The Weekly Watch
Manipulated Science and Journalism

Oligarchs and their corporations have been cleverly misleading people for decades (perhaps forever). How can they manipulate science you may ask, well they fund research which they design for certain outcomes. They are even capturing University departments by funding them. We know the for profit news outlets will not critically report on their advertisers, after all, big pharma, the MIC, and insurance companies are all primary clients. So as a result we have a misled public that thinks they live in a democracy, rather than an oligarchy.

What got me on this train of thought was a 12 minute video by Dr. Ken Berry which I saw this week. He discusses a study which claims calorie restriction is a more effective diet for weight loss than fasting.
Does fasting help with weight loss? Can fasting reverse obesity?? Sometimes research examines important questions in rational ways and reaches conclusions that improve the world. And then there is this study... You're not going to believe the setup of this study and who sponsored it!
Dr Jason Fung and I are strong proponents of intermittent fasting for fat loss and for the improvement of your health in many ways. The sponsors of this study seemingly have other goals in mind. Who do you think is right?
He explains that the 12 people in the two week study were thin and a short term study on weight loss for thin and lean people, WTF? But perhaps more revealing are the scientists and funding sources... supported by Coca-Cola, Pepsico, Nestle, and other processed food manufacturers who want you to buy their diet candies and drinks.
Nutrition studies are particularly vulnerable because of big food funding. As we discussed in the past, these corporations also dictate the National dietary recommendations, as well as the Heart and Diabetes Associations diet recommendations.
Processed junk foods are designed to be addictive. This Australian Doctor explains her struggle with what she calls carb addiction (basically sugary junk food), and how she broke the cycle. She shows the marketing ploys of junk food and drink companies tying their products to emotional feelings to convince you to eat them. (26 min)
Advertising is a powerful force shaping our habits...and it is ads and commercials which fund most media outlets.

From my perspective, nothing has made obvious the failure of both science and journalism than COVID. We've been jerked around from the start by a medical system focused on profit rather than health. A system literally controlled by big pharma, and reinforced by their media advertising dollars.
The thought that an effective treatment would be suppressed as people are still dying of COVID all over the world is almost unbelievable.
Joe Rogan, Brett Weinstein, & Pierre Kory: Ivermectin Podcast mashup of highlights (4 min)
12 min part 2
10 min part 3
(all are worth the watch if you have the time and interest)
Dr. Tess Laurie, UK scientist, speaks about ivermectin and the failure of authorities to look at the evidence. (8 min)
John Campbell is on board and asking TPTB to make a definitive statement about ivermectin. (24 min)
It isn't just ivermectin information which is suppressed, another inexpensive COVID treatment is IV Vitamin C. Dr Kory is back discussing the positive effect he and other doctors have achieved with a simple rapid vitamin treatment.
Vitamin C: The Next Banned Topic?
Dr. Kory just bared it all on Joe Rogan. But there’s more from this world famous doctor…
What tips can increase your odds of surviving your next trip to the hospital? And will Vitamin C be the next banned topic? Get 40 minutes here, then come to our site for the rest.
Dr Kory explains how the trial was purposely designed to fail by not starting treatment with the first symptoms and only administering Vitamin C for 3 days rather than until symptoms disappear.
Effective, inexpensive, off the shelf treatments aren't all that is being suppressed, so is critical discussion of vaccines.
Dr Geert Vanden Bossche has two things; a very long career in industry vaccine development and a theory that these vaccines — as configured and rolled-out — represent a gigantic mistake. One that will cause immense harm in the future. Is he right? Is he wrong? We don’t know, but his ideas deserve to be heartily debated and discussed, not censored and shut down. Why? Because the science isn’t settled and we deserve to know.
As you know, the COVID-19 vaccines are being steam-rolled out and the social, corporate, and governmental pressure to take them is immense. In this video, I introduce you to Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche’s controversial critique of this initiative. Dr. Bossche has devoted his entire career to vaccines, so I invite you to consider what he has to say about mass vaccination using these vaccines during this pandemic.
The Vaccines: Awesome Ingenuity or A Huge Mistake? (40 min)
This article is also critical of the rush to vaccinate, and the lack of review now that the program is in full swing.
Should you get vaccinated?
The CDC, FDA, and NIH aren’t disclosing how many people have been killed or disabled from the COVID vaccines. The mainstream media isn’t asking any questions; they are playing along. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and others are all censoring content that goes against the “perfectly safe” narrative so nobody is the wiser. Tony Fauci, the “father of COVID,” is still in his job even though all of this is his fault. Cliff Lane, who reports to Tony, is still sandbagging early treatments so that people will falsely believe that the vaccine is the only option. The Democrats are still asleep at the wheel by refusing to request Fauci’s unredacted emails from the NIH which will prove he covered up the fact he created the virus in the first place. Biden is clueless urging Americans to vaccinate their kids with a deadly vaccine that has likely killed more than 25,000 Americans so far. Academics in the medical community are nearly all clueless, urging people to get the safe and effective vaccine. When I tried to bring this to the attention of leading academics they told me I was wrong and not to contact them ever again. Sound too hard to believe? I don’t blame you. But there is a reason that this article is the most popular article that has ever been on TrialSiteNews with over 1M views so far. It’s because everything I’ve said is true. And nobody will debate me live about it. They all refuse.
I'm not an anti-vaxer. I feel lucky that our household had no ill effects from our vaccines, and I'm glad to "feel" safe(r) to gather with friends and neighbors. However, people deserve to understand the risks involved, and that information is being suppressed.
So no discussion of effective treatments, vaccines are declared to be the only way out of the pandemic and no criticism is allowed, however you won't be canceled anymore if you support the lab leak hypothesis, it is now an acceptable topic. Interesting.

When it comes to journalistic failure, nothing is more blatant than Julian's largely unreported torture for revealing our war crimes.
The US and UK's...
The New Atlantic Charter makes important reaffirmations to “defend the principles, values, and institutions of democracy and open societies.” In the first emphasized point, it draws a line in the sand to:“champion transparency, uphold the rule of law, and support civil society and independent media. We will also confront injustice and inequality and defend the inherent dignity and human rights of all individuals.”
One cannot help but feel that all such affirmations stand hollow with arguably the most well-known journalist of this generation, WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange, incarcerated in solitary confinement at a British maximum-security prison...
...aside from unaddressed concerns that Assange had inadequate time with lawyers to prepare his case against the U.S., or that Spanish firm UC Global was hired to carry out illegal surveillance on him on behalf of the CIA (in violation of his right to privacy and rights to legal and medical privilege) — both examples running afoul of accepted norms on what constitutes a fair legal proceeding — the New Atlantic Charter’s calls for strengthening democracy by championing transparency also ring hollow as no one has been a greater advocate of transparency in government than Assange himself.
Julian Assange remains in a maximum-security jail, despite never being sentenced for anything but a long ago served spell for bail-jumping, and despite the U.S. government’s request for extradition having been refused.
It is approaching six months since I was in court to hear the decision rejecting Assange’s extradition, and it was in the same week that Magistrate Vanessa Baraitser ordered Assange be kept in jail pending a U.S. appeal. Since then, the U.S. has submitted its appeal, which is somewhat intemperate in its efforts to discredit a number of highly distinguished expert witnesses at the hearing. The defense has submitted its response, including notice of points, where Baraitser found for the U.S. that the defense intend to counter-appeal.
Then for over three months — nothing. The High Court has not only not set a date for the U.S. appeal, it has not even indicated if the U.S. appeal meets the bar to be heard. There is some thought that the appeal lacks any arguable points of law and may be simply rejected. But the seemingly leisurely approach of the High Court to look at the matter is entirely inappropriate given that, in the meantime, an innocent man is suffering the most extreme form of incarceration available in the U.K.
In this video, we interview Julian Assange’s father John Shipton and brother Gabriel Shipton. The Shipton’s are touring the United States to engage with Assange supporters and to put pressure on the Biden Administration to drop the case against the WikiLeaks founder. acTVism Munich caught up with the Shipton’s after the event in Columbus, Ohio, to discuss the Home Run for Julian Tour and why Americans should support their family member, Julian Assange. (19 min)
Assange's partner Stella Moris gives powerful speech in Geneva to demand for his release (11 min)
Jimmy calls out the failure of the press to ask about Julian (10 min)
Chris Hedges talks to Craig Murray, the former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan, who was removed from his post after he made public the widespread use of torture by the Uzbek government and the CIA. Murray has since become one of Britain’s most important human rights campaigners, a fierce advocate for Julian Assange and a supporter of Scottish independence. His coverage of the trial of former Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond, who was acquitted of sexual assault charges, saw him charged with contempt of court and sentenced to eight months in prison. The very dubious sentence, which upends most legal norms, was delivered, his supporters argue, to prevent him from testifying as a witness in the Spanish criminal case against UC Global Director David Morales who is being prosecuted for allegedly installing a surveillance system in the Ecuadorean Embassy when Julian Assange found refuge that was used to record the privileged communications between Assange and his lawyers. Morales is alleged to have carried out this surveillance for the CIA.
The corporate capture of the media is revealed by the silence of reporters who might risk the same fate as Julian if they speak outside the accepted narrative. Julian's story is a travesty of justice and complete failure of so called "freedom of the press".
Have journalist always pushed wars? It seems so...

Jimmy and Aaron dissect TYT's pro-war agenda. (38 min)
They also call out Ryan Grim's pro-Syria war stance. (45 min)
Retired Col. Larry Wilkerson weighs in on Syria this week too. (6 min)
"The Plan of the Neo-Conservatives Was to Set the Levant On Fire" - Col Lawrence Wilkerson on Syria (entire 2 hour interview here)
Last week we heard Max Blumenthal's take on the pro-war reporting at the G7 meeting. (45 min)
And it isn't just China and Russia, Iran is still in US/Israeli sights.

Aggressive and hypocritical actions by the U.S. bolster the Iranian theocracy whose only mission is defense of their own power and state. Hamid Dabashi analyzes the recent presidential elections and the U.S. and Iranian relationship (2 min)
The entire 34 minute interview is here along with a transcript.
Trita Parsi also discussed Iran with Krystal and Saagar this week (9 min)

Sometimes science can inform and prepare us for action. Sadly that scientific data is often NOT reported. However the immediate data points of climate (ie weather) have made the rapid changes more obvious...especially for those on the left coast and western states.
Paul Beckwith explains what is happening as the Arctic sea ice melts, losing its ability to reflect sunlight, and releasing the methane that is stored beneath it. "Weirding" weather - dramatic shifts of temperature and more violent storms - result from alterations in the normal patterns of the #JetStream. Overfishing, bottom trolling, and the use of fossil fuels must end if we are to preserve the vital systems of our oceans. (30 min)
Climate change is shaping up to be the single most destructive and expensive challenge humanity has ever faced. In this episode, we'll explore why capitalism is incapable of solving the problems it creates, and what we should expect in the coming decades. (12 min)
None the less more pipelines are approved?
The Biden administration is backing a pipeline project in Minnesota that was initially approved late last year under former President Donald Trump, arguing against a legal challenge brought forth by local tribes and environmental groups.
The Justice Department on Wednesday argued in a legal brief filed in the U.S. District Court for D.C. that the Army Corps of Engineer’s approval of a permit for the Enbridge Line 3 Pipeline followed legal obligations to consider the project’s environmental impact, The York Times reported.
The pipeline is being built by Canadian company Enbridge Energy and received its final permit approval from the Army Corps of Engineers last November, CBSN Minnesota reported. Once completed, the 340-mile pipeline would transport 760,000 barrels of oil per day from the Canadian province of Alberta across northern Minnesota and into the tip of Lake Superior in Wisconsin.

Our capitalist system is driven in part by consumerism. Can we stop?
In this 10 minute video, I unpack how degrowth and ecosocialism can work in tandem to stop consumerism and overconsumption and reduce emissions in order to transition to a zero-carbon, post-climate change world. Degrowth is a response to the rampant growth/profit capitalist paradigm that fuels consumerism and is causing climate change. Degrowth de-centers capitalism and consumerism and instead argues for a world wherein there's a planned contraction of rich economies to allow for the well-being of everyone in the world. Degrowth, however, can't function well without ecosocialism. Ecosocialism recognizes that the climate crisis is a capitalist crisis and vice versa. In order to degrowth to work it needs to incorporate full democratic control of the means of production and the state in order to avoid draconian measures of austerity. Degrowth and ecosocialism represent an end to consumerism and overconsumption.
Kyrstal and Saagar cover Amazon's destruction of thousands of new items. (9 min)
Talk about waste...

After all the lies, misconceptions, and unreported news, let's catch a breath of fresh air in the forest...
I live in the eastern deciduous forest. This community is totally connected in ways we do not understand. None the less, I feel connected to this ecosystem as I've grown with it for the last 35 years or so. This is a fun 15 min clip about the language of trees.
Forest communities serve as an example of the approach humans should use in our ecosystem interactions. The clip begins by understating the 3 trillion trees on our planet.
Sometimes we get caught in the weeds and miss the big picture. Step back and enjoy...
Human domination of the global ecosystem has been a huge failure...
Evolution WILL have the last word.
No wonder we in the US (and around the world) are in such a mess...unable to reign in the endless wars and corporate aggression, blaming one another in a red vs blue false dichotomy, a nation largely in poor health because of big food advertising and the addictive nature of processed foods, a health care system based on profit driving the world's worst COVID outcomes, truthful journalists imprisoned for their truth telling, ecosystem and climatic system collapse while the very cause (fossil fuel) is promoted and indeed is the underlying reason for most US war...
You can't blame the people for their ignorance. They've been misled at every juncture. Disinformation, ignoring clear data, distraction, and propaganda have been extremely effective in dividing us and promoting the elite class to the status of feudal aristocrats. The government(s) is/are clearly unable to cope...the politicians, even the "squad", have been captured and are owned, too.

My only suggestion is to walk away from the system. As my record with an eternal skip says, grow some of your own food, consider relocating to a favorable ecosystem if yours in in collapse, reduce your consumption to a reasonable level, find happiness in simplicity and nature. No, these steps will not save the planet, but they will preserve your sanity and a sense of peace. We should be like the trees and become a part of the larger system. Build community, and be a part of the larger whole.
Here's wishing us all peace and happiness in this devolving civilization! Have a lovely Sunday. I look forward to your comments about whatever is on your mind below the fold....

"the father of COVID"?
Can you point me to some succinct, credible sources that spell this out?
I'm trying to convince someone who's bought the Petraeus-2.0-like propaganda around him and thinks he's "wonderful".
She believes herself amenable to facts and reason, though.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Are you refering to Dr. Falsie?
I'm unsure what information you are after. Please clarify and I'll do my best to provide the sources with which I'm familiar.
Edit to add: if Falsie is your aim these two clips reveal him as a big pharma hack... (39 min) (39 min)
More links to articles below the vids
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
preserve your sanity and a sense of peace
listening to the wisdom of the trees
just back from a therapeutic immersion
in a mixed deciduous forest
hemlock, birch, white pine, oak and maple
easier to be at peace with the world
in arena such as this
thanks LO!
question everything
Amen, brother
We're in a oak-hickory dominated forest, but it was once primarily a chestnut forest. I've been planting American chestnuts each year with good success so far. I plan to buy two more this fall, and then plan on taking cuttings from my existing trees for a more rapid spread. I think they will be fun to leave behind after my time.
Glad you enjoyed your forest escape. Have a good one!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Chris Hedges discussion of Corporate Totalitarianism
I enjoyed this history of US corporate capture..,
30 min presentation and 15 min Q&A
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
You Hit the Most Important Issue
We live in a world where bullshit rules. Those of us who realize that money buys access to mass communications have been asked consistently to forget that reality when it comes to science, the only font of truth left on earth.
Sorry. Scientists gotta eat too.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
I worked as a research scientist
and discovered it was a funding game. Changed gears to teaching and don't regret my decision.
We've known for a long time that corporate interest lie to maximize profit...
Glad you came by this week.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Taibbi on YouTube censoship of the Senate cuz of Covid
Has SV taken control over the ameriKKKan govt? It seems so. First they censored a prez, now the Senate. what could possibly go wrong ?
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Anyone thinking of moving out West might want to reconsider
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Censorship that is killing people...
to maximize pharma profits. Better to be aware.
As to living out west. John Wesley Powell purposely federalized much of the west to prevent massive migration because he knew there wasn't enough water.
In 1893...
All the best!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
115 degrees in Utah just the start: The severe drought and heat wave, and how to monitor
Oh well... (hi lo et al) meh
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook
not to mention flooding... the Midwest. We are indeed beginning the wild ride. Hold on!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Iranian "threat"
Once on NPR I heard a defense guy saying that all it takes to destroy 97% of the population of Iran is six nuclear bombs. The population is highly concentrated.
Given that, would even Muslim extremists ever launch a nuclear attack against the USA if the USA just left them alone?
Iran is a threat to KSA and maybe Israel. I put more emphasis on KSA because of their financial connection to Texas oilmen. KSA is a bigger "threat" than Iran.
Keeping poking a dog with a stick and it will become a threat.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Saudi ironically is talking with both Syria and Iran
I think they recognize the impending decline of the US.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
"removing the Iranian presence from Syria"
See? They are KSA's enemies/rivals.
Don't get involved in other people's feuds.
it wasn't Shiites that committed 9-11. It was Saudi funded Sunnis.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Thanks for covering
the morning news. blues. horrors, Lookout.
Today what I am fixated on is the Coverage of the building collapse in Surfside, the northern part of Miami Beach.
Unless I am overreacting and getting this wrong, there seems to be an effort to make this horrifying story about building maintenance and misery porn. Yes, it is tragic that there are so many dead and missing.
And yes, it is worrying that cracks and concrete "spalling" have been ignored.
But, and it is a big but, I'm guessing that what the focus should be on is the rise in coastal waters in Miami Beach and Miami itself. The rising waters have eaten away at the foundations of buildings all along the coast. That is the hidden headline----unless I have misread the reporting.
If I was living or visiting or vacationing in any structure along the coast in Miami Beach, all the way up to the Northern end in Bal Harbour, I would be packing my bags and departing.
On this blog we talk about our crumbling empire all the time. Here it is in visual form.
The burning part is ocurring now in the stifling thirsty NW.
I did hear that Miami is built on water saturated sand.
On TV!
doesn't sound stable. Chicago is mostly on clay.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
There has been
The coastal waters rise, the sand erodes the buildings structure.... you can add the rest.
crumbling ideed!
I sure would be headed to higher ground from S Florida.
Hope all is well in your world. Went to a musician buddy's memorial service yesterday in Huntsville. The celebration ended up evolving into several music sessions. Saw several folks that I have not encountered in decades. It was a fun reunion and celebration of our friend's life.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
PBS 1980's "Making of a Continent"
One of the things I remember is that sometimes Florida doesn't exist (underwater), sometimes it is a land bridge to Cuba.
Across millions of years. All depends on sea level and deep underground lava flows.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I remember that series...
and in fact used clips in my Earth Science classes.
Sure does help to have the visuals to understand the abstract.
Did a search out of curiosity. Disks are available for purchase, but no current streaming source.
Did y'all get any of the flooding?
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
No flooding as such.
The gully between my lawn and my garden has a few inches of water and squishes when i step in it. Tomatoes and peppers and squash up-slope are doing fine. I have one strawberry there too. I have no idea where it came from. probably from a rabbit or bird eating a strawberry. they are planted about fifty feet away.
my cousin lives in Darien about a mile from where the tornado touched down in neighboring Woodbridge. they spent the night in the basement but had no damage. MAJOR damage in Naperville. Houses literally ripped to pieces. whole blocks devastated like after a bombing raid.
I used to work for IH in Willow Springs.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Fasting and weight loss
I can hardly belief that millions of years of evolution have not prepared human bodies to fight starvation by conserving fat reserves by slowdown/partial shutdown. Wish I knew how to get rid of the spare tire, but completely stopping eating is not the way. Eating a meat only diet might work, but my doctor shrinks in horror saying I should minimize meat and fat along with sugar. That leaves me vegetables and starches to eat. I dunno.
I was a skinny kid in the fifties, eating deep fat fried chicken, meat loaf, lots of spaghetti and potatoes. And eggs. Lots of eggs. Not much cereal. I only urged mom to buy cereal for the toys. Didn't like the sweetened ones. Wheaties tasted best. looking at the label now, I wouldn't touch them for the sugar content. Were they always high sugar? Hard to find cereal without added sugar. I wasn't much for cereal really. dad used to cook me peppers and eggs, Italian style. Ambrosia! Dad wasn't fat. Neither was grandpa. and grandma was downright skinny. but she hardly ate anything.
Cakes and pies were rare. usually holidays. Mostly fruit pies. Oh yeah, raspberries and strawberries from the garden. Peaches from the peach tree I helped bring home from the nursery when i was 12. Ever carry a peach tree on a CTA bus? My other grandmother, Mom's mom, was a Hungarian farm girl. A wonderful cook. she had a big Montmorency cherry tree that dominated the back yard. A neighbor boy from her block and i used to climb the tree and throw cherries at each other. That Eastern European food was high on fat as well. Well, mom and her parents were rather hefty.
So. Diet or genetics? They always said that fat came from fat. But everyone ate fried food. When I look at my high school year book, with a few exceptions, everyone looks gaunt. When I went to my grandson's high school the halls were loaded with tubbos. The cafeteria sold pizza and coca-cola! and McDonald's was available for pre-order! Nothing but USDA milk and fruit juice at my high school (food tasted awful though, I mostly brought a sandwich from home.)
Ate lots of tomatoes, peppers, onions peas and corn from the garden. We didn't spray so I guess they were organic. Mom canned our peaches and tomatoes so we ate them year round. I loved those stewed tomatoes in the dead of winter.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
My path...
leading to losing 70 pounds (I thought I needed to drop 20) was to stop nearly all carbs. That drove my insulin down (took a few weeks), and as a result suppressed my appetite which allowed me to easily fast. All this month I've been on a one meal a day program.
If you have an interest I recommend learning from Jason Fung he was my mentor to easy weight loss and improved health. He has a series of short 10 min clips to help people use this powerful, ancient, free technique. Here's an example
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Rest in power, Mike Gravel
Interesting article on Gravel's career highlights, and especially helping Carter create ANWR.
Thank you for being a true statesman for many.
oops if someone has already posted this.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
Another great thing he did...
was to read the pentagon papers into the congressional record making them publicly available.
And I'm in total agreement that he, and all antiwar proponents, to rest in power!
Thanks for the news. Unknown to me.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thank You for the WW, lookout,
I try to feel the heat and drought in the North West, but I fail. Since a couple of days we have over here temperatures into the 90 Fahrenheit and no rain . But 108 F that is deadly. What can the body do to cool down? Where do people stay and sleep if there is no air conditioning? What's the coolest spot in your houses or apartments?
I hug you all carrying an ice bag on my chest, so we will have a cool hugging palooza.
Everything is sad and dangerous these days. So sad. Just look out for forests. Yes we have such beautiful forests just a ten minute walk from where I live:

How lucky I am. I hope it makes you feel a little happy and cooler too.
What a lovely forest! your neighborhood. I too feel so lucky to be surrounded by the green of the forest.
Have a great Sunday evening!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good Sunday morning, Lookout ~~
I am so happy I have felt safe from the virus for about 10 months. Once I was in the throes of divorce, I was out in the community, constantly. I was in restaurants, public bathrooms, stores, everywhere. I have taken vitamin D, C, and all the rest of the things they have advocated, homeopathically, to guard against the disease. I have not lived in fear. I have always figured that if I contracted the virus, I would recover from it as so many have done. Now, with my Rx for ivermectin, I am even more protected. I refuse to get vaccinated because I do not trust my government nor the pharmaceutical industry from harming me or future generations. They are here to profit off me, even if it kills me. I am here to disempower them.
Enjoy the day!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
As both Kory and Weinstein advocate...
...ivermectin could end the pandemic once and for all. Pretty unbelievable the word still isn't widely known. Glad to hear you're covered!
We bought the horse paste version long ago as an insurance against the disease. Wouldn't hesitate using it if either of us became symptomatic.
I know divorce is stressful, and glad you're on the other side building a new life for yourself. Wishing you the best!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good morning Lookout, thanks for the WW and OT.
No significant local hardwood forests, conifers and mixed conifer, some remnant mixed oak+sage-scrub with all but dense coniferous invaded by various eucalypts. Still nice to get out into all the same.
The identities of the oligarchs and elites have changed time and time again, but the deception probably goes all the way back to pre-history, though, of course, the subject matter changes. Example: religion.
Consumerism and growth for its own sake are more recent iterations.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I felt like I was in a cathedral when in the giant redwoods
when in your neck of the world. The Sequoya were amazing, but some how it was the redwood which I found mesmerizing.
Well have a great Sunday. Stay cool!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Great job, LO.
This will keep me busy viewing for days!
It is a wet summer in east Texas, and is not as hot as usual.
We took a drive to Hico, Texas. In addition to visiting The Billy The Kid Museum, looking at antiques and specialty clothing, artisan furniture, arts, and crafts, I was hell bent and determined to find a resale shop that seemed to be a cut above the usual junk store.
That it is featured in all tourism articles online tipped me off.
Well, I bought a dinette set of high quality, and it is beautiful. And it is most certainly not new. But it is beautiful. And fits the ambience of my law office. Every single piece of furniture in that office, except for a sofa, is used. Resale store, estate sales, or antique store. That is what I try to do when purchasing. And I donate most anything I do not need anymore so someone else can get it cheaply, and not buy anything new.
The garden is for next year. There is prep needed to catch water before anything else is done. We will figure something out.
I am glad you got out of research, decided to teach.
You are your own man, and not for sale.
I heard someone say their reason for not getting a vax is that they were certain their mom didn't give birth to a lab rat. That person got no argument from me.
I am looking into Ivermectin, will have a supply this week.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
that's what I like about trade day... telling what you'll encounter. It's quite a mixture of humanity.
Your find sounds great! I know recovering from the fire has been a challenge, but it sounds like you've made great progress.
Water catchment systems are becoming much more common. Good luck with that project.
Enjoy your week!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Such a peace loving nation.
Break them up!
Some of my lifelong pals are ranchers.
Fucking meat packers.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
End CAFOs and go to regenerative models
Herbivores like cattle evolved to eat grass and forbs. Put them in CAFOs and feed them corn and soy isn't sustainable. If we were to turn the crop fields of the Midwest back into prairie and mob graze cattle we would have a healthier environment and food.
I recommend finding a grass fed cattle operation near to you and buying meat from them. Most sell half an animal, and some (like our local producer) sell various cuts by the pound. They also sell woods grazed pork products.
As to the US illegal wars and irresponsible bombing (often of innocent civilians) Clearly spells our the criminal nature of our government of, for, and by the corporations.
Take care and have a good one!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
great roundup LO!
Great WW LO. Hate to sound cliche' but, it's all good.
Here in rednecksville they are walking around chiding 'follow the science' like junior highschoolers. Exceptional job PTB and media. Just what we needed to fight climate change. Now they will really listen.
Great Carl Sagan bit... always worth watching again. Brilliant man.
In academia first I was sad to see Zoology (R.I.P.) go, in favor of cellular level biology, not to mention the publish or perish and grant thingies. Now the whole shebang has been bought out and corrupted. See Florida's new political ideology declaration law.
Like Ozzy said, we're goin' off the rails of the crazy train.
Seeing fair numbers of baby birds fledging, but overall populations are way down here. Did see four just out of the nest Scissor-tailed Flycatcher on a fenceline today with papa. Some nice dragonflies starting to get going now too. June, July, and August are the best 3 months to look at and for odes (Odonata - dragonflies and damselflies). Each different aquatic habitat has different species, rivers, lakes, marshes, streams, ponds, sloughs, etc. Lots of cool ones out there. Alabama of course as with everything that has to do with aquatic habitats there has lots of endemic odes that are fairly localized.
Have a good one LO!
and all!~
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
I agree with you dystopian,
that listening to Carl Sagan again is well worth the pleasure. I listened multiple times, and each time enjoyed a sense of peace, that despite the lack of it around the world, one can still feel inspired.
Thank you and lo for highlighting it.
It's the 50th anniversary of Joni Mitchell's Blue .
I graduated university in 1980
and by then, biology deserted the ecosystem and went down inside the know follow the money. We lost our big picture.
Alabama is also redneckville, however it is also one of the richest ecosystems in the US. More miles of rivers than any other state. Great for birds and most life forms. However, even here we are watching the degradation...fewer and fewer numbers and species. Sadly, I think that is the path we will experience for the rest of our time.
Well, take comfort in the beauty we do have and enjoy it while we can!
Thanks for the visit!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks for the OT lookout...
Here's a post from today that isn't surprising but somewhat alarming: the nutrition quality of our veggies is going down--way down.
I also saw an article that suggested that with increased CO2 our food plants are producing a lot more carbs then in the past. It's what chloroplasts do when given the chance. Our average grocery store vegetable is becoming junk food. This is independent of GMO seeds, non-organic farming, and selection of plants for growth over nutrition etc.
Thanks again!
Edit to add: the article I saw about CO2 was actually the next link that Brad tweeted that you can see if you click on the first. He linked to this article.
The great nutrient collapse
The atmosphere is literally changing the food we eat, for the worse. And almost nobody is paying attention.
Now that’s sobering!
Unexpected consequences wherever you look. This is going to make it very difficult for those with plant dominant diets, and perhaps also for those who depend on fish and animals which are themselves plant eaters.
“ …and when we destroy nature, we diminish our capacity to sense the divine,and understand who God is, and what our own potential is and duties are as human beings.- RFK jr. 8/26/2024
It is soil degradation too ...
this fellow has developed a consumer meter to shop for more nutrient dense foods. Pretty bizarre we are at a place where that is necessary.
All the best!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Lookout, we have a lot of different perspectives on a lot of different things but we see perfectly eye to eye on this here:
After my cancer diagnosis I decided it was time to be done with the toxic system altogether, so I'm out too. Lots of DIY going on around here, gardening, renovating, learning to make and do, home cooking and baking just about everything, and planting trees. Overall mentality is very...Desiderata.
Appreciate the links and discussion, and all the best to you and yours!
Sounds like a great approach to me
With the right attitude it is a pleasure rather than drudgery. Enjoy your immersion in nature!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Shanghai Government Officially Recommends Vitamin C for COVID-19
Very interesting
Vitamin D. Vitamin C. Healthy lifestyle with weight of individual appropriate to their height.
Who knew? \s
Yes, I saw that over a year ago...
When I saw how well China handled the pandemic I looked at their procedure. They didn't lose a single patient that got the IV Vitamin C. If an Alabama hillbilly can learn about it I have to wonder why TPTB ignored the effective procedure.
Thanks for the link, and folks should note that was written in March of 2020, and still not a standard treatment in the US.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”