I do not want under any circumstances to prevent someone from writing and talking because they can't afford a monthly fee.
I understand your concerns to exclude people from free speech and writing due to a monthly fee. But I imagine a system that covers for the poorer to have the same rights and privileges as they better off people have, basically in a similar way through our mandatory taxes. People should never be excluded from free talk and speech and writing because they are poor. Somehow some of the European countries have mastered to do so. Just look in the differences in the educational system of the US and Europe.
Let's wait what will come up in other diaries tomorrow and beyond. I am sure there are fair solutions for everybody to guarantee a salary for JtC.
And to say it too, I tremendously admire you writing despite the hardships you go through. I love this site as much as you do, believe me. And I am a weak person compared to you, not financially or health-wise, but discipline wise. If I am not hundred percent convinced about what I am doing makes sense, I don't do it. That's my weakness, probably also an excuse... but I try not to deceive myself. Joe had a nice quote on Friday's EB from Goethe and it made me think the whole evening until now. According to Goethe we deceive ourselves all the time. Dang. That Goethe guy is a hard nut to crack...
Many good thoughts and well wishes to you. I hope you continue to write and feel happy about this community.
xoxo, mimi.
I'm not so much a writer as a commenter. One day I'll write a few essays. I have a few in my head - mostly personal stuff. It's just great having everyone here on the journey through life, sharing and caring for one another.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
yeah, Raggedy Ann, ditto, it's very nice to have
the feeling that people care and share. It's why we hang out here all the time, especially those, who are alone or have a less full busy professional and family life than others for various reasons. As I said before, I love this site and many of its people too much. Somewhere buried in my book boxes I remember having a book with the title "Women who love too much". I hope nobody gets crazy ideas here, but there is something like that. I have forgotten what the book said and I didn't took it too seriously. Just came to my mind:-)
Or Co-Op.
I don't know why one person or two or three should own this when it could just as easily be Community Owned. Can't get much more commie than that.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
yeah, but the good 'ol pinky commie socialists in East Germany
had to pay a minimal fee to put their kids into a publicly (commie run) kindergarden. And they all did without feeling exploited financially, just ideologically, as their kiddies had to drink the cool-aid of the pinky commie socialists. Now, today, where they are "free" and "liberated" from the pinky commie socialist regime, they feel not so happy, because to get the same service they have to pay nowadays a much higher fee for and considering the cool-aid they are drinking, they just haven't figured it out yet that they also drink "something". So, a lot of them are excluded in our social democratic-liberal regime right now.
And if it's too much to ask for a fee then there has to be another income adjusted mechanism for donations, I believe.
There is another thing I realized in my own reactions. I feel manipulated by skilled wordsmith of the super kind souls who write heart-breaking diaries to touch your mind and heart. Too many have to be written and often then they were not capable of guaranteeing one salary. In the end it's those people who can afford philantrophycally to donate to a site the site may become dependent on.
For the people, by the people, not for the many people, by a few people.
Mimi, war Du Buergerin der ehemaliger DDR? /kt
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
no, but I had family members, who lived there,
on my father's and my mother's side. I grew up in Hamburg and became a student in West Berlin, so I crossed the DDR very often by car, either as a child and teenager with my family or myself, later on going back and forth from Berlin to Hamburg and back. I remember one of those family members, an elderly aunt second degree, who managed a Kindergarden in the DDR being somewhat offended that Westerners were often quite dismissive of any of the socialist's ideals. She kept them a long time after reunification.
I remember it was an absolute hassle to get the permission to visit them for over a day in the DDR times. Not funny. In the early years of the fifties to sixties my mother regularly sent care packages, mainly with good strong coffee. You know my mother, when she was fleeing by foot from the Russians advancing into Germany, she ended up in Landshut, which had a major US base during the war. She and some of my aunts with all their young kids lived in the basement of some housing that belonged to the base, as one of my uncles on the father's side worked for there for the Amis somehow (don't know the details). The kids stole the coffee grounds that the kitchen of the base had already brewed coffee with and saved it for my mother and aunts. They brew that a second time for themselves. So, you know, we all can somehow appreciate some good coffee and they didn't have that in the DDR.
I am a left leaning social democrat, but that doesn't mean much anymore in these days. I think the internet technology has changed so much that some aspects of our social and financial life have to be re-invented to come up with real social and democratic venues to protect people from all kinds of exploitation.
Vielen Dank fuer Ihre Erinnerungen.
Truly, very many thanks for your memories. It's clearly not easy to remember those days, and I very much thank you for sharing your memories with us.
I trust that I have not overly invaded your privacy, which I know you treasure!
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
Gern geschehen and no not at all intrusive, lol, I like to chat
you know by now...
In Dresden, one thing feels psychologically similar to Hawaii
And that is the sense that there was this Big Change in society (in Hawaii it was “statehood”) where people with Big Money and/or connections came from far away — bought up everything — made fortunes on real-estate deals — and somehow continue to displace the local yokels to the fringes — all the while telling them what’s what — charging them more and more for what used to be shared and free — and chiding them for resisting the latest elite schemes.
frankly, on Maui, it reminds me very much of
old-style colonialism between of those very rich people (of course very "liberal and progressive and hippy-ish sometimes, but rich or very smart in accumulating of debts and living excellently of it ... til they go bancrupt and lay off all the poor working folks") from mostly the West Coast and NY, who more or less control real estate markets, banks and construction companies, as well as energy producing companies, and they "own" the politicians and the police force.
Many of those somewhat rich, but not that poor, live of their real estate properties they bought in the seventies and eighties, renting it out to people who can't afford the rent.
The working class people barely make it and then there are those many veterans, who not always make it and get homeless and are just grateful that "the sun shines" and that they cant "freeze to death". Some older hippies, who live in the "woods" since the seventies. Some unhappy people who seek consolation in the beauty of Hawaii and experience that "the beauty of Hawaii" doesn't solve their personal problems. So they give up, broke, and return to the mainland.
To me, some aspects feel worse than the situation and poverty in some places I got to know in Africa during the seventies and eighties. At least there they were all equally poor and very, very few rich folks, but of course former colonialists owned plantations etc. In Maui the Hawaiians are in the minority, which makes it more painful to watch. (at least to me, that is just my personal opinion and just a first impression and relates just to Maui) It may all have changed. I can't really keep up with all those social, cultural and economic changes everywhere.
Corruptocrats vote for Clinton, ignoring will of Hawaii D voters
Heh, welcome back, mimi.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Johnny had to freakin' threaten to sell the site, in order to get her to come back out of her cave. : )
Keeping the day care site
open is crucial to so many of us!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
yeah, lol, and I need a male nanny like JtC to keep me sane ...
poor JtC ... but I think I am out of my pampers, so it's not that bad. It could be much worse. ...
I really love you, hecate, funny, funny,
next time JtC will have to offer me his first born to get me out of my bed and do something else than looking at that damn laptop screen and talk.
My problem with this solution
It enforces a "poor people don't deserve a say" style of authority. You brought up a sponsorship idea, but that adds a problem rather than fixes it. Is a sponsored person free to say anything they want? Ideally, yes, but in practice, they run the risk of losing said sponsorship if they cross their sponsor. You can't force a sponsor to continue sponsoring someone they don't wish to sponsor. And isn't that kind of what the MSM has become?
oh, please...
Who here in America can't afford $2 a month? Yes, that $2 might be a bigger burden on the poor than on some of us here, but jeezey louisey, it don't break anyone's bank. One has to ask oneself, what's it worth to absorb and contribute here? Maybe drop ESPN2?
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
yeah, I didn't think about that, I already have said
in daveincleveland's last diary that I am done with the idea and you can do whatever you want with regards to fundraising.
You can stop sponsoring and stop a pledge anytime. That means it's never sure how much money is raised, which means JtC will never know if his work has been appreciated and compensated as it should be. I wouldn't make my livelihood dependent on such an insecure situation, which I think will mean JtC could not give up his other business to work full-time on the site.
There was talk about hiring JtC. The community would be his employer, he would be our employee. Both sides imo have a responsibility. The free pledge and volunteer situation is not comparable to an employment status or contract with both sides having to live up to their responsibilities. We are not mandated to donate and he is not mandated to take care of the site. That's basically what it means.
So, it will remain a situation dependent on our good hearts and minds and on people to persuade us to be good-hearted and mindful. I have nothing against it. And will help to make it work.