Featured Editorials

Second Update: DNC States Tulsi Did Not Get 3rd Qualifying Poll

Second Update:

The DNC has said they are only counting the ABC/Washington Post results for All responders, and therefore Tulsi only got 1%, and that does not count as a qualifying poll.

Very convenient for them.

Edit to add source: here


Update to the original post below:

The Weekly Watch

The Oily, Greasy, Slippery Slope of American Empire

Last week I posed the question asking why the oligarchs are destroying our ecosystem when they too will suffer the biological consequences. The more I thought about this question, I started hypothesizing that they too are owned by the very corporations they started...or at least operate in order to promote their corporations' profits rather than improving the human condition (and their own condition despite their claim of philanthropy). The oil companies make my point ...destroying ecosystems for profits in order to fulfill their bank loans.

tar sands.jpg

Look at the Alberta Tar Sands...the dirtiest oil Extraction process imaginable

Tulsi to Campaign until the Convention and New Polls (Non-Qualifying)

In Dover, New Hampshire yesterday, Tulsi announced she is in the competition all the way until the Democratic Convention next summer.

Tulsi in until Convention

In the Economist/YouGov national poll, Tulsi measures as the first choice for 3% of respondents (of course a non-qualifying poll, see page 126):

Ain’t No Kind of Political Vision Anywhere

When a community has troubles coming down the line, when the people need some way to address those troubles… That’s when you need Vision. Not talking here about virtuous generalizations: “All people should be free,” “We need to respect nature” kind of things. Nor am I talking about ideological nor technological supposed “remedies.” Those have their place, but there’s a ton of things that are…

