Featured Editorials

The DNC Leak hits the fan, and I felt a disturbance--as if a million Clinton shills cried out at once

Been a few things that I wanted to diary in past few weeks, and now we have this on our hands. Well, well, well. Where to begin?

With the pundits full of righteous faux-indignation that Bernie *dare* to criticize the DNC primary system ?


Sometimes "Democrats" Confuse Me

Some seem to be cheering on Ted Cruz as some sort of foil against Trump, nothing that odious fart has to say interests me one iota.

Next Hillary chooses Tim Kaine as her potential VP, it's seems as anything that might give the left of the party some hope is to be avoided at all costs. Yet they seem conditioned to accept and applaud the choice no matter what they actually think of it, all this choice seems to give them is more right to shout at us "lefties" about voting and stuff.

Virginia's junior senator is a good man but basicaly a republican

I cane to Virginia in 1973 and after being in the front lines in the protest movement was shocked by how out of it they were here. My first joke was "What do you call a Virginia Democrat in the rest of the country?....Answer: a republican. Being stuck with what was here I remained active and did my best but never could even communicate with most Virginia Democrats.
