# Democrats #Bernie #Election2020 #BernieOrBust #NotMeUs #Oligarchy #Politics

Do Not Go Silent into that Dark Night

Ok, so I changed the words of the Dylan Thomas poem a bit.

Tuesday is another big decisive day for Bernie and Our Revolution. Right now, Bernie and Biden are running neck-to-neck in the primary race to win the nomination as the Democratic Party's candidate for the Presidency of the United States (although you would think the opposite if your only source of news is the MSM).

And yesterday, Biden endorsed Trump/s (edit: added /s):


Tonight's Debate is Gonna Get Ugly

CIA Pete and Boss Bloomberg are going all out against Bernie. The other flotsam and jetsam are sure to follow with their own attacks. I'm guessing it's going to be a tough one to watch tonight without destroying a TV or computer screen. So be forewarned.

O'Brien is Bloomy's senior advisor and he's going heavy on the "Crazy Bernie" trope:

The Morning After

I'm just gonna throw together a very brief compilation of tweets I found on point this morning. #OnlyBernie is trending on twitter: https://twitter.com/search?q=%23OnlyBernie&src=trend_click

The Redbaiting Gets Ratcheted Up

This started with a tweet from a Biden surrogate:

Will Bloomberg be the Overnight Sensation Come Super Tuesday?

He's coming March 3rd. Be scared, be very scared. Be angry, very angry. As much as I'd like to go to a ridiculously priced Rage Against the Machine concert (and I really, really, really want to go see them), I'm gonna donate money to Bernie instead. Please vote for the only possible left alternative to Bloomberg and Trump. It's our chance of a lifetime. Think we can wait another four years or more? I don't.

CNN Exit Poll Takeaways

Here's the exit poll, chock full of sundry demographic results:


You gotta scroll down and click on "Exit Polls."

Here's one positive development off the bat:

Back to Basics on #BernieOrBust

Creationism aside, we grew from photosensitive cells to primate bipeds which send computers into space. That is a mammoth scale of observation to cross. To do so, we've had to become very complex creatures, utterly dependent on an inherited social structure. Depending on where we live, those can be pretty nasty. Not just personally dangerous, but dangerous to all of us.