The DemocRATic party 2016-2017; a Pictorial History

I have been at a loss for words in reviewing the tumultuous times of 2016 and 2017 regarding Hillary Clinton, her loyalists, the DNC, and other stuff. Since a picture is worth a thousand words I have condensed a 6000 word essay into 6 pictures. I hope to have captured the spirit of the slimes times. Now, as you know, the main culprit star of the whole sequence of events is no other than Killary Klinton, aka Mad Bomber, etc.

Here is the picture of the inevitable one. I cannot discern whether this is both of Killary's heads or whether its also her associate DemonRAT Tony P.:

Before any successful campaign the DemonRATic party must have wealthy donors.

Pictured below is the financial situation halfway through the campaign:

As you can see, half of the donors have been sucked dry, but others are queuing up for the second round of blood-letting, er, donations.

As we know, Hellery was surrounded by acolytes, who whispered sweet nothings in her ear, while lining up at the milk train:

Somewhere between her cosy Chappaqua nest and the Inevitable White Palace, a Bernie bird started crapping on her parade. This lead to her infamous outburst: "Why aren't I 50 points ahead!!!

$hillary did everything she could to rescue defeat from victory. She hired the 3 wise people of the DemonRATic party to help gain the necessary votes. Pictured below are Donna, Debbie, and Tom:

After excruciating defeat at the hands of Boris Badenov, she began rebuilding the party. The following ensemble was collected in an historic effort to unify the party with the Birdman:

For those who do not recall, this menagerie goes by the name Do Nothing Constructive (DNC).

At the end of all their conniving and plotting, the whole nest was almost devoured by a pussy-grabbing Orangutang.

With whispers of emails still in the air, once again the Queen will go foraging in the field, waiting for her opportunity to SAVE America.

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@Alligator Ed associated with such vermin as the Dems! Feel sorry for the two headed rat!

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O.k. When is the next meeting for the revolution?
-FuturePassed on Sunday, November 25, 2018 10:22 p.m.