Open Thread Friday 6-12-2020


As we move forward through the seasons this year our food supply is being further disrupted with Covid-19.

A rising number of sick farm and packing house workers comes after thousands of meat plant employees contracted the virus and could lead to more labor shortages and a fresh wave of disruption to U.S. food production.
While social distancing can be more easily implemented for workers harvesting fruits and vegetables in fields and working outside may reduce some risks for virus spread, plants that package foods such as apples and carrots resemble the elbow-to-elbow conditions that contributed to outbreaks at U.S. meat packing plants.

By late May, there were more than 600 cases of COVID-19 among agricultural workers in Yakima County, Washington. Of those, 62% were workers in the apple industry and other packing operations or warehouses, according to a Reuters review of data from county health officials.

With 4,834 known cases as of June 10, the county had the highest per-capita infection rate on the West Coast.
U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow, a Michigan Democrat, said in an interview with Reuters farm workers face increased risks as fruits like apples and cherries enter harvest season.

Stabenow, ranking member on the Senate Agriculture Committee, introduced legislation on May 27 that would offer companies grants and loans to upgrade machinery and purchase personal protective equipment, fund COVID-19 testing and facility cleaning.

“You can get ahead of this, which is what didn’t happen in the meatpacking situation,” she said. “The best way to protect our supply chain is to keep workers safe.”

There is still time to start a garden in the soil or containers. I usually place a few herbs in a container to bring into the house in the fall before the frost arrives.


The weather has been unusually cool and rainy this week. I have been busy in the kitchen making cheese and cooking a few dishes for the freezer. Rarely buy spice mixes just combine the single spices to any combination desired. Included a couple of my recipes.

Chili Powder
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp marjoram
1/2 tsp oregano
1/8-1/2 tsp garlic
pinch cayenne pepper


Taco Seasoning
2 Tbs Cumin
2 Tbs Oregano
1 Tbs cilantro
1 Tbs parsley
1/8 tsp cayenne pepper

For Taco filling
Saute a 1/2 onion with pound of ground, shredded meat or tofu add 1 Tbs Taco mixture. Adjust to your taste.


Easy Crepe for One
1 egg
1 Tbs water or milk
1 Tbs flour

Whisk smooth. Pour into the center of a heated 10 inch skillet with 1 to 2 teaspoonful bubbling melted butter (not browned). Lift skillet swirl batter to spread. Flip to finish cooking.

Often use leftovers as a filling or homemade Cottage cheese with fresh picked strawberries.


Open thread all discussions are welcome.

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QMS's picture

guess the USDA lost it's teeth along with all of the other federal agencies charged with helping the people. I like your crepe recipe, will try it. Also, heard the Dalai Lama is releasing his first Album on July 6th, his 85th birthday. Inspirational music?



Have a good one.

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Lookout's picture

Sorry to read about the farm packing house workers. More proof we need local production. I do buy avocados usually from Mexico, but otherwise most of our food is local sourced. Our garden has been very productive this year. I put out a good bit of composted horse manure last fall and mulched it all. Everything has really taken off. Spring crops are about spent. Still have a few cabbages, broccoli, and collards going. Lettuce, surprisingly, is still doing well (not bitter) this late in the season.

Tomatoes are in cages now and blooming, and other summer crops doing well. Had some vole problems this year. Spraying with castor oil and soap to repel them.

Between the garden, mowing, weedeating, road improvements, keeping up with house work I've been busy just keeping my head above water. The tractor was down for over 3 weeks and really threw me behind. When the COVID lockdown was underway time was dragging. Now it flies by.

Well, hope all is well on your farm. Thanks for the recipes. I got an instantpot last year and love cooking in it...everything from yogurt to roasts to chili.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

studentofearth's picture

@Lookout myself and did not have an equipment failure. Weather has been more erratic than usual. Too cold or too hot plant. Frost got the fruit trees blooms. Strawberries producing well and cane berries just starting to bloom.

Took a look at the Instantpot when you first mentioned purchasing. When I am ready to do more pressure cooking techniques going to get one.

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enhydra lutris's picture

and now it looks like I was correct to do so. Hope that steps can be taken to enable them to continue to be employed but to be safe while so doing.Maybe this could spur the kind of progress and change in the industry that's been needed all along, but I doubt it. I fear it will go in the wrong direction. I'll maybe expand on that later, but I have to get it together and get up to Berkeley for a dental appointment today. It will be interesting to see how this all goes down with masks and C-19 safety measures up wazoo.

I like your recipes. None of my crepe recipes have worked that well to date, so I can't wait to try yours. Wish I had a 10" omelet pan, my 10" fry pans have 90 angles where the sides meet the bottom which make flipping and such a PITA. I once had a miracle stand of Italian Parsley, but it died and I haven't had any luck with it ever since. We grow garlic chives, rosemary, Italian Bay, and thyme outdoors all year, and my parsley patch kept reseeding, so it was always there too. I'm cleaning out a raised bed, maybe I should devote it to herbs, or else plant carrots while I wait for winter and grow spuds.

be well and have a good one

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@enhydra lutris iirc, that and a wire wisk were my first purchases after watching Julia Child on PBS. (At a kitchen specialty store in Sausalito before such imported equipment (Germany, France, Italy) was widely available and it's possible that such heavy-weight crepe pans weren't made much after that.) Recently helped my sister buy one. (As she'd never asked, I never knew that she'd spent decades trying and failing to make crepes and had ended up ditching several "easy to use" crepe pans.) Similar to what is carried Williams Sonoma. If you decide to buy one, I'll give you several tips on how to use it. (My sister needed a cooking class to get it down, but generally she's rather pathetic in the kitchen.) None of the non-stick or coated pans properly brown crepes. And they aren't easier to use.

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QMS's picture


something similar, the edges do not curl up as this on mine
works great for heating up tortillas


btw, your crepe is great with strawberry jam a slice of bacon !!
your recipe makes two crepes

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@QMS -- btw that isn't my crepe recipe. It's far eggier than any I make.

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QMS's picture

meant that for soe.
is a bit eggy, but I don't mind.
the cast iron tortilla pan works great
about $16, mine is made by Wagner's 1891

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

@QMS @QMS but now that I've looked more closely at it, it's larger than what I'd want to use.

The proportions for an eggy crepe that I often use for blintzes, is 1 egg, 1/4 cup flour, 1/4 cup milk. (Not that I've ever made such a small batch.) Blend and refrigerate for two to twenty-four hours before cooking. More versatile (and as good for blintzes) is 3 eggs, 1 c flour, 1 c milk.

The best dessert crepes (and also the most difficult to make) are in The Mastering the Art of French Cooking. So good, that a dinner guest that never, ever eats desserts asked for seconds when I filled it with spiced apples and custard and drizzled caramel sauce and chopped walnuts on top.

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QMS's picture


who needs dinner when you can go straight to dessert?

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

@QMS -- my neighbor often does. The other day it was an ice cream cone followed with a large plate of Kung Pao chicken and vegetables. Don't know how she does it as it sort of grosses me out. Perhaps it's her key to staying thin.

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studentofearth's picture

@QMS ready to cook eggs, pancakes, toasted sandwiches, tortillas, nan bread, crepes. Also use as a lid to trap heat in a skillet to melt cheese or brown the top of what I am cooking.

Marie's recipe is a good ratio of liquid to flour if fixing for a group and remember to get started early to provide time for it to rest.

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studentofearth's picture

@enhydra lutris The state has had outbreaks in seafood processing, vegetable processing and meat packing. Company line are care and concern for workers. Actual actions and procedural changes to reduce infection risk and spread does not seem to actually a top priority. It is more written and verbal policies to shift blame to worker actions for any infection upsurge.

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RantingRooster's picture

fresh fruit or veggies in years. I have no place to store them. I have no way to cook them. I miss having real meals, ya know, prepared by hand, fresh and all that. I wish I had enough teeth to eat apples.

When I did have a house and a wife, she made her own garden, planted all kinds of herbs and spices, the smell of which wafted around the house like fresh incense. She also loved planting flowers and gardening in general. I miss all the crazy recipes she used to try out on me, ie her guinea pig.

the good ole days...

Now it's microwave city or WhatABurger...

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studentofearth's picture

@RantingRooster during my life.

Only having a microwaves to cook was my Mom's problem when Dad bought an old yacht converted to a commercial salmon troller. She found The Microwave Gourmet by Barbara Kafka and continued to have amazing dishes come out of her kitchen. I still make a few recipes from it today in her memory.

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RantingRooster's picture

@studentofearth I'll check it out and see if I can something good to eat!


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C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote

Doctors reject 'error-filled' Harvard paper.

Chinese doctors and scientists have pointed out the many flaws of a Harvard Medical School study that used satellite images of hospital parking lots in Wuhan to conclude that the coronavirus may have emerged as early as autumn last year. They believe the flawed paper, which has not even been peer reviewed, is yet another poorly organized attempt of the US to throw mud at China's hard-won battle against the virus.

Sure are a lot of western medical professionals and politicians working hard to find excuses for their pathetic performance in tackling the coronavirus. Official reports from China in January were good enough for them to get a much better running start than China had to work with.

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Lily O Lady's picture


January in another province in China. Her mom and dad had to take her to the hospital twice to rehydrate her. More cars may just have meant the beginning of flu season. BTW, family is now back in the US.

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

studentofearth's picture

@Lily O Lady is sick so far away. With the current travel restrictions is probably a relief to have them stateside.

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Lily O Lady's picture

was underwhelming compared to expectations.

I’m not sure that Covid19 was roaring across China that early. The occurrence of flu may have disguised the early cases of Covid19. And I know of one anecdotal case where a sick person had flu rather than Covid19 in January. We kept thinking that one or more of the family would get it. I can’t say that none has tested positive, because none has been tested. My daughter tested positive for flu, so they wouldn’t test her for Covid19.

China was reluctant to admit the problem as the censured the ophthalmologist who noted the disease shows, but satellite photos of parking lots is really reaching.

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

@Lily O Lady They reported on what they had in a timely fashion to WHO and other countries, including the US. Sure wish this false claim would go away in favor of the facts.

Li Wenliang wasn't a whistleblower -- he merely shared reports by doctors in Wuhan that were trying to figure out what they were seeing. This was outside his specialty and erroneously passed along that it was a SARS outbreak. A virus that impacted China and still scares them. With that very early information, he wasn't astute enough to figure out how to protect himself. Li as a whistleblower is the story that westerners want to tell themselves and use as evidence that China covered-up the outbreak to better insulate them from criticism for their pathetic handling of the pandemic.

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studentofearth's picture

@Marie how they are influenced by more than scientific method and quality research. Influencers appear to be getting desperate to control the narrative. The Harvard study was sloppy, yet showed up as a major headline in multiple news venues.

The Lancet retracted their recent article on recent article on hydroxychloroquine

The New England Journal of Medicine an article on blood pressure medications in Covid-19 submitted by the same company, Surgisphere.

A Guardian investigation can reveal the US-based company Surgisphere, whose handful of employees appear to include a science fiction writer and an adult-content model, has provided data for multiple studies on Covid-19 co-authored by its chief executive, but has so far failed to adequately explain its data or methodology.

Data it claims to have legitimately obtained from more than a thousand hospitals worldwide formed the basis of scientific articles that have led to changes in Covid-19 treatment policies in Latin American countries. It was also behind a decision by the WHO and research institutes around the world to halt trials of the controversial drug hydroxychloroquine. On Wednesday, the WHO announced those trials would now resume.

Two of the world’s leading medical journals – the Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine – published studies based on Surgisphere data. The studies were co-authored by the firm’s chief executive, Sapan Desai.

Late on Tuesday, after being approached by the Guardian, the Lancet released an “expression of concern” about its published study. The New England Journal of Medicine has also issued a similar notice.

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@studentofearth - not providing the date was a giant red flag. Bad data, generally unverified or unreplicated, is what fueled the anti-vaxxer movement. How much time and how many research dollars were squandered on the non-existent link between autism and vaccines? My guess is that HCQ for treatment of COVID-19 will end up in that same trash bin.

China has 83,064 COVID-19 cases and 4,634 deaths. TCM was administered to almost all of those patients. Not seeing/hearing any demands from the public or health care professionals to import TCM for COVID-19 patients or even to investigate it for effectiveness. Why is that?

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mimi's picture

Canadian racism with a smile, you wouldn't like that
I love this guy, Trevor Noah. Have fun.

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studentofearth's picture


So Who Owns Canada?

The land of Canada is solely owned by Queen Elizabeth II who is also the head of state. Only 9.7% of the total land is privately owned while the rest is Crown Land. The land is administered on behalf of the Crown by various agencies or departments of the government of Canada. The Canadian Act has no provision for any Canadian to own physical land in Canada. Canadians can only own an interest in an estate. Of the land owned by the Queen, 50% is administered by the provincial government and the rest by the federal government. The Crown Land administered by the federal and provincial government can be defined as land not assigned in freehold tenure. The land in Canada is mainly used as national parks, forests, private homes, and for agriculture.

Or the country sending Tar Sand oil across our lands in pipelines? TC Energy (Calgary, based company) could complete the Keystone XL pipeline to send even more Tar Sand oil to Texas refineries and ports.

HISTORY OF SPILLS: TransCanada’s Keystone pipeline (21 SPILLS: 2010-19)

(Note: TransCanada’s “Keystone pipeline” is not to be confused with the company’s proposed “Keystone XL” pipeline — a separate pipeline project that has not yet started construction, and whose future is still very much in doubt. The original Keystone pipeline carries up to 600,000 barrels per day of tarsands from Alberta, Canada to refineries in Texas and Illinois.)

We need to take care of our own health and health care system. It is always trying to shift the responsibility to another entity is part of our problem.

edited: added link

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mimi's picture

you fear the British Crown? That's sounds funny to me.I can't say anything in response. And then you could always call the Spanish Armada for help...

Relax if you can. In all seriousness, you are a sweetheart and I hope you take no offense.
Since I am caged in through that damn virus and the politicians, who love to use it for all wicked things, I can't be serious anymore and all that comes out of my mouth has to be spit out.

I saw a documentary about Churchill recently. He was a man one could have feared. But the Crown?

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studentofearth's picture

@mimi redirect focus or introduce new paths of thought. During the the Obama administration The Daily Show creative team were occasionally used to create public speeches. They shifted from using humor to expose truths to using humor to shape opinions for political agendas.

Conservatives will often use "Can't you take a Joke" as a common deflection technique when conversation shifts in an unintended direction.

My grandmother, whose first language was German, would say "I am an eccentric artist, and can say what I want"

Churchill, half American, was allowed to wielded the power of the Crown for a short period of time.

His mother, Jennie Jerome of Brooklyn, New York, later Lady Randolph Churchill, was a noted beauty of her day and Winston, as a young cavalry officer, shamelessly used all the influence she was able to bring to bear in his quest to see action in different parts of the globe from Cuba in 1895 and the North-West Frontier of India in 1897, to the Sudan in 1898 and South Africa in 1899. Through his maternal grandfather, Leonard Jerome, sometime proprietor and editor of The New York Times,

My use of The Crown was in its power structure context. Not the caricature of a poor, misfit dysfunctional family unit who has a hard time fitting into the modern world.

The Crown is the state in all its aspects within the jurisprudence of the Commonwealth realms and their subdivisions (such as Crown dependencies, provinces, or states).[1] Legally ill-defined, the term has different meanings depending on context. It is used to designate the monarch in either a personal capacity, as Head of the Commonwealth, or as the king or queen of his or her realms. It can also refer to the rule of law; however, in common parlance 'The Crown' refers to the functions of government and the civil service.[2]

A corporation sole, the Crown is the legal embodiment of executive, legislative, and judicial governance in the monarchy of each country. These monarchies are united by the personal union of their monarch, but they are independent states. The concept of the Crown developed first in England as a separation of the literal crown and property of the kingdom from the person and personal property of the monarch. It spread through English and later British colonisation and is now rooted in the legal lexicon of the United Kingdom, its Crown dependencies, and the other 15 independent realms. It is not to be confused with any physical crown, such as those of the British regalia.

The term is also found in various expressions such as "Crown land", which some countries refer to as "public land" or "state land"; as well as in some offices, such as minister of the Crown, Crown attorney, and Crown prosecutor.

I could call on the Spanish Armada if The Crown's navy had not sunk most of the ships in 1588 and used the following years to become actual and symbolic head of the 54 member states of The Commonwealth.

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They shifted from using humor to expose truths to using humor to shape opinions for political agendas.

And became humorless in the process. It's why George Carlin declined to vote (or pick a side of the duopoly), and never gets old and remains funny long after his passing.

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mimi's picture

apologies. you are way beyond my pay grade and mine is especially low. I won't try again.
Actually I sense quite a bit of change on C99p. Probably best to retreat.

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