CA Democrat's blog

9 Summaries and links to Recent actions by the ACLU of North Dakota - supporting the Save our Water Protesters and covering some of the many legal issues surrounding the Dakota Access Pipeline - 3 possible action items in first paragraph of story

9 Summaries and links to Recent actions by the ACLU of North Dakota - supporting the Save our Water Protesters and covering some of the many legal issues surrounding the Dakota Access Pipeline - 3 possible action items:

you can send the ACLU of North Dakota some $ love at this link -

you can like the ACLU of North Dakota Facebook page here -

you can follow the ACLU of North Dakota Twitter page here

Please take 10 minutes and email Executives at some of the Bank's funding The Dakota Access Pipeline your thoughts about the pipeline, a cut and paste email list of about 1/2 the Bank Executives funding the Pipeline included- help you get comments to them

Courage Campaign - Friends Help Friends Vote Progressive w/ the Best CA Proposition Voters guide ever - 108 Recommendations from 14 CA Organizations on the 17 Propositions on the Nov CA Ballot - hugely recommended that you download it today

Please email your CA friends to also download and use. link to download at:

Friends Help Friends Vote Progressive.

Progressive-Berniecrats-Primary Winners – 160 Candidates running in 2016 State and Federal Races that YOU can support on 1 ActBlue page – They need your support today !!!

23 New Election links - 2016 Election hacking confirmed - NSA, DHS, and Letter from Reid, Pelosi, Ryan and McConnell; CICJ Book and Support links, CA, AZ and FL updates


Our Elections have been hacked - NBC, AP, ABC, Bloomberg, etc stories

1M to 7.2M voters may lose their right to vote in NOV because of Republican Controlled Crosscheck - 85% of whom are likely persons of color - SAT 9-10-2016 Election Updates - GA, VA, OH, NC, and perhaps 25+ more states
