How do you use c99?
I don't visit every day, usually just 3 or 4 times a week. It's not that I'm not interested in the topics posted here, it's that the site's slow performance tends to drive me away. I know JtC has worked on that issue and continues to do so, but since my time is limited, I usually can't afford to wait as long as I'd like to.
I don't read the Front Page. Seeing the same handful of Kool Kidz featured again and again doesn't move me. Instead, I jump to the Community Content page and once there, skim the headlines and summaries. When topics catch my interest, I spawn a new browser window with the essay and work through them in chronological order. Of course, I do realize that comments left in an older essay rarely get read or answered but I do like to put my 2 cents in.
I always go to My Account to see if anyone has responded to one of my comments. If they have, I'll either answer or at least give a Thumps Up vote. It's always nice when people acknowledge your existence, so I like to do so for other c99 members whenever I can.
I don't know how many comments I've written, as there's no count displayed in My Comments (hint hint, JtC), but the list of comments per page is about 60 and I have 24 pages of them starting in May 2016, so it must be upwards of 1,400.
Once in a while, I'll write an essay on a topic that interests me. I respond to or up vote almost every comment in my essays. Thanks, everyone!! Again, a counter in My Essays would be nice, but a quick count shows my output at 34 essays starting in April, 2016. A bit more than 1 per month.
Not exactly a "top contributor", but hey, I do run 2 businesses in my spare time.
I try to avoid or ignore the pie fights and meta angst that sometimes sweeps this site (and pretty much all other sites). I appreciate everyone that contributes essays and comments to the site. If I feel I'm getting too deep into a comment war because someone wrote something that rubs me the wrong way, I take a break for a few days. It's the Internet, everyone has an opinion, and you know what they say about opinions....
So how about you? How do you use c99? Is there anything I'm missing out on?

how I use c99
I stop by several times each day. I don't logon every time.
Like yourself, I examine "Community Content" (which holds all the Essays); if I find material needing more substantive attention, I logon and comment and upvote accordingly.
I logon and comment/upvote at least once a day.
And the Front Page isn't just the "kool kids kollection", either. It's the Essays which admins feel best express what we're all about. I've made it a time or two. You can, too. The one exception is the nightly "Evening Blues", which is front-paged because "c99: Home Of The Evening Blues", a relationship as old as the blog itself.
By the way: the appropriate tag for this Essay is: "Meta". You might want to consider adding it!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Meta tag added.
Although I contend my "muchadoaboutnothing" tag conveys pretty much the same meaning as the pejorative sense of "meta".
I think it's the best
discussion group on the Internet. I wish I could articulately say why, but I think it's because the abundant humanity of the site is a reflection of the people who take part and that they are here to read and write about serious issues, but they don't let the horror of the issues break them down. Instead, there is honesty, humor, and compassion, and tolerance for all kinds of views. Eyes being on the Prize, I think caucus99percent is a pathway to peace. But I mean actual peace, like a world living in peace, like Norway. I believe such a world is achievable.
I love the content and the writers here, very unique and refreshing.
I use the "essay list" page
Instead of Community Content. The "essay list" page just gives the post titles (no 1st paragraph teaser), but all the other info is there (author / #comments / #new comments / #thumbs up). I keep that window up, then read posts off that in a new window. Sometimes the titles alone aren't very descriptive, but I'm OK with that…
I think the essay list loads quicker, there's way less scrolling, and I don't really miss seeing all those clicky buttons on the screen.
Find it under the "Navigation" tab.
“We may not be able to change the system, but we can make the system irrelevant in our lives and in the lives of those around us.”—John Beckett
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll try it. n/t
Good tip! Thank you.
I have two c99 bookmarks that I open in separate tabs: Community Content and Comments The site is slow for me too. I rarely go to the front page. Thanks to yellowpig, I just found the essay list. I visit the site multiple times a day. I open essays I want to read in a separate tab. While I am in the essay I open, I try to comment and or tip the essayist and all the people who take the time to comment. I do this because I want people to know that I appreciate their participation at c99.
While I am here, I select diaries to post on c99's FB page. I have no rhyme or reason for what I select to cross post. I've chosen open threads and the picture diary as well as the type of diaries you would expect. My goal is to recruit new members to c99 by showcasing our diversity of topics and interests, left-leaning and independent brand of politics, talented and informed writers, and openmindedness to all people and ideas.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Excellent! Thanks.
Discussion and Personalities
I always come to the community page too, but might start using the essay list. I like that idea. Don't get here every day and sometimes it is pretty late. Fabulous authors on this site and I pretty much trust everyone to be honest and authentic.
I read many articles on Of course, they focus on Resilience issues and use solid, reputable authors from many sources. But they have very little discussion going on. I have often thought of posting resilience essays from there, over here, so then we can discuss them. Wonder if there is interest here?
IMO the loss of net neutrality started fucking with us immediately. At that point in June I started having trouble loaded all of my more alternative sites. But hey . . . netflix works just fine.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Great idea. looks interesting; I'll check it out in more depth. I think it's a great idea to post excerpts from there for discussion here.
I think this place is certainly able to handle resistance here.
It would get a lot more attention. I would read it here, but I admit I never make the trip.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I also always start on the Community Content Page
I don't think we need a Front Page. It's just an unnecessary page swap to the CC page.
Usually check site out a couple times a day.
Yes, go to Account to check any feedback on essays or comments.
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
Tradition, I guess.
Having a front page is kind of a tradition for newsy / opinion / discussion type websites. It would be nice to have a selection option in our profiles for which page we want to show first upon login.
Or just put the FPrs on a side bar.
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
Just bookmark the page you want.
My bookmark brings me directly to the commuity page. My second bookmark brings me directly to comments.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I'd keep the Front Page
I think of the Front Page as advertising: it should have things that would entice a non-user to this site. Later they can explore our depths!
I have no problem with what's chosen for the front page, OK, mostly because I don't see it, heh. But I hope that the people choosing posts to put there are choosing with that idea in mind.
“We may not be able to change the system, but we can make the system irrelevant in our lives and in the lives of those around us.”—John Beckett
Honestly I use this site to vent and whine and occasionally I
try to say something nice. I come here twice a day (after I wake up and before I go to sleep). I go to the community content page or the recent essay list on the left. I check my account for possible responses to my comments.
I use this site to keep in touch with my past, when I was still in the US. I miss it. I would never write an essay (unless I get really upset about something and then it's just a venting exercise) and for what it's worth you should be glad I don't write.
I read the EB religiously and I sin and skip other authors. It's my US home so to speak. I have nowhere else to go to, where I would or could talk. It's also a site that prevents me from givimg up on the American spirit. I wanna come back, so can you please have a revolution now, you guys and gals?
We're working on it. I hope.
It's time for an "American Spring" revolution to take the US back from the oligarchs and corporate moguls that currently run it. Perhaps the "resistance" that's so busy fighting Trump should re-evaluate their purpose and resist against the reals powers that control the nation.
How real can “Resistance” be that embraces secret government,
the military-industrial-(Israel?)-congressional complex, and corporate media (MSNBC, CNN, NYT, WaPo) — while hating whistleblowers, free speech, and real journalism (Snowden, Assange; websites blacklisted by PropOrNot or whoever as “tools of Russia” and “conspiracy theorists”)?
I rely on c99 for regular
group therapy sessionsreassurance that there are still some folks left in U.S. political discussion who value sanity, integrity, humanity, and intellectual honesty above the claims of party, identity, and tribe.JTC gave me the ability to chose to FP my essays
I hope I'm not abusing it.
I only FP an essay that I've put a lot of work on.
Since I write so much I usually spend my time managing my own essays, and even then I often miss comments that I should have responded to. (sorry)
Sometimes I purposely don't respond because the comment is/was confrontational.
Since I write so much I figure that people don't need me in their essays as well.
Hope that you change this
You are a member of the site not just an essayist right? Comment away.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
Of course you should post to the front page as long as it exist
Not only should you comment, I wish Joe and JtC would comment more too.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Was my comment misinterpreted?
If so I don't mean that he should stop posting to the front page, but that I'd like him to comment in other essays here. I second that I would like to see joe and JtC comment more often, but JtC has explained why he doesn't.
Linda's comment comes closest to why I like this site. We address the inhumanity that we see and try to think of ways to change it.
JtC could add this to the header:
I never go to the front page either because I'd miss the essays that don't make their way to it. I also agree with edg. I like reading responses to my comments and I would reply to more of people's comments here, but then I feel that I'd be hogging the site so I just tip. Maybe I'll change this.
The best thing about the site is that when people disagree with someone they respond to the content of their comments without attacking the person who wrote it.
This is the best blog I read daily.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
Are you sure you would like for Joe and JtC to comment more?
... I mean they are the mystery men behind the curtain and I wonder how much of my imaginary admiration for their home place would vanish, if they would reveal their thoughts too openly.
I love it if JtC or Joe let some of their thoughts pass through. I kinda duck out in fear if JtC sez something... I got on his nerves in the past, so I have to be careful. With Joe it's different. He can say with half a sentence what others can't in half a page. I like that.
redacted my bs from here on. Sorry for having lost my mind.
It's not about you gjohn
You're great. I love your research. I love your voice and opinion.
I know where to find you on the Community page.
As I said upstream the FP page is useless. This isn't alt-DKos, it's us. Get rid of the FP page and I will still find you and Amanda and Stephen, et al
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
I would prefer you would comment more
you write like some correspondents I worked for in the German Press Agency, they could spit out a well written and precise news story within twenty minutes, sometimes less. Wire service folks for their whole life. Professionals. You are like them.
In comments one can get to know and understand each other better. This is a very intimate little family of people here, at least that's how I see it and one gets to know each others stories, feelings etc. That makes this place a home. It's your home too.
I enjoy your essays.
I read almost all of your essays and have learned a lot. The FP here is much better than at another, oranger site I used to visit. Over there the purpose seemed to be to push the latest party propagandist talking points and set the stage for what other writers were allowed to write about.
yes, and I don't like to have something like
"What's hot". That's not so cool.
Agree, mimi, not necessary and undermines the sense of
community which is c99's strongest suit, imo ...
I definitely agree.
That type of thing is what I hate most about Facebook. I don't care how many "likes" a post got or what some algorithm or person thinks is hot. I can judge for myself and I want to see everything available, not just a "curated" list.
Since I never go to the front page, I wouldn't miss it one bit
if JtC got rid of it. I wonder if it would speed up the site? Less to load?
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I Lurk, Read, Learn, Comment, and Recommend
... far more so than I actually post comments and essays. Unlike DK - when a few years back, I was very active both visibly and behind the scenes - I haven't had as much free time in the past couple of years. Some of it is also burnout from spending a great deal of online time for well over a decade and how the 2016 Campaign ended, with shenanigans galore from the usual suspects. Hopefully, that'll change once the 2020 Presidential Campaign begins in earnest early next year.
I always have the Community and My Comments pages open. That way, I can not only monitor and respond to my posted comments but also read comments from others that interest me -- particularly if they pertain to history. Overall, the blog discussions on c99% are healthy and vigorous although I sometimes wish that those who are harshly critical of the political system, parties, politicians, and other aspects of political life also offer solutions and a coherent plan to persuade people towards their viewpoint. My approach is fairly straightforward: being a critic is one of the easisest things in life to do. Ultimately, political discourse should have a purpose; sitting atop an isolated hill and simply convincing yourself that your solution is the only viable one just isn't sufficient. If you desire to be taken seriously you must demonstrate the ability to persuade people in convincing fashion, regardless of whether you choose to work inside or outside the current political system.
I also try not to let cynicism get the best of me. Ranting and raving all the time isn't productive and contributes nothing, let alone resulting in life getting a bit better and bearable for others.
Thanks for writing this essay, edg. As to your comment about opinions...
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
Thanks! Great cartoon. It's funny...
I watch a lot of Hallmark Movies / romances with my wife and the female characters are always making a fortune with their popular blogs. I keep telling my wife to get busy blogging but she just tells me to shut up.
I come every day, several times a day
unless there is something else going on in my life. I use the Community Page for several reasons which I will list shortly. But I want to discuss the Front Page first because my take on its purpose is different from what I have read in this essay.
IMHO, the Front Page is not intended for us regular members, but is for those who may casually see this site. The essays listed on the Front Page are there for one of two reasons. Either a writer has demonstrated that he or she regularly produces work worthy of being on the Front Page so that author has been granted rights to Front Page his or her own work. Other authors who may not write as often can be Front Paged if the board owner feels the work is something that would be of interest to the casual observer.
The reason I come to the Community Page is that I get to see everything. I also link essays to our Twitter account on a daily basis and link nearly all essays from the Community page other than the Open Threads, site business, and essays of a personal nature.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Great explanation for why the front page is important
to the site. People who are coming from either our Twitter site or Facebook will first see the better essays and then if they are curious about the site they will see that there are more essays on the community page.
Hopefully they check in on Fridays and see our beautiful photographs from site members.
This is for those who do a lot of traveling across the pond. I'd love to see some of your photos from your trips. I have been bugging a few of you to stop by and post your works. Please?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
Friday night photography
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I can't fully agree with that.
The part about the Front Page being the better essays. Some are, some aren't. A lot of unrewarded gems never get Front Paged, either because they don't trigger the algorithm's parameters or they don't get promoted by a human with moderator capabilities.
I'm extremely glad I found this place prior to The Grand Shunning at TOP.
I come here sporadically; used to be more, as in addict more. I see it almost like family. Love almost all of 'em and sometimes want to hate 'em too, all at the same time.
I rarely go to the front page. I go to community content. I also let the recent comments lead me. I check my comments for replies too, but haven't today.
I don't like . . . what comes across as pro one party, with trusty old jabs at the other one. Team A vs Team B. And yes, one particular author takes center stage, facts at times be damned, usually drowning out others who "made" the front page. One of "The Cool Kids", as you say.
I will add, I'm guilty of not adding worthwhile essay content to, perhaps, give a different perspective. No promises on changing that fact, but I'm thinking about it as I tap this out on my phone, with my thumb.
I look forward to anything you'd care to produce.
Differing perspectives are what make this site great. If one wants an echo chamber, there are other, lesser sites for that.
I know this sounds sad
But this is the only place I have friends.
And I love talking to friends.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
that makes two of us ... :-) /nt
Too true for comfort yet one can try to face the sadness head on
Ultimately the process of growing old can leave us all feeling like Andy’s old toys on the conveyor belt to the incinerator in Toy Story 3 …
Lotso Huggin’ Bear voice: “Where’s [that person—candidate?—or thing, or cause you believed in] now, sheriff?”
Cheers, earthling 1
That's not sad.
There are good people here and even though the connection is just online, we do care and wish you the best in all things.
True that
I always used to have plenty of teacher friends and a few great local female friends. Still friends I guess, but I never see them. Plus, none of them "get it" as far as I can tell. Delighted to recently discover that my stepson, 38 and just got back from a year in Africa with the national guard, "gets it." Mostly. We disagree on Russia, but then he loves the Young Turks and that's their spin.
So, yes, I love my friends here. You are a kind and compassionate bunch, and brilliant to boot.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo