
Regarding The Revolution

(Not my freshest material, but still fun- ek)

I've been considering our current social and political condition and have arrived at the sad and reluctant conclusion that our Founding Fathers were all wrong about that "Declaration of Independence" thing.

Recent studies have shown that in terms of Median Household Income (the value separating the higher half of a sample from the lower half) the top 5 States are-

  1. New Hampshire
  2. Connecticut
  3. Alaska
  4. Maryland
  5. Massachusetts

Hmm... that's a pretty strong New England core, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Massachusetts, #1, #2, and #5. If you take a look at the map I linked you'll see that some of our less fortunate neighbors are not so unfortunate either. New Jersey clocks in at #11, Rhode Island at #15, New York at #16, Pennsylvania at #18, and Vermont at #19.

That's a fair swath of territory but if we open our minds a little and add States like Maryland (#4), D.C. (#7 and it should be a State), and Virginia (#14) we might find some charity for our below median step children Delaware (#26) and Maine (#44).

War On Christmas Going Very Badly

When on Thursday Marine General Robert Neller told his serial killers assembled to prepare for a “big-ass fight,” as “there’s a war coming,” most of the Americans assumed he was referring to North Korea, or some Mideast country where the mud people have oil, or “AIDS huts” in Haiti or Nigeria, or maybe even California, a Hairball-Free Zone where the legislature is infested with Mexicans and homos, who recurrently demand The Hairball “publicly apologize to all Americans for his racist and bigoted behavior,” even as the governor gets a hand-cramp signing pardons for Cambodian criminals so The Hairball can’t deport them.

But no. In truth, Neller was referring to the coming War On Christmas.

Because The Hairball, he is determined to take out Santa Claus.

The elites were sitting around a table, and...

one of them came up with this ingenious plan.

"We'll appropriate this holiday, you see, and while no capitalism (well, almost no capitalism) can take place on the day of the holiday itself, we'll have lots of capitalism for the rest of the month by coercing people to buy presents for each other! It'll boost sales like crazy, and make up for the one day we're not selling anything!"
