My comments

Subject Author Posted Votes Replies Latest Reply
USA with a population of 330 million people...
From:The Evening Blues - 5-28-24
BORG_US_BORG Tue, 05/28/2024 - 05:41pm 1 1 Tue, 05/28/2024 - 07:58pm
Your bird and insect photos
From:Friday Night Photos Garden Edition
BORG_US_BORG Fri, 05/24/2024 - 07:09pm 1 1 Fri, 05/24/2024 - 07:47pm
@#2 Loss in the general
From:What they would say if they knew what honesty was
BORG_US_BORG Thu, 04/25/2024 - 03:08pm 1 2 Thu, 04/25/2024 - 04:31pm
@#2.1.1 I was with RFK until
From:I'm Noticing a Pattern
BORG_US_BORG Sun, 04/07/2024 - 05:52pm 1 2 Mon, 04/08/2024 - 11:01am
@#6 I don't think the 0.01%
From:OT WED 3 APR 24 ~ cruising for a bruising
BORG_US_BORG Wed, 04/03/2024 - 03:38pm 1 2 Wed, 04/03/2024 - 03:55pm
@#3.1.1 That should be the
From:AIPAC vs. Progressives
BORG_US_BORG Tue, 03/26/2024 - 05:36pm 3 0
The Sea Change
From:AIPAC vs. Progressives
BORG_US_BORG Tue, 03/26/2024 - 01:52pm 1 1 Tue, 03/26/2024 - 02:36pm
@#3.2.3 The U.S.–China
From:No one wants to know who blew up the Nord Stream pipeline
BORG_US_BORG Sun, 03/24/2024 - 07:28pm 1 0
I think the last President that moved to the Left
From:Biden News 1/9/2023
BORG_US_BORG Wed, 01/10/2024 - 05:09pm 1 1 Wed, 01/10/2024 - 10:04pm
@# I liked Kennedy
From:Biden News 1/9/2023
BORG_US_BORG Tue, 01/09/2024 - 05:42pm 1 2 Tue, 01/09/2024 - 06:57pm
@#3 The author of the article
From:Bud Light
BORG_US_BORG Tue, 10/31/2023 - 09:21pm 1 1 Tue, 10/31/2023 - 10:07pm
No Difference
From:Open Thread - Thurs 31 Aug 2023: With Friends Like This
BORG_US_BORG Thu, 08/31/2023 - 04:20pm 1 1 Fri, 09/01/2023 - 12:31am
@#3.1 Is there a difference?
From:The Evening Blues - 7-24-23
BORG_US_BORG Mon, 07/24/2023 - 11:55pm 1 0
Is it ironic or disgusting?
From:A Text from Schiff
BORG_US_BORG Thu, 06/22/2023 - 05:21pm 1 0
I like what I have heard RFK jr say
From:It's official
BORG_US_BORG Thu, 04/20/2023 - 04:14pm 1 2 Thu, 04/20/2023 - 06:15pm
Israeli Fascists
From:Israel decides that it's time to 'subdue Palestinians once and for all' in the 'last war'
BORG_US_BORG Thu, 01/26/2023 - 05:44pm 1 0
Institutional Graft
From:The $65 Trillion hole in the global finance system
BORG_US_BORG Mon, 12/05/2022 - 04:45pm 1 0
the Republican-Democratic party
From:Flip the script
BORG_US_BORG Tue, 11/01/2022 - 05:40pm 1 2 Thu, 11/03/2022 - 07:11pm
@#11.1 A brief summary: https
From:All we are saying --
BORG_US_BORG Tue, 10/25/2022 - 07:26pm 1 1 Tue, 10/25/2022 - 07:30pm
I am so sorry to hear
From:Very sad news
BORG_US_BORG Tue, 04/12/2022 - 10:18pm 1 0
I suspect the same court
From:Capitalism Wins! We've officially reached neofeudalism
BORG_US_BORG Mon, 01/24/2022 - 10:00pm 1 0
@#2.1 What a terrifying
From:Any thoughts on the upcoming war with Russia?
BORG_US_BORG Sat, 01/22/2022 - 01:31pm 10 0
In the case of AOC..
From:A Nina Turner head-scratcher
BORG_US_BORG Wed, 01/19/2022 - 10:23pm 1 0
@#6 What Covid relief?
From:Democrats about to be crushed: What will it mean?
BORG_US_BORG Wed, 01/19/2022 - 12:16am 1 0
Thank You so much!
From:Open Thread - 01-07-22 - Happy Birthday c99
BORG_US_BORG Fri, 01/07/2022 - 01:40pm 1 1 Fri, 01/07/2022 - 03:25pm
Very Cool
From:green flash video
BORG_US_BORG Tue, 01/04/2022 - 01:20am 1 0
The Capture of Amy was overwhelmingly evident in 2016
From:What did happen to Democracy Now?
BORG_US_BORG Sun, 01/02/2022 - 01:36pm 1 0
Thank You for carrying on the good fight
From:Open Thread 12-31-21-Happy New Year!
BORG_US_BORG Fri, 12/31/2021 - 11:40am 1 1 Fri, 12/31/2021 - 01:17pm
As an Atheist..
From:Happy Thanksgiving!
BORG_US_BORG Thu, 11/25/2021 - 07:47pm 1 0
May gratitude inform your spirit!
From:The Evening Blues - 11-25-21
BORG_US_BORG Thu, 11/25/2021 - 05:05pm 1 1 Thu, 11/25/2021 - 06:14pm
@#4 @#6 Are you saying "I
From:This is our regressive social order.
BORG_US_BORG Sat, 11/20/2021 - 10:19pm 1 2 Mon, 11/22/2021 - 10:45am
Watch the videos of the events as they unfolded
BORG_US_BORG Fri, 11/19/2021 - 07:47pm 1 0
@#1 All of the parties
BORG_US_BORG Fri, 11/19/2021 - 07:39pm 1 0
I just found r/antiwork a couple weeks ago
From:The wisdom at r/antiwork
BORG_US_BORG Thu, 11/18/2021 - 09:45pm 1 0
They sure live in a bubble
From:The progressive collapse is complete [Update: Not Yet]
BORG_US_BORG Fri, 11/05/2021 - 03:19pm 1 0
Jayapal is feckless af
From:Progressives fold like a cheap suit
BORG_US_BORG Wed, 11/03/2021 - 05:27pm 1 1 Thu, 11/04/2021 - 08:02am

From:The Times You Drove In My Car
BORG_US_BORG Sat, 10/30/2021 - 12:45pm 1 0
Disgusting! What's left in the Bill?
From:Last chance for progressives to show they aren't gaslighting us
BORG_US_BORG Thu, 10/28/2021 - 05:08pm 1 1 Thu, 10/28/2021 - 09:45pm
@#12 In Spain or Mexico that
From:The Evening Blues - 10-25-21
BORG_US_BORG Mon, 10/25/2021 - 11:29pm 1 2 Tue, 10/26/2021 - 12:52am
The new Keroac/Thompson novela!
From:Bring Me The Head Of The Town Burned Down
BORG_US_BORG Sat, 10/23/2021 - 04:03am 3 0
More like the Obamas are
From:Our defeat in Afghanistan is very close now
BORG_US_BORG Sat, 08/14/2021 - 08:06pm 1 0
Can you direct me to more info on this topic?
From:Neofeudalism and Billionaire Warlords: If things keep going in the same direction
BORG_US_BORG Wed, 08/11/2021 - 05:03pm 1 1 Wed, 08/11/2021 - 06:31pm
Any writer who uses the term "far-left" dogwhistle
From:Signal Wave
BORG_US_BORG Tue, 08/10/2021 - 02:37pm 1 1 Tue, 08/10/2021 - 03:00pm
(No subject)
From:Signal Wave
BORG_US_BORG Tue, 08/10/2021 - 02:35pm 0
From:We've Been Doing It All Wrong
BORG_US_BORG Tue, 07/27/2021 - 03:06pm 1 0

From:Good night and my very best to everyone here
BORG_US_BORG Thu, 07/22/2021 - 02:47pm 1 0
I've been saying this for years
From:Broadening the conversation about police violence
BORG_US_BORG Wed, 07/14/2021 - 02:40pm 1 0
The "Purity Test" is like Capt. Merika's sheild the faux Progs
From:Why the TYT/Jimmy Dore Feud Matters
BORG_US_BORG Wed, 07/07/2021 - 12:15pm 1 0
Your homestead writings are so inspirational
From:The Weekly Watch
BORG_US_BORG Sun, 07/04/2021 - 12:33pm 1 2 Sun, 07/04/2021 - 04:10pm
Yes that's it.
From:What is the scoop on the Infrastructure Plan(ned asset givaway)?
BORG_US_BORG Thu, 07/01/2021 - 11:44pm 1 0
Thank You for writing this
From:At first it was a little bit of climate change swag
BORG_US_BORG Sun, 06/27/2021 - 01:14am 9 0
From:What is c99?
BORG_US_BORG Tue, 05/25/2021 - 06:24pm 1 1 Tue, 05/25/2021 - 11:48pm
