Charlottesville: the tail wags the dog
Charlottesville: a hoax with deadly consequences will backfire in a major way--perhaps taking down the DemonRATs in 2018. Today's exploration of alt-media, particularly YouTube, revealed a vast quantity of MSM untouchable material. Most was actually published within days of August 12. The findings from both Left and Right (as if those terms mean anything any more) support my contention of massive collusion between George Soros and the DemonRATic party.
Left or Right, which is the best way to the slaughterhouse?
In reality, neither way is a good path. But by so dividing the citizenry into warring camps, as said before, serves the overlords well, deflecting the blame upon those who most deserve it. This was a point I made in two previous essays directly connected to the Charlottesville debacle (CD).
Fighting in the street--why did the police hold back?
Charlottesville and ISIS: two neoliberal/neocon black flags.
Even before CD, I wrote about the Berkeley antifa riots: the summer of hate.
Today's essay will be illustrated profusely for those of us (such as me) who love details. Of course, anything herein written may be ignored. But this is as complete as I can make it in preferring several points.
1. CD was a set-up
2. CD was orchestrated by Soros in conjunction with the DemonRATic party, though the motivations were not identical
3. One of the primary objects was to get rid of Trump
4. Protection of civil rights was violated systematically
5. Police inaction came on orders from the top
References previously cited will not be repeated but the prior essays contain material pertinent to today's issues. Many are YouTube videos, which although long, often have no counterpart in written media regardless of censorship. There are a few which I strongly propose the reader watches.
Lee Camp's eyewitness report (25:56)
In this latest episode of Redacted Tonight VIP, Lee Camp opens with the horrors he witnessed firsthand following the terrorist attack in Charlottesville, Virginia. Lee reveals the hypocrisy of politicians--on the left and the right--who went on social media to condemn the violence, despite evidence they support the prison industrial complex and U.S. occupation in countries where we’ve bombed innocent civilians. The terror he and peaceful protesters in Charlottesville experienced is only a fraction of the violence happening to people in countries we've ruined due to our country's own imperialistic nature
Next from ShadowProof is an article written specifically from a pro-left, antifascist view point
In reply to Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe’s claim that the police were outgunned by the white supremacists, Demetrixx said this statement struck him as surprising.
“Given what [the police] are put here to do, as far as what they claim on paper—to protect and serve, when you have something like a boiling point of white supremacy, where they all come together,” one would expect a greater response.
Demetrixx noted that left-wing groups were outgunned by white supremacists too. Only Redneck Revolt was carrying any kind of weapons, but that did not stop people from standing up and counter-protesting.
This statement is contradicted by videos showing widespread use of improvised weapons being utilized by both sides sadly enough from so-called Lefties as will be evident in eyewitness accounts below and videos.
On the charge that the C'ville police were outgunned, the reality does not match the rhetoric.
According to a letter from Federal Defense Logistics agency, Virginia received much military grade weaponry in 2016:
After the “Unite the Right” rally organized by white supremacists rocked Charlottesville, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe complained that the demonstrators “had better equipment” than the state’s police forces.
However, documents released under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) detail sophisticated, military-grade weapons Virginia police received from the Department of Defense (DOD) under its controversial 1033 program.
Shadowproof obtained a DOD document under FOIA showing Virginia law enforcement were provided with “aircraft, tactical vehicles, weapons, night vision/optical devices, weapons surpressors, and other items.”
A Memorandum of Understanding document between the Defense Logistics Agency and the State of Virginia, dated July 18, 2016, also shows the 1033 program is still ongoing.
Several timelines of events leading to and following the violence have been published including this one from a ABC.
Friday, August 11 2:55 p.m.
Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe released a statement about planned security for the "Unite the Right" white nationalist rally, which was planned in part to protest the removal of the statue. He said that participants had the right to exercise their freedom of speech, but that he found their views "abhorrent." He urged demonstrators of every view point to make alternative plans.
This demonstration was permitted; the alt-left demonstration was not. The city's vice-mayor took it upon himself to cancel the permit several days before the demonstration, after which the ACLU successfully sued the C'ville city government to reinstate the Unite the Right protest (not the still unpermitted alt-left counter-protest)
ACLU blames McAuliffe, police for Charlottesville
WASHINGTON – In the wake of the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, which left one dead and at least 38 injured, many members of the national media were quick to blame the “Unite the Right” rally attendees for the outbreak of street warfare between “alt-right” and “alt-left” protesters.
But according to the ACLU and reporters covering the rally, the violence escalated due to what many believe was an intentional lack of police oversight, with the blame aimed squarely at Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe.
“The police actually allowed us to square off against each other,” one counter-protester told CNN. “There were fights, and the police were standing a block away the entire time. It’s almost as if they wanted us to fight each other.”
The ACLU also contends the “passive” police presence may have been intentional to allow authorities to declare an “unlawful assembly” and justify shutting down the rally.
Indeed, a city official ordered at 8:30 AM, several hours before the official start of the protest, that the demonstration must be banned as "unlawful assembly".
Virginia statute 18.2-406 defines unlawful assembly:
Whenever three or more persons assembled share the common intent to advance some lawful or unlawful purpose by the commission of an act or acts of unlawful force or violence likely to jeopardize seriously public safety, peace or order.
Former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli told Breitbart News the law is rarely enforced and so rarely used that “no one has expertise in it.”
“Whenever the possibility [of declaring an unlawful assembly] arises, some attorney is going to have to research it. I’m sure that was happening this weekend in a couple places around Virginia. Specifically, the governor’s office, the Attorney General’s office, the county attorney for Albemarle, and the city attorney for Charlottesville,” he said.
McAuliffe then issues another in his string of lies (must have learned that from HRC):
McAuliffe also erroneously claimed the “Unite the Right” attendees hid a weapons cache in the park before the rally.
“They had battering rams and we had picked up different weapons that they had stashed around the city,” McAuliffe told Black Lives Matter activist Deray Mckesson.
Virginia State Police spokesperson Corinne Geller later disputed the governor’s claims.
See the article for 6 questions proposed to be answered by Charlottesville director of communication Miriam Dickler. No surprise, the questions went unanswered.
Google censorship strikes again. This video was taken down only a few hours ago:
An0maly 8/23/17 - Was Charlottesville completely staged? Watch this (8:46) [excellent expose]
That video was the perfect lead-in to the following video, which although long (54:55), is correctly labelled "Analyzing Charlottesville's Zapruder film: the Ford Fischer livestream.
There follows a series of maps taken from that video which documents the course of events starting about 8 minutes before the deadly crash and continuing about one more minute afterwards. The valuable point here is that the filming was continuous, no editing in this one, unlike several others on YouTube. Since this was live-streamed, the host SonofNewo conjectures that the filming was designed to direct the homicide driver when and where to strike. Please watch the video. This is KEY.
Here is the timeline of Ford Fischer's positioning during his filming. It will make sense, as will the following maps, if you watch the video.
Below are two maps, one showing the start of the counter-protest march and the second is where Fischer started filming.
Note the peculiar route taken by the counter-protestors, may mean nothing. In lower center is a star-shaped marker indicating where the crash took place.
So far, so good. Fischer begins filming the counter-protestors. Counter-protestors march to 4th & Water, the fatal crash site.
For some reason, Fischer is not at the scene of the lively, aggressive protest, but chooses to wait 1 block away; he had stopped following the alt-right and stood under a green awning, away from the action, inexplicably for 3 minutes.
Fischer then stopped following the protesters and continues following only the counter-protestors as Unite the Right continues north.
The next map shows where the crash occurred and NO POLICE were present, despite the nearby brawl a little earlier.
Most of the police are in a parking garage at the time. Why isolated there?
Here is Fischer's first picture of the culprit Dodge Challenger appearing 7 minutes before the crash proceeding down Water Street.
Here is the probable path taken by the Challenger to arrive at the crash site:
Now we see the Challenger reversing post-crash:
Not shown by me but in the video is a maroon van stopped in a blocking or choke-point on 4th street just before Water Street which was present at least 5 minutes before the crash.
No driver or front seat passengers were present. Why? In my opinion, this was to provide a traffic/pedestrian blockade so that people would be bunched together for a more effective disaster.
This following video titled Charlottesville, the facts, as crazy as they are, (18:07) presents a conservative view of the situation. Good points in this but several important mis-statements. One interesting point is that August 12 is George Soros's birthday. A tiki-torch parade in his honor by right-wing dupes--triggering protests by left wing dupes.
Dupes, Actors, Useful Idiots
Let's listen to some eyewitness accounts. The first is by Brennan Gilmore, coincidently a HillBot who was a State Department employee, now working for Dem. Governor-candidate Periello. The video he presents is obviously edited. Fields is a paranoid schizophrenic, just like another one apprehended in Oklahoma City 2 weeks earlier, a clear case of FBI entrapment. Remember the statements of Scott Foval made during a covert Project Veritas interview, in which Foval claims that they look for "crazies" to carry out DNC orchestrated violence.
Brennan's dubious video. (5:32). Brief, worth listening to in toto.
Supporting evidence for paid actors to act as protestors AND counter-protestors is provided in several reports.
Okay, okay, the next one is from Alex Jones, but please watch before laughing concerning paid protestors representing both sides. (11:08).
Pertinent points here are that protestors in Baltimore were bussed in multiple buses to the protest site and were filmed while so doing. Secondly, a group called Casa de Maryland funded by Soros led the protest in Baltimore. Thirdly, relevant to Charlottesville, the Unite the Right protestors were forced by police to exit the park, which was their safe zone, into direct confrontation with often violent counter-protestors (film includes this).
Another video by The Outer Light channel discusses BLM and KKK shirted "protestors" getting off the same bus peaceably, but separate immediately. This happened on multiple buses. (21:11). The video also includes ads in Charlotte NC, a 3 hour drive from C'ville placed by "Crowds for Hire" soliciting actors for $25/hour one week before the CD.
The next video interviewing a Charlottesville eyewitness (38:27) is very emotional for the interviewee.
Published on Aug 22, 2017
CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. " Riot" was a planned PR stunt gone wrong. My friend whom I trust dearly was there. She was not there to protest. She was not there to riot. She was there having lunch and taking in local culture. As she has done in the past for many weeks. Engaging in conversation with the locals. Ads were placed on craigslist Virginia looking for " paid protesters" from a service that provides crowds on demand. Who paid for this " service? " and why? Participants in this staged event arrived in Buses .Actors wearing BLM and KKK Shirts arrived TOGETHER. In the SAME BUS. They were armed with riot gear, shields, soda bottles full of concrete, condoms full of manure, urine and other substances.
The next video is by a Unite the Right protestor, very angry about what happened giving the Unite the Right's view of things (33:46). It is her claim that no violence was initiated by UTR.
Tail Wags the Dog
It should come as no surprise to most of us here to smell the filthy hands of George the Destroyer Soros, aided and abetted by the DemonRATs. Besides throwing a big tiki-torch party for himself, GS is busily at work continuing his plan of national destabilization; in this case, us. The whole thing reeks of his Orange Revolution tiki-torch Blood-and-Soil chants from Ukraine. Folks, this is not an amazing deduction on my part, most of you already received the message.
Here is the DemonRATic purpose for abetting this murderous hoax: get rid of Trump! Shock! Horror! Who' a thunk it? Google "Trump censure motion" and you'll see more citations than Hillary Klinton has lies (and that's a powerful lot).
An insightful analysis by Lionel Nation gives his rather accurate viewpoint (which means, of course that I agree with him. In this 10:50 video he asserts, with considerable authority that this CD will blow up in DemonRAT's faces, ensuring loss of even more seats to Republicans in 2018. Consider most of the Southern Blue Dogs to be casualties of this monstrous hoax. One person died, many concussed, some blinded, limbs broken.
CNN politics presents their usual unbiased Trump assessment:
Congressional Democrats plan to relentlessly hammer President Donald Trump's controversial comments arguing that "both sides" were responsible after a protest led by white supremacists in Charlottesville resulted in the death of a young women and ignited a national firestorm.
Included in this article, Trump was correct--there is blame to place on both sides.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York, sent a message that he wasn't going to take the bait.
"President Trump and Steve Bannon are trying to divert attention away from the President's refusal to unequivocally and full-throatedly denounce white supremacy, neo-Nazism, and other forms of bigotry. While it is critical that we work towards the goal of Senator Cory Booker's legislation, we must continue to denounce and resist President Trump for his reprehensible actions."
Holy FSM, here I am defending Donald Trump. As horrible as his policies are, he is correct on this set-up hoax. Watch his speech; in this case he is correct.
Here comes the kiss of death to this DemonRATic censure movement, it is endorsed by Nancy Pelosi Nancy, don't you know when to shut your fucking mouth? Silly question.
"The President’s repulsive defense of white supremacists demands that Congress act to defend our American values," she said in a statement.
Trump did NOT defend white supremacists, he condemned them but he ruffled many snowflake feathers (what a mixed metaphor) by also condemning the violence of the counter-protestors. Republicans hate Pelosi almost as much as Killary. None of them will vote for censure.
2018 - the obliteration of establishment DemonRATs.

You are fucking insane.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Moderation: sorry, that’s not how we do things around here.
Push back against anything as hard as you feel you need to — but please do it without personal insults. Thanks!
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Please don’t play that sort of mind game here. Seriously. n/t
Soros paid me to laugh at you.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
thanks Ed
'look out kid
they keep it all hid'
seems as applicable now as ever.
Soros Did It
A natural born Nazi:
A standard Ann Coulter retort:
Wagner showing liberals a little middle finger love:
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
I have nothing to say about candidate Wagner
I have no idea whether your comment was pro-Soros or anti-Soros, but I certainly hope it was intended as the latter.
Is a tracker, paparazzi?
That last quote box refers to a tracker and I know the definition of the word but it's odd to me. Tracker sounds more like stalker which is what the paparazzi are, only less glamorous sounding.
Just curious.
Correct! A tracker is a harassed is a stalker who gets paid.
Dems & funders decided to take control of social media.
If Dems told the truth about what went wrong, it wouldn't ever be their candidate. They know social media beat their propaganda and lies. There are so many alternative information sources. When is the last time anyone here actually watched television news?
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Another video by The Outer
Maybe my tolerance for video is limited or I just wasn't paying attention, but at no point was I able to look at those videos or the links those videos provided and see "BLM and KKK shirted" people doing anything much less getting off a bus. What I saw was endless people reporting that and yet no evidence. I wasn't able to find anything better on youtube.
Insofar as "people getting off of buses" in and of itself I'm not going to make much of that. We have a nationwide near-riot going on and people are getting around. Even if Soros paid for the buses I have no issue.
Now, if the people were actors, that's where I start to get concerned. That ad for protestors was pretty concerning. So far, though, I'm seeing enough speculation before the facts to rival #Russiagate.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
The claim about paid protestors in antithetical T-shirts
Crooks and Liars Debunks Scam
Actually C&L posted the CNN debunkery:
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Dear MM, please read the first paragraph of C&L
Do you really believe anything that CNN puts out? Answer that, sir, with yes or no.
@Alligator Ed cnn is more
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Can we have a little civility, please?
Being obnoxiously rude and arbitrarily dismissive is the fast track to 1) being ignored by everyone else and 2) if it goes on too long or gets too vile, getting your posting privileges rescinded by the management.
We do not want it EVER to become like Daily Kos.
Got that?
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Call it "crap" if you think it's crap
That is acceptable, if still borderline rude. But "Kremlin Krap" is far beyond the limits and a blatant attempt to shut down ALL discussion.
When (and if) the D party starts behaving like decent human beings instead of scavenging sewer rats, the insulting nicknames will go away. In the mean time don't take it personally - it was never meant personally, any more than calling the R party "Repugnant", "Repulsive", or "Reptile" (apologies to our resident reptiles) was ever meant personally.
It's a widely held opinion here that both parties suck.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
oh please
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Poor ed's fee-fees are hurt because
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
lol-fees fees?
What's your gripe? Instead of getting personal and attacking someone because you don't like or agree with their words, speak your peace. Do you think we should all be cheering for the sane crooks rather than the insane ones? There's enough of that partisan crap at dailykos. War mongering and protecting bankers while calling everyone a racist plays well there. Amazing what a blue jersey can say and do and still get limousine liberals to cheer them on. This is a reality based community. All we have are the facts we have and not the facts we want or make up. If you have something to say, say it and stop throwing your food.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
One final word on the "only viable alternative" thang
A glass of piss is not a viable alternative to a glass of sewage.
There is a REASON why a plurality of Americans call themselves "Independent", and why that plurality outnumbers EITHER official "majority" party. Pretty soon it will outnumber them both put together, if it doesn't already.
If enough of them can find agreement on some common principles - well, that's where new political parties come from. Just because it hasn't happened here since 1856 doesn't mean that it can never happen again - no matter how hard the Establishment tries to make it not happen.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I debated about weighing in
Since you are one of our earliest members here, you are well aware that we have always allowed a wide range of essays and comments as long as they are not intended to be personal attacks or inflammatory posts aimed at disrupting the essay and its comments.
My personal rule of thumb is that if I do not like the content of an essay, I simply move on to another essay. There are plenty here to read. I would suggest you do the same from now on. If you no longer feel this site and the essays posted here reflect your personal positions on the issues, you can do one of two things. You are welcome to write your own essays stating your perspective with references and documentation. If that is not adequate enough, there are plenty of other sites on line that may reflect your perspective and values better than this one.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I second other Maven....
This isn't dailykos. You don't have to agree, but you do have to be civil.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
It's A Con Job!
I thought this was a snark diary, because the "same bus" thing never happened. It was third hand hearsay from a woman in some ally somewhere reported by an anonymous black guy from the front seat of his car.
I'm calling bullshit! You people need to get out of the house once in a while.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Take another listen to the woman's first hand description
Who benefits, once again? What would these two individuals have to gain? Do you think they are right-wing plants or paid actors to give such an untrue story? Why, tell me, was the MSM all over Trump when he said there was blame on both sides? The Dems had censure motions ready within 1 day. It didn't matter what Trump had said, they would be offended. Think about Pelosi's blatant lie that Trump supported white supremacists.
Do I give Trump credibility? Not much. The fact that he is correct on this matter gives no agreement with his horrible policies. Call bullshit all you want. You want to see bullshit about this. See Snopes denying that the C'ville police were ordered to stand down--when the ACLU said precisely this is what happened. Whom do you trust more? HillBot Snopes or the ACLU?
The political and media firestorm
that erupted immediately after the event, lends credence to speculation that it might well have been at least partially orchestrated. The media's passionate, and nearly unanimous responses were all clearly aimed at discrediting Trump... holding him personally responsible for what occurred. But once again, qui bono?
Qui bono? I think that is almost rhetorical question
So then, you're saying that
the whole C'ville uproar was a political gambit, intended to discredit Trump but that it backfired and instead discredited its organizers? Do you think Trump gained credibility from this affair in spite of all the negative coverage?
The answer to your comment is threefold
Point two: the immediate moves for censure certainly indicate the intended pay off for the aiding-abetting DNC. This is the Tail Wagging the Dog. No matter what the orange-faced one said, it would never satisfy the DNC.
Third point: Think of relative balance in terms of credibility. Trump has very little but the Democrats have even less. The backfiring will not raise Trump's credibility but will definitely lower the DNC's. So on a relative scale, Trump gains because the DNC loses.
OK I get it now, thanks.
The analysis of the Ford Fischer video
was very interesting. IMHO, the most damning aspect of that video was the maroon van with no people in the front seats parked at the intersection at least five minutes before the Dodge rammed the crowd. When the Dodge rammed the crowd, there were two other vehicles involved. The maroon van was in the front followed by a silver car which was hit by the Dodge. It appeared that the silver car was not part of the plot, but the van was. This reeks of a setup. Also the fact that the Dodge Challenger was filmed near the scene about seven minutes before the ramming of the pedestrians. To me, these two things in combination are reasons to believe that the ramming was not the work of one lone wolf kook, but was pre planned by more than one person.
There have been numerous rumors of paid crowds to attend these rallies and that the same people were paying both sides. Yes, George Soros name was one of those, but it does not matter who was doing it, it is naive to think that there are not agent provocateurs hired to disrupt these events. It happened numerous times in Occupy. And it happened to the Sanders campaign in NC.
Edited for clarity.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I agree with this.
There is ample reason for suspicion.
I wouldn't be shocked.
I have no doubt he'd like to foment division and diversion, and would not be surprised to find he's behind Antifa at the very least, great way to discredit the entire left by emphasizing their somewhat more violent goals of direct confrontation. Attach them to Bernie and anything too progressive for neo-liberal tastes and voila, the lefty demon so much easier for our entire country to blame than right wing white supremacists. I wouldn't put past Soros hiring a few of them either, anything to accomplish one globe under Corporate Capitalism.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
If you ever watch the RW YouTubers
% "left", if indeed Antifa is "left". Other situations, however, both sides participated in the violence--which is a bad idea. Leave the battling to the thugs--don't become one of them. Even if you or I don't personally fight, merely attending such brawls reinforces the total numbers, thereby magnifying the effect.