Featured Editorials

The one nation flipping America the bird, and getting away with it

Venezuela only has one big export - oil - and almost no one willing to risk American sanctions in order to buy it. Europe won't defy us, and neither will much of Latin America.

But one nation you probably don't think about will dare to risk sanctions.

About this National Emergency...

Did Trump inadvertently say that building the wall on an urgent basis isn't really needed? It sure sounds like that's what he said. And why is it such an emergency now? After all he first started talking about the need for one back when he was running for president and after he won, his party held all branches of government for two years and Trump wasn't pressuring the republicans to build the wall.

Nuclear Nightmare

Nuclear nightmare is more immanent now as low-yield weapons roll off the assembly line, as James Carroll writes at Tom Dispatch, and the as the Nuclear Clock ticks closer to Midnight, as Scott Ritter writes at Truthdig. I am alarmed to learn from RT that Putin believes the Russian people will die as martyrs while the aggressors will simply die. But I am glad to see all this writing.

the US Bomb Iran for Peace Conference in Warsaw

The Trump administration had originally called the conference to bring Washington in from its isolation for having shredded its participation in the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action ‘allies’ of Amerika have found detrimental, as well as the increasing sanctions on Iran for which they’re creating alternatives for doing business with ‘the Pariah Terrorist Nation’ (NSTEX, for Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges”.

Crucified on a Cross of Benjamins

One can only be gobsmacked by the Orwellian tactic of claiming that a quotidian phrase, uttered by millions for decades, has suddenly become an anti-Semitic insult. ("Its all about the Benjamin's, baby.") This is weaponized sophistry, aka casuistry. If we go down this road, saying "I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole." is going to be construed as anti-Polish. The metaphor of the boiling frog will be taken as an insult to French mentality.

The obvious (to me) response to the fabricated and orchestrated outrage about Representative Ilhan Omar's remark is to send her a $100 bill. If she is going to be crucified on a cross of Benjamins, she might as well have some of them.
