Featured Editorials

Why I will never vote for Hillary Clinton

I suspect as November draws nearer we will get more and more reports about voters who have chosen to vote 3rd party or even abstain altogether.

Each of these reports will be accompanied by the usual splainin' and wild ass guessin'. They will attempt to deliver a definitive reason why we won't be voting for Hillary.

Attacking A Fellow Dem's Religion--Or Lack Thereof--Is Not Okay. DNC CFO Marshall Should Resign.

This isn’t about Hillary or Bernie. This isn’t even about whether the DNC violated its own rules with regards to neutrality this primary season. This is about standing up for core Democratic, progressive and American values by saying it should never be acceptable for a Democratic party official to suggest attacking a fellow Democrat—or anyone else—for their religious beliefs or lack thereof.

The increasingly desperate fight against safe and legal marijuana

This week the Republican National Convention in Cleveland had a choice to make and they decided against endorsing medical marijuana.
It wasn't a big surprise. However, what was surprising was a poll that came out at roughly the same time.

The DNC Leak hits the fan, and I felt a disturbance--as if a million Clinton shills cried out at once

Been a few things that I wanted to diary in past few weeks, and now we have this on our hands. Well, well, well. Where to begin?

With the pundits full of righteous faux-indignation that Bernie *dare* to criticize the DNC primary system ?

