Featured Editorials

Investigation of generic ‘cartel’ expands to 300 drugs

Why is anyone so upset about drug companies ripping everybody off??? What did people think would happen when we were chained to Big Pharma by Hopey-Changey and his fraudulent ACA? Price fixing was no doubt going on before then but when it was decided that Americans couldn’t order prescription drugs from another country where they are less expensive, this was a natural result. But then again, YMMV.

Investigation of generic ‘cartel’ expands to 300 drugs

Pierre Omidyar: A Dangerous Billionaire-Backer of the “Resistance”

From Danny Haiphong, Blackagendareport.com, December 8, 2018: (Creative Commons)

“The eBay billionaire’s project is to stabilize an imperial system in crisis by luring “progressives” into corporate dominated “Big Tent” against Trump.

Obama isn't even trying to hide what he did for the banks

At Elite Gala With Ex-Bush Official, Obama Implores Wall Street to Thank Him for Making Them so Much Money

GrayzoneProject — Barack Obama urged bankers to thank him for helping make them so much money during his tenure as president. He also boasted of turning the US into the world’s largest oil producer.
