The sun is rising: Change of vector and change of view--HRC referred for criminal charges

Do not think of a pink elephant!

Alright, who reading this article did NOT think of a pink elephant? If you're honest, you all did. Why? Because a thought not currently in your consciousness was purposefully placed into your conscious awareness, despite being told NOT to do as thing. This its the nature of human awareness. Though the pink elephant image will fade over time, for a while this image is present in consciousness. This is why advertising as well as political lying is so effective. One hears the lie but cannot readily dismiss that thought from working memory. Even though negatively implanted, the image remains there.

Thus the direction in which we are looking forces us to perceive a thing or action which we, ourselves had not contemplated doing. This is why view or vector, if considering view on a 360˚ surface is so important. If a view remains in consciousness too long (an arbitrary quantity as far as I know) it somehow burns into the brain, somewhat an old computer monitor used to burn in screen images remaining visible for too long. The length of this imprinting, because that is what such noticing really is, then determines the after-image duration, which is longer or shorter depending upon the individual.

Apply this insight into imprinting just stated in the above two paragraphs to the recent political arena or contest or fraud or diversion or smokescreen, what ever pejorative adjective you may wish to call it. What has the view been, bellowed out hysterically now by the party of Not-Trump: Russia, Russia, Russia.

What have partisans on either side, by which I exclude hopefully objective observers as seems to be the condition at c99, been thinking about since May 2017? That ole pink elephant, called, once again with feeling: Russia-Russia-Russia.

Originally this russophobia was designed for one basic purpose, although it did develop a deadly second aspect: incitement to war. The initial Russiagate impetus was to provide an excuse to the worst presidential candidate in the history of the United States of America. Jackson was a genocidist. So is HRC (Libya, Syria, Iraq). Jefferson and other presidents were slave owners, ipso facto racists also. So too is HRC, as witnessed by many derogatory comments in the 2008 presidential campaign and subsequently. Warren G. Harding, although not convicted in the public eye of graft, has a corrupt administration. HRC was part of a corrupt administration, namely Bubba's. And she was part of Hussein's corrupt administration. As a side note, Hussein was a pussy who cowered under pressure from the Evil Queen--but that is the subject for a later essay.

So, this, sadly, is a story that here on c99, we know all too well. But the view, the visual vector from self to HRC was, until two days ago, deflected by Russophobia and imminent war.

The Müller probe has partially paralyzed government, although the parasites whom the Constitution say represents us, does nothing productive in terms of corruption so rampant that high school students can perceive, should they bother to look. Yes, they pass pork barrel budgets, give themselves raises (again), posture, and media whore themselves out to the media that are whores as well. Delightful? No. Disgusting. What is the visual vector of the Müller probe? Initially it was upon a non-crime called Russian collusion, allegedly committed by DJT. Thirteen months later, Müller and corrupting cronies have bagged an Russian Internet P.R. team selling puppy dog pictures on Farcebook as well as thirteen Russian workers in this firm because of committing a "fraud" against America, in the form of selling puppies! Were they rabid? Were they being sold to the USG?

Manafort, a crook in his own right absent any Trump connection committed frauds with Ukraine in 2014, before Trump probably thought of a presidential run. OK, this has nothing to do with Russiagate (although perhaps we should open up a new fracas called Ukrainegate). Rick Gate--nothing to do with Trump but Müller, like a rabid Roomba scooped him up too. Russia? Nope--Ukraine--and John Podesta, too. But we're still looking at Müller's Merry men and women diverting our attention to what should have been on the original pre-election and post-election crimes of the Clinton Crime Family.

Demonrats running circles around Trump, daring him to fire Müller and Rosenstein. However, we must, some reluctantly give Trump credit by parrying the Democratic well-used, over-used, terminally moribund Russogate conspiracy theory. He holds a press-conference stating that despite five months of Demonrats daring him to fire the Swan and RR, that they are still there, in office, maladroitly and malignly performing some sort of unclear agency for the Justice Department. (Digression: Hey, Jeff, can you come out to play?)

But this is the beauty part and the poison already inflicted upon the Evil Queen and her consorts is only slowly lethal. They are too arrogant to understand that Trump has won. His victory is not immediate. The victory may not actually become fait accompli until 2019, though probably major resources will be drained from HRC, DNC, Comey, McCabe, Page, Stzok, and a cast of minor players, like pinch base-runner, Bruse Ohr and his talented wife, sweet Nellie--all of whom mishandled secret USG documents without authorization and in direct contravention to both procedures and laws pertaining to classified document.

The poison is incubating and the hosts don't even know they have been infected with a terminal illness. Why? Because Donald Trump "is too stupid" to outmaneuver them. Dems--you have been outflanked!

Changing the vector and the view

A narrow dart has recently been pushed into the soft, putrid flesh of a monster, so devoid of perception of anything but their pre-conceived plans. The do not look right, left, up, or down. The Dims look straight ahead. like the Romans at Cannae, when Hannibal surround them, and crushed them.

The dart? Eleven House Republicans present criminal referral to DOJ naming ar least four specific targets. No beating around the bush here (although I wish they could put referrals out for Dubya)

Pause. Think. In which direction has the visual vector been turned? HRC and the Clinton crime family. Now if Jeff and / or Huber pick up the proverbial ball and run with it, there will most certainly be criminal prosecutions soon forthcoming. Don't think of Hillary being served with a grand jury summons! Oh, did any of you think about that tantalizing prospect? How not strange that is.

So, rhetorically speaking, although now you already understand the view and the vector==they are pointing at TCC and FBI treasons. What's our thermometer for judging Dim reaction to this? One of the first and loudest will be Mad Adam Schiff, screaming that the eleven Republican Reps are Kremlin stooges.

The view is now turned away in one day from Müller time to HRC and company. The MSM will try to tamp this down as best they can. The, as the referrals move through the"channels", MSM will be forced to cover them--even if they do, as they are almost certain to do, scream conspiracy theory and Russian stooges.

As we know most of the populace is still asleep, perhaps in bliss, but definitely in ignorance. But those who have learned, largely self-taught and through peer groups like c99, are to a large degree furious. Furious that Clinton sold us out to fatten her purse, to hell with national security. Furious that Hussein involved in five or six wars, not already bequeathed to him by Dubya. Furious about bad trade deals. Furious about asset stripping. Furious about growing wealth inequality AND inequity.

Obstructionist Republican Paul C. Ryan is retiring. Hmm? I wonder why. Skeletons? The Songbird allegedly suffers from a malignant brain tumor, called glioblastoma. This illness has certainly confused his feet, which can't decide which leg is supposed to be the weak one. Another anti-Trumper on his way out this year.

The fury, the change of illumination, of emphasis, will not permit the Dims from re-focusing the visual vector in a direction favorable to them. They have "cried wolf" too many times for their hysteria to be believed. Henceforward, an increasing amount of news coverage will be pursuing HRC and Co., with progressively less news coverage being allotted to Russiagate. Watch out Swan, the light, the visual vector will soon be shining on an aspect of you which you had hoped to avoid--like U1.

RR. Get off the track, Jack. Get out of Dodge while you still have unfettered ankles. This process, as I said, may take a year to complete--but the trained has achieved the summit and now is accelerating to CRUSH the Democrats. More analysis on this in a following essay.

The vision has been modified in an unchangeable, new direction. Watch the cockroaches run.

Of course, this essay is pure speculation but it is based on facts. Here is Sean Hannity's observation at 14 minute's duration from Fox (Please don't shoot the messenger--watch the message.

Here's the original message from the Republican members of the 11 House Republicans

Criminal referral April 18, 2018

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The Aspie Corner's picture

At the end of the day, Billary and Drumpf are part of the same damn club and the rest of us will never be in it. The Panama Papers showed this much.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

thanatokephaloides's picture

@The Aspie Corner

At the end of the day, Billary and Drumpf are part of the same damn club and the rest of us will never be in it. The Panama Papers showed this much.

As I've said before, at the end of the day, Billary and Drumpf are the same damn thing, dressed up in different packages!


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Alligator Ed's picture


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EdMass's picture

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Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!

Firesign Theater

Stop the War!

Alligator Ed's picture

@EdMass Do you have one about singing pigs? We're gonna be awash with them in the next 6 months. On tenor, Jimmy 'the Weasel" Comey. On contralto, Hillary Goddam Clinton. On baritone, Peter 'didn't eat her' Strzok (too busy texting to get his head into it. On basso profundo we have Andy McCaber, lately of the Tery McAuliffe Band, but now signed to Blabbermouth Records, out of Chicago (Sweet Home Chicago). Soprano is performed by Lisa " You aint gonna throw me under the bus " Page.

More soloists, not yet yet confirmed include Bill Clinton on mouth organ. John Podesta appears, courtesy of Pizza Slice and Dice Records. His key is yet unknown but he is great at mouthing lyrics--ummm. Walnut sauce! Handkerchiefs with maps of the stars' homes also for sale.

The other members of the choir include Bruce "row your boat with me" Ohr. Also mid-register Nellie 'Throw me a life-preserver" Ohr. I understand that James Baker is coming out of retirement to sing the aria "Just a simple misunderstanding" originally composed by Johan Emmanuel Bachhh.

I especially loved the duet of heart-broken lovers, Donna Brazile and Debbie Washerwoman Schitz, somgomg "No mountain of shit too high, no valley of truth too low".

Granted some songs of stirring beauty and reverence for the neoliberal way of life are yet to be cast--can you, loyal c99ers provide information on the other performers? This swamp creature has only limited access to the power players. Please help project the performances coming to a courtroom coming to Washington, Department of Corruption. Interested Swampers want to know.

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ggersh's picture

goes down me thinks the whole DC/WS/MIC goes down also

The fury, the change of illumination, of emphasis, will not permit the Dims from re-focusing the visual vector in a direction favorable to them. They have "cried wolf" too many times for their hysteria to be believed. Henceforward, an increasing amount of news coverage will be pursuing HRC and Co., with progressively less news coverage being allotted to Russiagate. Watch out Swan, the light, the visual vector will soon be shining on an aspect of you which you had hoped to avoid--like U1.

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

snoopydawg's picture

Wikileaks released the DNC and Podesta emails because she wanted people to focus on the accusations of Russian meddling instead of the content of the emails. Ray is also part of VIPS who debunked the Russian hacking of the DNC computers and showed how they had to have been downloaded because of the transfer rate. This wasn't divulged by the media for some reason.

The FBI did not insist on investigating the DNC computers that they were told had been hacked by Russia and the files given to Wikileaks. Then Trump said "Russia, if you find Hillary's missing emails let us know. This was taken out of context and we were told that he asked Russia to hack the DNC computers. SMDH because so many people believed it.

Robert Parry had numerous articles about Russia Gate propaganda and he could not believe how many people were buying it. This is one of his articles on Hillary's involvement in getting Russia Gate up and running. That people don't see the conflict of interest between the Steele dossier and her funding it tells me that they just don't want to see it. This was the reason why the FBI got a FISA warrant to spy on Trump for Hillary during the election. Why? To get dirt on Trump to use against him. Using intelligence agencies to help you win the election is wrong on so many accounts. But this too was ignored by her supporters. If Trump had done this you can imagine the uproar.

What Did Hillary Clinton Know?

The revelation that Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped pay for the notorious “Steele Dossier” of hearsay claims about Donald Trump’s relations with Russia is not surprising but is noteworthy given how long the mystery about the funding was allowed to linger.

Nevertheless, just as conspiratorial accusations about the Clintons gave rise to the Whitewater investigation and a rash of other alleged “scandals,” which bedeviled Bill Clinton’s presidency, the Steele Dossier — also known as the “Dirty Dossier” — provided a map that investigators have followed for the ongoing Russia-gate investigation into President Trump.

The Steele dossier is being taken as fact when it should be treated as hearsay because Steele didn't gather the information himself nor did he go to Russia to get it, but instead it was formed by people telling him what they said happened. How does one get a FISA warrant on hearsay, not factual evidence?

Since Steele could not reenter Russia himself, he based his reports on multiple hearsay from these anonymous Russians who claim to have heard some information from their government contacts before passing it on to Steele’s associates who then gave it to Steele who compiled this mix of rumors and alleged inside dope into “raw” intelligence reports.

Parry then mentions a lot of silly conclusions about person A met with person B who told person C something about something Putin may have done to get Trump elected. lol.

We're being told that Putin has been meddling in this country for many years and he wants to sow discord between us. People are saying that the BLM was made up by Putin as well as other protests groups, etc

This takes the cake. Putin was so manly that he even got under Hillary's skin without her knowing it.

Steele wrote that Putin’s intention was “pushing candidate CLINTON away from President OBAMA’s policies. The best example of this was that both candidates [Clinton and Trump] now openly opposed the draft trade agreements, TPP and TTIP, which were assessed by Moscow as detrimental to Russian interests.”

Whether anything comes from this remains to be seen. I think that what Hillary did during the election was a criminal act that does need to be addressed. But what I'd really like to see is an investigation into her foundation. This is where the big crime is.

Laugh all you want. Only time will tell if there is any "there- there." There should be

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Alligator Ed's picture

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg
Warning this entry is rated ACT (Adult Critical Thinking):

How does one get a FISA warrant on hearsay, not factual evidence?

One shouldn't get FISA warrants without asking please, just this one time".

Is it time for a song? I couldn't find a song called "Fuck Them All", so I studiously looked for something else appropriate. Note: this song is not suitable for people under 13 years of age or younger. I could make this a specific reference to the Camel, but please do allow some latitude for more choice.


Is Huma a star?

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Lookout's picture

Will the elite be charged and prosecuted this time? It was obvious the summer of 2016 when Comey exonerated her, that she was guilty. I hope this time around the foundation gets a modicum of light shown upon it. But I really doubt either scenario...charges nor a foundation reveal. But like RA says "we can hope".

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”